Gluten-free Banana Cake | Allergy

Gluten-free Banana Cake

by Allergy Guy

This wheat-free and dairy-free recipe makes a great gluten-free cake. It is one of my favorites, and very versatile. You can substitute the bananas for pumpkin if you like. You may also add chopped apples, or pieces of rhubarb – use your imagination here. This can be nut-free, the nuts and seeds are optional.

Dry Ingredients

2½ cups Rice flour
½ cup Soy flour
4 tsp cinnamon
4 tsp wheat-free baking powder
3 tsp arrowroot powder
1 tsp salt
fruit, nuts, seeds

Wet Ingredients

4 eggs
4 bananas (ripe)
¾ cup oil
¾ cup Honey
¼ cup water
3 tsp vanilla


  1. Sift all dry ingredients together and mix well
  2. Beat eggs in a large bowl
  3. Add oil, honey, vanilla and water. Mix gently until well blended.
  4. Mash bananas, add to mix
  5. Add dry ingredients to wet in three equal parts. Mix gently but thoroughly each time more dry mix is added
  6. Add fruit, nuts and seeds
  7. Empty batter into a 9×8 baking pan (greased)
  8. Place in oven, preheated to 375F
  9. Bake for 1 hour
  10. Remove from oven, allow to cool on drying rack.
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1 Mak August 3, 2010 at 11:49

I’ll leave a comment – I’m going to try this!!!


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