Yeast Allergy | Food with Yeast | Allergy

Another Food with Yeast In It

by Allergy Guy

When I wrote the article about Foods that Contain Yeast, I forgot to mention fruit – over-ripe fruit to be exact.

I was reminded of this today when I ate some fruit that was very ripe. It tasted great, and it was very sweet. A while after eating it I didn’t feel so great, and that lasted for most of the day.

There are three possible reasons why I didn’t feel great:

  • Yeast in the fruit
  • Mold on the fruit (in advance of seeing any outward signs)
  • Some other reason, unrelated to the fruit.

I don’t know which it was, and I guess I never will. If you are avoiding yeast or mould, do be careful of fruit that is so ripe, it is almost over-ripe.

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1 Michelle Stuber December 7, 2010 at 12:50

Is there yeast in probiotics. I get sick everytime I take probiotics. What one can I take.


2 Felicia May 24, 2010 at 10:00

I have been having problems with my stomack, and someone told me it could be the yeast in the foods I eat. I get up in the morning and feel fine, by the afternoon I look like I am 9 months pregent. I usely have two pieces of toast around 10am, I do not eat breakfast early. Could the swelling be cause by the yeast? I have told my doctor about the problem, but when I go in for him to check me early I am fine, It’s not until later that day that it happens and I can’t show him. Please help me this has been going on for years and it is very painful. I have had all the test that they could give me for digestive track and then some. Thank you


3 Allergy Guy May 24, 2010 at 11:04

Hi Felicia,

It could be yeast, although this does not seem like the most likely problem. If it is a yeast problem, it is more likely driven by sugar than the cooked yeast in toast.

I’d be more suspicious of the gluten in toast and any other wheat products that you eat. Another very common cause of such problems is intolerance to dairy products (lactose intolerance).

You are lucky that the problems clear up quickly and the symptoms triggered quickly. This will make it much easier to diagnose the problem, and you can do it better without doctors.

Try cutting out different types of food that might be causing the problem. Cut out all gluten one day. All sugar another day. All dairy on a different day. See what happens. Read the articles on this website about self-testing for allergies to get more information.

Good luck!


4 admin May 12, 2008 at 10:22

Carvings are a posative sign

Hi Brenda,

We often crave the things we are allergic to. Strange, isn’t it!

They key is to make gluten/wheat-free food that you like, and ignore the cravings for a while. Yes, that sounds difficult, but if you stick to it, the cravings will go away.

From what you describe, you could have a wheat/gluten allergy, or a yeast allergy or both.

The problem with the foods you mentioned is that they have sugar and refined carbohydrates which can fuel yeast problems.

Try and avoid refined carbohydrates and all sugar. This is not easy, I know, but once you get started, your cravings will reduce. If you feel better, then you know you’re on the right track and it will all be worth it.

Hope that helps!


5 Brenda May 12, 2008 at 06:49

Wheat, gluten or yeast allergy?

Hi there
I am really battling at the moment. Whenever I eat bread (and I normally eat whole wheat or brown), or savoury biscuits like provita, salticrax and even snackbread biscuits I get a rash and my breathing becomes rather laboured in the sense that sometimes I really need to concentrate on breathing!! I have always thought it was a yeast allergy, however, I am sure biscuits do not contain yeast. Then I must assume that it is either a gluten or wheat allergy.

Can someone help me on this?

The other question is that if I am allergic to wheat and / or gluten, what on earth does one eat for lunch that will satisfy the bread cravings? I am not a big bread eater, but do enjoy my toast and a sandwich or provitas or whatever for lunch!



6 Rayna July 23, 2009 at 22:56

wheat or gluten allergy

It took me years to figure out my wheat allergy. I am allergic to the actual wheat and not the gluten. For me the more whole the grain is the worse my reaction. Conversely, the more processed (like wonder bread) the less I react.

I eat spelt bread. The rice bread is awful! When I bake (and I bake a lot) I substitute all purpose flour for oat flour. All that is in it is oats. It bakes pretty well and most people either don’t notice a difference or actually think it is better. I make a lot of muffins and that usually satisfies a bread craving.

To tell if you are allergic to gluten or the actual grain, I would recomend a 6 week fast from grains all together. Then you can try a wheat without gluten (it can be found) and then try gluten without wheat. You will likely react to one of them. With a 6 week fast from grains, you will have flushed the allergen out of the system and then you will have a stronger reaction to a smaller amount when it is reintroduced and you will know for certain.

Best wishes!


7 admin July 23, 2009 at 23:28

Testing for gluten

Thanks for that Rayna.

A refinement to your suggestion: since it is hard to get $wheat$ without $gluten$ (where do you find that anyhow – $gluten-free$ wheat is probably wheat starch, isn’t it?), an easier test would be to introduce wheat-free gluten into your diet, rather than gluten-free wheat.


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