Yeast Allergy | Wheat | Allergy

Is Yeast a Wheat Product?

by Allergy Guy

Martha has a question about wheat and yeast:

Could you tell me is yeast a wheat product? I know yeast extract is. I am allergic to wheat. Thanks

Yeast is not at all related to wheat. Yeast is a type of fungus (a very tiny one, consisting of just one cell), where as wheat comes from the seeds of a plant (a type of grass in fact, not to be confused with wheatgrass, which is related to wheat but not actually wheat).

Wheat and yeast are often associated with each other, as most bread is made with wheat and yeast. All beer is made with yeast; some beers are made with barley, others with wheat.

In general, check ingredients for wheat and yeast. The addition of one does not imply the use of the other.

I hope this answers the question. Feel free to elaborate in the comments section.

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1 Bill May 4, 2015 at 10:13

Over the past 12 months I have suffered from itchiness on my body and for several years a fungal infection on several toenails. I have tried everything to cure the fungal infection without success. Could the fungal infection be caused by yeast?


2 Mossey June 5, 2017 at 17:37

The infection may also be oil drop psoriasis, looks the same


3 Liz June 16, 2008 at 00:43

Oats and other cereals

Is yeast always an additive. I understand now that wheat doesn’t neccessarily mean yeast also, but does that also mean that yeast isn’t in anything except when mentioned on the label? I’m giving my daughter oat porridge in the mornings, but I’m a bit concerned about this. And is glucose syrup always from wheat, or only when mentioned?


4 admin August 9, 2008 at 19:34

Yeast additives can be confusing

Yeast can be used as an additive – usually in more processed foods.

Wheat and yeast have nothing to do with each other – almost.

Any highly processed carbohydrate, such as white flour, quickly turns into sugar which can really put a yeast problem into over-drive.

Generally though, think about avoiding yeast and avoiding wheat as separate problems.

For more details on yeast, visit the yeast allergy section of this website.

For more details on wheat, visit the wheat allergy section of this website.

When it comes to avoiding yeast, you need to do more than avoid foods with yeast on the list of ingredients. Check out Foods that Contain Yeast for a detailed list.

Oats may not be the best replacement for wheat. It depends. They are closely related plants. Personally, I can get away with having some oats sometimes, but not too often. Some can’t have any ever, others don’t have a problem with oats at all.

If you are dealing with $celiac$ then avoid oats completely.

Oats are yeast free, you will be glad to know. If you are using prepared packets of instant oatmeal with flavorings though, that could be a different matter.

Remember to avoid sugar as well – its a major yeast-driver.


5 Anonymous September 22, 2008 at 03:43

Is there a connection between yeast extract and wheat?

Sorry to question the above answer. But for me the question has not been answered. Are yeast cultures grown on wheat-based mediums? And then harvested, processed, and added to foods as flavourings etc (as in stock cubes / powder, processed savoury foods …)? I am not asking whether yeast extract satisfies arbitrary guidelines about what is, or is not, gluten free. I am asking if there is a connection between the production of yeast extract and the use of wheat as growth medium for the yeast? Hope someone has the answer to this! Thanks, Nell


6 admin September 22, 2008 at 08:32

Yeast and Wheat

Thanks for clarifying your question, Nell.

I’ll see what I can find out.


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