Gluten Free Pancake Recipe 1 | Gluten Free Pancake | Gluten Free Diet Recipes | Allergy

Gluten Free Blender Pancakes Recipe 1

by Allergy Guy

Gluten free pancakes are easy to make.  There are recipes on this website.  This one is gluten free and fresh because the flour is made in a blender.

I first got the idea for trying this when I saw how powerful the Vitamix blender is, and how effective the dry container for making flour is.

This recipe is perfect for celiacs or those who get gluten allergy symptoms.  It is also milk-free and optionally egg-free.

While other powerful blenders may work (I only have experience with Vitamix), your average cheap blender will likely not be up to the task.

There are two main advantages to blender pancakes:

  1. The flour is fresh.  Store-bought flour was milled some time ago.  Even hours make a difference, but what you get in the store is months old.  Even for wheat-based recipes, making your own flour is highly recommended.
  2. Guaranteed gluten-free and not over-priced.  The cost of specialty non-gluten flours such as chick pea can be quite high (if bought in the wrong place) and certified gluten-free flour is perhaps five times the cost of wheat flour.  Buying your own ingredients (like dried chick peas) is very cheap and if you want to you can visually check for gluten-containing grains.

The third reason you will discover is taste.  Freshly ground flours make amazing pancakes!

This first recipe is a little sketchy.  I put together a few ingredients without really measuring them.  But I want to get this recipe out to you so you can try it if you want  to.  I’ll refine the recipe and publish it when ready.

Gluten Free Pancake Instructions

This recipe makes enough pancakes for one hungry person.  Multiply by number of people to serve more!

½ cup Dried chick peas
1/3 cup Brown rice
2 tbs Flax seeds
2 tsp Baking powder
1 tsp Salt
2 Eggs (optional)
1/4 cup Olive oil
2 cups Water (approx, see instructions)

Grind each of the whole grains listed above according to the instructions in the article titled Grind Gluten Free Flour Grind Your Own for detailed instructions on grinding your own flour.  There is an option to make this without a Vitamix but it is more tedious.

Grind each one separately and put into a mixing bowl.

Add baking powder and salt.  Mix dry ingredients.

Add some water and mix, then add more water, until consistency is a very thick liquid.

Add eggs.  Beat with a fork, then mix into batter.  You can skip this step if you prefer the egg-free version.  It may not bind quite as well and you’ll have to make sure you don’t add too much water.

Add oil.  Mix into batter.

The batter is now ready.  Oil a hot frying pan, preferably cast iron.  The heat should be medium – to high and the pancakes will burn, too low and they will not fry properly.

Pour batter onto frying pan.  Tilt frying pan in all directions to spread batter evenly on pan.

Fry until top of pancake is almost solid, ie most liquid has solidified.

Flip pancake and cook for about two minutes.  Check to make sure it is not burning.

When both sides are done, put pancake on plate and cook the next.

This recipe makes fantastic and healthy gluten free pancakes.  Grinding the fresh flour makes all the difference!

Let me know what you think, leave a comment.

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