Yeast Allergy | Allergy

Yeast Allergy

by Allergy Guy

Yeast allergy can cause a lack of energy and many other symptoms.  Here are some causes and how to avoid yeast.

There are two causes of yeast allergy symptoms:

  1. An allergy to foods with yeast in them, such as bread, beer and wine.
  2. Candidiasis, a yeast infection in the body.

In the first case, the best way to control the allergy is to avoid eating foods with yeast in them. In the second case, the only way to control the allergy is to eliminate the infection.

Both yeast problems are characterized by feeling slow and fatigued, and may be accompanied by any number of other allergic symptoms that are unique to each individual.

If you find you feel tired after eating bread (but not pasta), or just one beer, you may be allergic to yeast. Cut out all yeast-containing foods for at least a week, and see if you feel better. If you do feel better, but your symptoms return after reintroducing a yeast-containing food, then you can be reasonably sure that yeast is a problem for you. Reduce or eliminate your intake of these foods.

There are two causes of yeast allergy symptoms:

Candidiasis, or a yeast infection, means that you have yeast growing in part of your body. While it is more common in women than in men, don’t be fooled into thinking you can’t possibly have it, just because you are a man. Sure, it is impossible for a man to have a vaginal yeast infection, but men can have yeast infections in other parts of their body.

In the case of a yeast infection, your body becomes tired from fighting the infection. If you are also allergic to yeast, you will also be suffering from yeast allergy symptoms.

Candidiasis may be at least partially responsible for eczema in some cases.

Reducing your sugar intake will help reduce candidiasis in many cases. Refined sugar is especially bad for your health and should be entirely eliminated. Use honey as a sweetener instead, and use it sparingly or not at all.

Kayla has contributed the following comment, which is worth repeating here so you don’t miss it:

Many foods contain yeast that may not label “yeast”, rather “natural flavoring”. Read labels and if it is a food that is meant to have a salty flavor and it contains the “natural flavoring” ingredient, be careful. If you do not have a known yeast allergy that could cause extreme illness of death, I suggest trying the food, and see if there is a reaction. Personally, I do this and my daughter does this to determine if a food is a culprit for giving us digestive troubles and migraines.


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1 Mark November 30, 2015 at 22:25

A soy sauce alternative, I’m sure some of you know of this, is Braggs Liquid Aminos in the US and Braggs Liquid Soy Seasoning in Canada.

Ingredients: Bragg Liquid Aminos is not fermented, is Gluten-Free and made from non-GMO soybeans and purified water. It is an excellent alternative for Tamari and Soy Sauce.

No added salt but it does have some natural monosodium glutamate that some that are sensitive to are ok with and it tastes salty to.
I use it on a lot of stuff because of the fermented soy in regular soy sauce affects me.
Hope mentioning a brand name is ok here.


2 Allergy Guy January 16, 2016 at 21:42

I’ve used it too, and I agree, it is a pretty good alternative to soy sauce.

So also is wheat-free tamari sauce which is getting easier to find.


3 Ali November 15, 2015 at 02:32

I am one of those unfortunate people who is allergic to yeast. I suffered with recurrent yeast infections, chronic fatigue, horrible gas, and depression for 10 years before getting an “accurate” diagnosis. I underwent testing for far more serious culprits than a yeast allergy, and everything always came back “normal”. Unfortunately, I’m a “foodie” and I absolutely LOVE bread, pizza, cheese, cakes, pies, cookies, brownies, cinnamon rolls, etc. Needless to say, this isn’t a good thing. Now I’m at a point in my life where I’m so fed up with having to deal with my allergy that I’m compiling my own cookbook of foods, recipes, etc. that I can SAFELY eat. I know that MOST (not all) commercially prepared seasoning mixes for things like tacos, etc. contain “yeast extract”. One chili seasoning (and the only one I use now) that does not is Carrol Shelby’s. As for chicken nuggets, the only one’s I’ve found that I can eat are made by Perdue and are “all natural”. Read labels on EVERYTHING. If you can’t pronounce something in the ingredient list, don’t eat it. If you see the words “yeast extract”, don’t eat it. If it won’t tell you what “natural flavorings” are used, don’t eat. If it is something like tomato sauce, spaghetti sauce, etc. that has “sugar” listed as an ingredient…don’t eat it. I now make almost all of my seasoning mixes at home, I stopped buying prepackaged things like macaroni and cheese, hamburger helper, etc. Another HUGE culprit for someone with a yeast allergy is Ramen Noodles!


4 Allergy Guy November 29, 2015 at 22:02

Thanks for sharing. Maybe you would like to share more of what you know here? Anyhow, glad you are sorting yourself out!


5 Heather August 10, 2016 at 13:56

Pacific Foods has a couple of soups that don’t have yeast extract in them; the low sodium, however, does. Costco also has a yeast-free chicken broth but I can’t remember the manufacturer at the moment.

The Pillsbury biscuits also don’t have yeast in them for a bread “fix.” The Winco brand of refried beans are also yeast-free, though they are not a nationwide chain. Lindsay now has green olives that are brined in water and salt instead of vinegar (they come in a can, not a jar). Most European stores have pickles that are brined without using vinegar – that’s where I usually go for mine.

I’ve read Krispy Kreme cake donuts are safe but haven’t tried one yet. Some bakeries do put yeast in theirs.

And those rice paper spring roll wrappers are VERY versatile. They can be used for all kinds of “sandwiches,” but the downside is they don’t keep well once they start to harden back up. 🙂


6 Lauren October 8, 2015 at 14:18

Does yeast cause boils/abcesses to form?


7 Danielle July 10, 2015 at 23:04

Allergy Guy,
What can you tell me about Nutritional Yeast?
I understand that it is deactivated but can it still cause problems if I have a yeast allergy or sensitivity?



8 Allergy Guy January 16, 2016 at 21:47

Usually people are allergic to proteins which generally are not destroyed when processing food. That’s the theory. In practice, you would have to experiment if you feel it is worth risking your symptoms. It could be different for different people as well but shared experience would be useful so I’d love to hear back if you try the experiment.


9 steve November 3, 2014 at 07:21

I would like to know if salt contains yeast or?


10 Allergy Guy November 3, 2014 at 18:12

No, salt does not contain yeast


11 Mark November 3, 2014 at 21:09

100% pure salt ought not contain any yeast, however if it is a seasoned salt it may have some nutritional yeast in it for flavouring, always read labels when in doubt!


12 Allergy Guy November 4, 2014 at 00:29

Good point Mark. Table salt is safe, but all bets are off with any kind of seasoning.


13 Danielle Holmgren November 4, 2014 at 09:39

I always check labels. Many seasonings, chicken broth, and flavorings contain “yeast extract”


14 KK December 16, 2014 at 14:49

Many foods contain yeast that may not label “yeast”, rather “natural flavoring”. Read labels and if it is a food that is meant to have a salty flavor and it contains the “natural flavoring” ingredient, be careful. If you do not have a known yeast allergy that could cause extreme illness of death, I suggest trying the food, and see if there is a reaction. Personally, I do this and my daughter does this to determine if a food is a culprit for giving us digestive troubles and migraines.

15 Gary March 4, 2014 at 11:51

check this should ask doctor if it’s possible you’re allergic to yeast (breads, pasta) or you might have a gluten allergy…i hear more and more people have to eat gluten free foods …this could affect you and cause yeast infections…read up on it…ask him and see what he thinks


16 Allergy Guy March 5, 2014 at 09:10

Hi Gary,
Could you explain why avoiding gluten could cause a yeast infection?
Also, asking your doctor about this may be helpful, but it may not, depending on the doctor. Many don’t understand how food can affect your health, and think this whole subject is a load of hog wash, but their patients know better. Other doctors are great and extremely helpful.


17 KK December 16, 2014 at 14:45

A quick response on the topic of avoiding gluten and risk of yeast infections:

The gluten free foods we consume are high in simple carbohydrates and straight sugars. Sugar is the basis for many baked goods that are not made with gluten due to the structure that the sugar loans to gluten free baked goods. Sugar fuels yeast growth. The way that simple carbohydrates break down in the body can also fuel yeast growth because they are broken down basically into sugars that work the same way that white table sugar works when we combine it with yeast.
Focusing on complex carbohydrates and a balanced diet is the best way to optimize health if gluten intolerant, while also reducing the risk of yeast infections.
Read labels of gluten free goods, check to see that the primary ingredients (the ones labeled at the top of the list) are not simple carbohydrates such as sugar, rice, potato starch, etc. Google “Simple Carbohydrates” and find out what you should avoid having too much of. Google “Complex Carbhydrates” and find out what you should focus on for eating as carbohydrates.

Good luck to all who are yeast sensitive and gluten sensitive!!!


18 Ron April 8, 2013 at 09:27

I do not test positive for celiac ( Genitic, blood and internal exams) or wheat allergy. After going off wheat products the celiac symptoms are gone. IE, rash stomach problems, night leg cramps, joint pain and acid reflux. Doctors think I’m crazy. Anybody else have these results?



19 Allergy Guy April 9, 2013 at 22:03

The tests are not 100% accurate. If your doctors think so, they’re crazy! Do what you find works.


20 Naz March 4, 2015 at 16:42

You are right and experience is the mother of science!


21 Mark December 2, 2012 at 12:47

In my experience and being sensitive to yeast, anything that is a yeast product or feeds yeast can produce symptoms. Beer and wine have been off my list of foods for many years but also many canned goods have yeast extract in them to “enhance” the flavour of the product, so beware and read labels if you buy packaged food. Good luck to ya *smiles*


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