Gluten Free Diet | Dessert Recipe | Mangoes And Sticky Rice | Allergy

Mangoes And Sticky Rice

by Allergy Guy


Makes 4 servings
Note: plan ahead. Read instructions carefully before starting.
This is a very tasty recipe, its worth the effort!


1 cup white glutinous rice
1 – 14 oz. can coconut milk (1-3/4 cups)
1/3 cup sugar
½ tsp. salt
2 medium to large mangoes
1 tsp. toasted sesame seeds


  • Wash rice. Place in medium size bowl.
  • Cover rice generously with cold water;
  • Soak 4 to 6 hours.
  • Drain well.
  • Place in a colander or sieve with fine holes.
  • Set colander on rack over water in a large pot;
  • water must not touch rice.
  • Cover pot;
  • Bring water to a boil.
  • Reduce heat slightly;
  • steam rice 25 minutes.


  • Open can of coconut milk. Do this carefully, without shaking.
  • Spoon off ¼ cup of thick milk from top of can.
  • Place in small bowl, cover and
  • Refrigerate.
  • Stir remaining milk to blend.
  • Measure ½ cup; reserve remainder for another use.
  • Stir coconut milk, sugar, salt in small bowl till sugar is dissolved.
  • Remove rice from steamer.
  • Spoon rice into a 1-1/2 quart baking dish.
  • Stir sugar mixture into rice.
  • Cover, return to steamer and steam 10 more minutes.
  • Remove baking dish to a rack.
  • Let rice cool, covered, to room temperature.
  • Peel mangoes.
  • Remove pulp from seeds; slice.
  • Divide rice among 4 large dessert plates.
  • Top each serving with 1 tbsp. reserved thick coconut milk.
  • Sprinkle with sesame seeds
  • Arrange mango slices around the rice on each plate.
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