Gluten-free Grains and Starches | Gluten Allergy | Gluten Free Diet | Allergy

Gluten-free Grains and Starches

by Allergy Guy

This list of gluten-free grains and starches will help you replace gluten in your diet.  These can be substituted in some recipes that call for wheat flour.

People often wonder what they can eat when they go on a gluten free diet.  This list is a partial answer to the question.  See also gluten free recipes on this website, and Gluten Free Foods for Gluten Allergy and Celiac.

Hyper-linked items have their own article with a more detailed explanation.

Many of these replacements, such as rice, corn and potato, are available in any supermarket.  Others, such as amaranth, quinoa and millet may be available in your supermarket, but can be found in health food stores for sure.

What are your experiences with the above gluten-free grains and starches?  How do you use them in your gluten free diet?  Do you have any questions about the list, or items to add?  Please leave a comment.


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