Recipes | Allergy


by Allergy Guy

Do your food allergies make it hard to know what to eat and how to cook?

This section is the place to look for help and ideas!

Browse or search these recipes to find great food you can eat, using non-allergenic ingredients.

The recipes are organized by meal type (e.g. breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks etc.) Not all recipes are designed to suit all food sensitivities, however you can often substitute ingredients. Guidelines are provided in many cases.

All recipes are wheat-free, and most are gluten-free. Milk is rarely included in these recipes, and if it is, substitutes are suggested.

Please share your experiences with these recipes by adding comments, especially if you successfully modified the recipe with a substitution that was not originally included in the allergy-free recipes.

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1 jessica thady August 13, 2010 at 15:56

i am intollerant to yeast. i am having a difficult time finding rice that isn’t sprayed with b vitamins, even from outside the usa. this food standard is destroying my life and could potentially kill me. what do i do? who do i contact? the allergy food act doesn’t include me. what countries import grains and flours to the usa without spraying b vitamins from yeast? also, i have read that whole grains, like wheat can grow yeast on them; do i need to stick to refined wheat flour, for example cake flour for passover? i am really scared to take that risk considering i can become b vitamin deficient almost imediately, including b 12 anemia, from any consumption of yeast. are there countries who take this allergy and intollerance seriously? if so, i want to buy food from there. thanks.

btw: you might want to add black pepper to foods that contain yeast. yeast can grow on the outside of the peppercorn and stay in the dimples. i avoid it. try white pepper instead.
incidentally, i haven’t had any yeastie chocolate yet.


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