Allergy Gluten Allergy / Gluten Free Diet / Yeast Allergy / Asthma / + other Allergies Thu, 04 May 2017 12:34:13 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Hidden Celiac Disease Symptoms Thu, 04 May 2017 12:00:38 +0000 Hidden celiac disease symptoms make diagnosis difficult. Tests for celiac are only run if suspected. These lesser known symptoms will throw your doctor off. Lets start with the common symptoms: abdominal bloating and pain chronic diarrhea vomiting constipation pale, foul-smelling, or fatty stool weight loss Many think that in the absense of at least one […]

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<p>The post Hidden Celiac Disease Symptoms first appeared on Allergy.</p>

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Lactase Tue, 25 Apr 2017 18:51:39 +0000 Lactase is the enzyme that helps to digest lactose, a complex sugar found in milk. Some individuals cannot make this enzyme. Here are some reasons why. Lactase is produced by all mammals with good reason: the definition of a mammal is an animal that feeds its young milk. We need this enzyme when we are […]

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<p>The post Lactase first appeared on Allergy.</p>

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If it is gluten-free, then it is good for me Celiac Myth Tue, 25 Apr 2017 02:48:52 +0000 “If it is gluten-free, then it is good for me.” Some people think this. It is a myth: there is nothing to this statement and I will explain why. Firstly: do you need to be on a gluten-free diet for health reasons, such as gluten allergy or celiac disease? Or are you following this diet […]

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<p>The post If it is gluten-free, then it is good for me Celiac Myth first appeared on Allergy.</p>

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If it Makes Me Sick it Must Contain Gluten Celiac Myth Wed, 19 Apr 2017 17:25:31 +0000 If you have celiac disease and some food makes you sick, you might think it must have gluten. This is a myth. It might or might not. Let’s look more closely. There are a few things to consider here, ranging from why celiac disease may cause other foods to give you a reaction, to thinking […]

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<p>The post If it Makes Me Sick it Must Contain Gluten Celiac Myth first appeared on Allergy.</p>

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Gluten Doesn’t Bother Me so It’s OK to Eat It Celiac Myth Tue, 18 Apr 2017 22:57:54 +0000 If you have celiac disease and you think that because gluten doesn’t bother you then it is OK to eat gluten-containing foods, please understand that this is a myth and it is incorrect. Here is the reason why: Celiac disease is complex and the symptoms can take three general forms: Obvious, common celiac disease symptoms, […]

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<p>The post Gluten Doesn’t Bother Me so It’s OK to Eat It Celiac Myth first appeared on Allergy.</p>

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Celiac Disease Myths Mon, 17 Apr 2017 22:18:11 +0000 There are many myths about celiac disease eliac disease is better known as more people learn about it and scientists study it. Here are ten celiac disease myths: Gluten doesn’t bother me so it is OK to eat it If it makes me sick it must contain gluten If it is gluten-free, then it is […]

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<p>The post Celiac Disease Myths first appeared on Allergy.</p>

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FODMAPs and Irritable Bowl Syndrome Mon, 17 Apr 2017 03:19:05 +0000 FODMAPs are a group of natural chemicals found in some foods that seem to irritate the gut of some people and are avoided to help with irritable bowl syndrome. Avoidance is also helpful for people with other intestinal issues such as celiac disease, gluten allergy and non celiac gluten sensitivity. What Are FODMAPs? The non-technical […]

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<p>The post FODMAPs and Irritable Bowl Syndrome first appeared on Allergy.</p>

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Non Celiac Gluten Sensitivity Causes Sun, 16 Apr 2017 02:36:48 +0000 Non celiac gluten sensitivity causes are not well understood but there are some ideas and this article will give you some clues. One theory is that gluten, the trigger for celiac disease and gluten allergy, is also responsible for non celiac gluten sensitivity symptoms. It is also possible that other components of wheat, oats, barley […]

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<p>The post Non Celiac Gluten Sensitivity Causes first appeared on Allergy.</p>

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How to Run a Mixed Gluten Free Kitchen – Equipment Fri, 14 Apr 2017 17:44:27 +0000 Running a mixed gluten free kitchen with gluten-containing foods also is challenging but possible if you are careful and follow these guidelines. The problem with mixed kitchens is cross-contamination, where gluten, mostly from wheat-based foods, finds its way into gluten-free cooking. This is bad news ifyou are celiac or have a gluten allergy! Ideally, your […]

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<p>The post How to Run a Mixed Gluten Free Kitchen – Equipment first appeared on Allergy.</p>

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Wheat Allergy vs. Celiac vs. Non Celiac Gluten Sensitivity Thu, 13 Apr 2017 02:12:28 +0000 Differences between wheat allergy, celiac and non celiac gluten sensitivity are subtle but worth understanding to better manage symptoms and health outcomes. The most important thing to understand is the possibly serious health outcomes for celiacs if they eat gluten. As far as we know, the same is not true of wheat allergy or non […]

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<p>The post Wheat Allergy vs. Celiac vs. Non Celiac Gluten Sensitivity first appeared on Allergy.</p>

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