Yeast Types | Allergy

Types of Yeast

by Allergy Guy

Of the many types and strains of yeast, Candida albicans (responsible for candidiasis i.e. yeast infections) and Saccharomyces cerevisiae (responsible for bread, beer and other fermented foods) are most significant to your health.

Fermented Foods

Fermentation is a very common – and ancient – method of processing food. bread and beer are the most well know examples in the western world.

Many people find that they become tired after drinking beer or wine. You may laugh, but I’m not talking about dozens of drinks. Just a single drink makes some people sleepy, yet they can drink spirits such as gin or vodka.

Becoming tired after eating bread is another common complaint. There are several possible causes, one of which is a yeast allergy.

The most common strain of yeast used in baking and brewing is Saccharomyces cerevisiae, although other strains are also used. Originally, this type of yeast may have been derived from grape skins, on which yeast naturally grows.

The term fermentation does not always involve yeast.

Another form of fermentation is lactic acid fermentation. For example, yogurt involves bacteria not yeast.

Fermenting tea is not microbial at all in most cases – it simply means that the tea has been oxidized.


Candidiasis is the medical term for a yeast infection. It can occur in any area of the body, especially exposed and moist parts of the body.

Common types, include:

Treatment is typically with antimycotics (antifungal drugs).

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{ 15 comments… read them below or add one }

1 jennifer March 18, 2019 at 10:38

Can i eat crisps/barley malt extract i am confused on these 2 items.


2 Diane McCoy August 23, 2017 at 13:09

can one use inactive yeast , like nutritional yeast from Bobs Red Mill.
thank you Diane


3 healthseeker December 16, 2011 at 12:20

I have recently started a yeast-free diet and have found that many processed foods have yeast. I am also vegan. I feel so much better without the yeast and baking powder, soda, but I miss the breads.
Are there any breads recipes etc. that do not have yeast, baking powder or soda or that go through the fermentation process? The avoidance of fermented food stuffs like vinegar, also limits the food choices. I’m looking for delicious recipes and foods that fit within my limited diet! Do you have any suggestions?


4 Allergy Guy December 16, 2011 at 13:15

If you are avoiding baking power as well as yeast, that makes it harder.

Sour dough may be OK. It is primarily bacteria-driven (lactobacillus), but often contains saccharomyces yeast as well, and it would be hard to know if it is really yeast free for a particular batch.

Or you’ll have to stick to flat bread which is nothing like the delicious breads you’re used to.

If you find something suitable, do please drop by and share what you’ve found (the info not the bread!)


5 catherine June 16, 2011 at 00:37

I am allergic to yeast and am suffering through a mouth full of uclers where do I start to learn the foods to avoid and what to eat?


6 chido mutyambizi March 29, 2011 at 06:20

greaty job there


7 nin January 25, 2011 at 21:44

Would making a sourdough starter with flour and water, and using that to make bread be ok for someone with a “bakers yeast” intollerence?


8 Allergy Guy January 26, 2011 at 08:46

I can’t give you a definitive answer at present, but here is the best information I have on hand.

Sourdough uses the bacteria Lactobacillus as the primary leavening agent, but generally also contains either Candida milleri or Saccharomyces exiguus, two types of yeast.

You may end up with a ‘low yeast’ bread, but then again, it may not be suitable for you.


9 Ddodd01 November 5, 2010 at 21:03

I’m allergic to Yeast, and get mouth ulcers.

These ulcers stay for nearly a week and is extremely annoying.
Also when I eat yeast my mouth and lips dry up. My lips turn whitish and make it hard to talk. Also when I eat yeast I get a stomachache, and usually reaction starts 1-2 days after, which made it really hard. Also I have been getting skin damage because of eating yeast; the yeast caused part of my skin to swell.

I was wondering if there were any people with more severe conditions


10 admin March 26, 2008 at 22:53

I know how you feel!

Starting a restricted diet does seem, well restrictive.

The best advice I can give you is to focus on what you can eat, rather than what you must avoid. You will start to see and discover lots of things you can eat.

For protein, you can eat beans of various types, peas, whole grains, cheese …

For carbohydrates: rice, potatoes, yams, taro root …

There are lots of “substantial” vegetables such as carrots, squash, fennel root …

Just keep adding to the list, then work out what you can do with them, of look up some recipes.

Pretty soon you will find that there is a great deal that you can eat!


11 Brenda March 26, 2008 at 20:55

Allergies to yeast and soy

I feel like I am living on meat and salad. Any suggestions? I get chronic sinus infection, ear infections, and bronchitis from the yeast allergy and severe itches from the soy allergy. I guess I should contact a nutritionist. This is so difficult as I am feeling very frustrated as soy or yeast is in everything. Any ideas or input would be appreciated. Thanks.


12 LL March 19, 2009 at 19:44

Yeast and Soy allergic too!

I also have an IgE mediated allergy to yeast and soy… Soy allergy is bad enough (since it’s in EVERYTHING) but figuring out what to avoid for yeast allergy just seems impossible!

All the lists I’ve come across contradict each other—or they confuse candida fungal infections with yeast allergy (my understanding is that they are not the same thing).

Some say “avoid all sugar” while other advise has been to just avoid fresh bread… I would also appreciate help with this!


13 admin March 20, 2009 at 09:21

Avoid everything, then re-introduce

I understand your confusion, LL.

I suggest that you avoid everything on all the lists you can find. Hopefully you will then feel better.

When you do feel better, you can start including foods from the exclusion list, one-by-one. Wait a few days before adding the next.

As long as you feel well, you can keep adding foods.

Sugar is best avoided, period. It is bad for your health, allergies or no. In practice, eliminating all sugar is difficult and probably not necessary. The key is to reduce it to a small amount. The less you eat, the less you miss it.


14 admin September 28, 2007 at 10:27

Be Conservative to Begin With

Hi Tari,

There are no hard and fast rules when it comes to avoiding yeast. Everyone’s body reacts differently, and sensitivity levels vary from person to person, and possibly at different times for the same person.
Certainly you should start off being concervative and avoiding anything that might cause a problem. When you feel well, you can start to reintroduce questionable foods to see if they cause a problem for you or not.
You need to work out two things: 1) can you eat the food at all? and 2) how much can you tolerate?
I would avoid autolyzed yeast extract to begin with since it is made with yeast, and processed as follows:

Autolyzed yeast extract consists of concentrations of yeast cells that are allowed to die and break up, so that the yeasts’ digestive enzymes break their proteins down into simpler compounds.

What you are left with after the enzymes have done their job may or may not affect you, depending on the particular yeast proteins to which you are sensitive.
The first thing to do is to feel well, then you can expand your diet.

I hope that helps!


15 TARI September 25, 2007 at 23:25


I just found out I am allergic to yeast and lactose intolerant and am trying to find foods to avoid. Your list was very helpful, but I am still uncertain about if yeast nutrients are something that I should avoid, such as calcium carbonate & diammonium phosphate. Also your list says yeast extracts should be avoided. Is autolyzed yeast extract the same thing? Thanks for all your help!


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