Gluten-free pie fillings | Allergy

Gluten-free pie fillings

by Allergy Guy

This section contains a variety of pie fillings, all suitable for dessert.

There are flavours for all tastes, and fruit for all seasons.

Often, you can use frozen fruit instead of fresh, which pretty good results, but fresh fruit is always better.

I don’t recommend canned fruit. The taste is generally not as good, there is almost always too much liquid and generally too much sugar. Still, if none of that bothers you, you could use canned ingredients. Occasionally I might point out where I’ve used canned ingredients with success, but you will find this to be rare.

Making a gluten-free pie filling really isn’t that hard. Most of these fillings are not thickened, so no wheat is used.

These pie fillings, along with the wheat-free crusts, are just the thing to expand your gluten-free diet.

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