Health | Allergy


by Allergy Guy


A state of good health. In general, this means having lots of energy, sleeping well, having mental clarity, and no health complaints, for example with stomach, joint pain etc.

There are many things that affect health, including eating healthy food and avoiding unhealthy food, getting plenty of sleep, avoiding chemical contaminants … the list goes on.

This website deals primarily with allergies and how that relates to health. The main reason for dealing with allergies is to feel better, so while we are at it, dealing with food sensitivities and indoor air quality are also covered.

Any time a particular allergen is of concern to the allergic and non-allergic alike (mold for example), mention of the wider health concerns is usually noted.

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1 Sandy Marcell May 24, 2014 at 16:07

We purchased berber carper 6 months ago, and my husband has had severe hoarseness and coughing since the day we got it. He has asthma also, and seems to be getting worse. Is it possible that the chemicals from the carpet are hurting him? I was told that the chemicals dissipate within days. I can’t really afford to get rid of it, but I need to make sure that is what is making him sick.

Thank you.


2 Allergy Guy May 27, 2014 at 11:59

Hi Sandy, new carpets can definitely be a health hazard. See .


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