Douglas Samuel | Allergy

Douglas Samuel

by Allergy Guy

I’ve been working on my own allergies for a long time, by now I’m on to my third decade of awareness and vigilance.
At first it was a real struggle. When all of your staple foods are supposed to be eliminated from your diet, and you feel lethargic and depressed, it is really hard to think of new things to eat. Somehow I managed to crawl and scrape myself out of that hole for a breath of fresh air … speaking of fresh air, I discovered that a mold-free and dust-free environment was important too.
Anyhow, I feel back into that pit of food-induced energy depletion quite a few times before I convinced myself that it is definitely worth avoiding milk, yeast and especially wheat (one of the most evil substances know to the human race, as far as I’m concerned :).
Now it is time to share what I have learned with you. If you are on your own journey to better health by avoiding the foods and air-borne allergens that make you feel sick, energy-depleted, and/or unable to perform to your potential, this website is for you. If you have a list of complaints as long as your arm, from gastro-intestinal complaints to ringing ears, you will probably find much helpful information on this site. That in deed is the intention.
The goal of this website is to provide practical information about surviving with allergies.
You should know that I am not a doctor. This website is not intended to be official medical advice, or even unofficial medical advice. It is simply offered as a guide to help you discover ways to feel better.

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1 C. Catchings September 7, 2014 at 01:47

I don’t have all the answers (especially since I seem to get sick at some point, no matter what I do), but when I was seeing success and avoiding allergy symptoms, at one point I was raw vegan. But, at a more practical time, I was switching between foods that I could eat. Variation, daily, seems to be very important. Having an adequate food budget to avoid staple based eating is not something everyone can do..but, when budget is not a problem..the more you can switch things my experience..the better.


2 C. Catchings September 7, 2014 at 02:15

Currently, reducing sugar (even natural sugar via fruit) is helping too. It’s hard to say this because, at some points, my body gets sicker without some fresh fruit in if that’s providing some essential form of nutrition I wouldn’t get elsewhere. But, after taking a risk with some yeast inclusive foods, the sugar and yeast mix was not doing me well at all.

My allergic symptoms and sensitivities include the general (soy, wheat, milk, nuts, seeds, dried fruits with sulfites, sulfates, corn, gluten) as well as a host of fresh veggies and fruits with some reactions to greens, especially raw spinach)- basically, most available food. I’ve learned over-time that I can react to anything if I eat it consistently. And this could be why variation plays such an important role. In my case, high levels of variation, avoiding staples, is preferable.

And of course, that can be challenging with such a long list of things..and, eventually, for me, it includes consuming the things that are causing small reactions once in awhile, just to increase the variation…Not ideal, but this has been the second best thing to work so far.. HTH.

Thanks for starting this website and sharing so much of your experience. I’ve had a lot of difficulty with doctors as well and one who seemed to understand, but seemed reluctant to do something besides provide a subtle hint that diet could be a problem. Since then, actually changing my diet for changes in health has caught their attention as a negative thing.

It’s not a cool thing to have the world worship a certain profession and have an inside view into how the people who aren’t being served are really driving the change..then again, maybe it is a cool thing. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Thanks for sharing your experience.


3 Allergy Guy September 9, 2014 at 08:05

What doctors can do is truly amazing, but only if you are sick in certain ways. Then we make the mistake of thinking doctors must be near god and can cure anything. This isn’t even close to true, and and honest doctor will tell you the same.

Doctors are mostly clueless when it comes to diet, they simply aren’t taught about it. So don’t expect any good advice and encouragement from the medical profession.


4 T. Peters April 18, 2012 at 11:26

Oops….I should have been more clear on my question. I have an allergy to brewers yeast, which products is it in? I have read that brewers yeast is in cheese and it is used in making alcohol. I also read that it is used to make autolyzed yeast. So I am wondering if it is the yeast on ingredient labels on soups, broths, spices, etc?

Thanks for your help!


5 Allergy Guy April 19, 2012 at 09:58

You are probably best to avoid all yeast for now and see if you feel better, then try food with baker’s yeast (eg bread) and see if that makes you feel worse. In other words, start conservative, avoid everything, and then see if that’s really necessary.


6 T. Peters April 16, 2012 at 15:03

I know brewer’s yeast is in alcohol, but is it in bread also? I’m confused if it is the yeast that is on the labels of soups and broths and many other things. Please help…

Thank you,

T. Peters


7 Allergy Guy April 17, 2012 at 22:23

Yeast is not an alcohol. Yeast does produce alcohol as a byproduct of life, just as we produce urine.

As far as I know, bread does produce alcohol while rising, but it all evaporates during baking, so no, you don’t have to worry about getting drunk from eating bread!


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