Links | Allergy


by Allergy Guy

Allergy Information


Allergy Alerts

Personal Blogs about Allergies


Information Central

Good places to start

Information About Food

Allergy Related Sites

Suggestions welcome.


Leave a comment with the URL and a brief explanation as to why the link should be included here. Note that I do not publish comments on this page, but if I like your suggestion, you will see the link appear above.

Link Policy

Websites listed here meet at least one of the following criteria:

  1. They provide really useful, reliable information
  2. They are interesting, and you can leave comments on them
  3. I personally have had a good experience visiting and commenting on those websites

I think that each of the websites listed above will provide something of value to at least some, if not many people.
If you would like to see a website added to the above links, the website must meet at least some of the above criteria.
It will help if you are willing to link back to this website. This website is one of a minority that allow comment links to count when it comes to Google and page rank (see commenting policy and rel=nofollow for more information). So if you would like to suggest I link to your website, do please return the favour. This is not mandatory, but it is friendly, and friendly always helps, especially with point 3.

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