Gluten Free Breakfast Moncton, NB | Allergy

Gluten Free Breakfast Moncton, NB

by Doug

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Gluten free breakfast in Moncton, New Brunswick was hard for me to track down, but a random suggestion of a breakfast joint by hotel staff led me to a restaurant which, luckily, includes gluten-free toast on the menu.
The Garden Breeze restaurant is located at 500‎ Kennedy St., Dieppe (central Moncton) and you can call them at 855-0564. I had bacon and toast, and it was as good as any similar breakfast. I did not ask about cross contamination of the toaster, choosing to take the risk. I was offered a second teat with fresh tea bag, and was not charged for the second tea, a nice touch.
If you stay at Coastal Inns, breakfast at Garden Breeze is included. I stayed at Comfort Inn which does not have a full gluten free breakfast.

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