Yeast Allergy | Allergy

Yeast Allergy

by Allergy Guy

Yeast allergy can cause a lack of energy and many other symptoms.  Here are some causes and how to avoid yeast.

There are two causes of yeast allergy symptoms:

  1. An allergy to foods with yeast in them, such as bread, beer and wine.
  2. Candidiasis, a yeast infection in the body.

In the first case, the best way to control the allergy is to avoid eating foods with yeast in them. In the second case, the only way to control the allergy is to eliminate the infection.

Both yeast problems are characterized by feeling slow and fatigued, and may be accompanied by any number of other allergic symptoms that are unique to each individual.

If you find you feel tired after eating bread (but not pasta), or just one beer, you may be allergic to yeast. Cut out all yeast-containing foods for at least a week, and see if you feel better. If you do feel better, but your symptoms return after reintroducing a yeast-containing food, then you can be reasonably sure that yeast is a problem for you. Reduce or eliminate your intake of these foods.

There are two causes of yeast allergy symptoms:

Candidiasis, or a yeast infection, means that you have yeast growing in part of your body. While it is more common in women than in men, don’t be fooled into thinking you can’t possibly have it, just because you are a man. Sure, it is impossible for a man to have a vaginal yeast infection, but men can have yeast infections in other parts of their body.

In the case of a yeast infection, your body becomes tired from fighting the infection. If you are also allergic to yeast, you will also be suffering from yeast allergy symptoms.

Candidiasis may be at least partially responsible for eczema in some cases.

Reducing your sugar intake will help reduce candidiasis in many cases. Refined sugar is especially bad for your health and should be entirely eliminated. Use honey as a sweetener instead, and use it sparingly or not at all.

Kayla has contributed the following comment, which is worth repeating here so you don’t miss it:

Many foods contain yeast that may not label “yeast”, rather “natural flavoring”. Read labels and if it is a food that is meant to have a salty flavor and it contains the “natural flavoring” ingredient, be careful. If you do not have a known yeast allergy that could cause extreme illness of death, I suggest trying the food, and see if there is a reaction. Personally, I do this and my daughter does this to determine if a food is a culprit for giving us digestive troubles and migraines.


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