Gluten Allergy Contamination Sushi | Gluten Allergy | Celiac Disease | Gluten Free in Restaurants | Allergy

Gluten Allergy Contamination Sushi

by Allergy Guy

If you have gluten allergy or celiac disease, Sushi is normally safe, but choose carefully.

There are precautions you must take, such as choosing safe items and bring your own gluten-free soy sauce.

I’ve been lulled into complacency and today had a disaster which I will share with you so you can avoid gluten contamination when eating sushi.You should avoid crab (usually fake, can be made with wheat) tempura, anything else deep-fried, and soy sauce.  Miso soup can also be a problem.

Today I went to Nari Sushi on 257 King St. East, Toronto.  It is a take-out with a few tables close to where I am working at present.  I carefully avoided the crab and brought my own soy sauce.  I had some sushi with shrimp and some other item, I wasn’t sure what it was.  Tired and hungry, I wasn’t very sharp and didn’t check carefully.

I realized I had a disaster when I realized the unknown stuff I was eating might be wheat.  Sure enough it was deep-fried wheat.  This is not very good sushi to have such filler in it.  Also, I found the shrimp is deep-fried.

I’ve already eating and swallowed it.  Nothing I can do, don’t know how to throw it up and get it out of my body.

I’m in for a rough few weeks.

Has this ever happened to you? Leave a comment and share your experience with gluten allergy and sushi.

If you have gluten allergy or celiac disease, Sushi is normally safe, but choose carefully.
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