Gluten-Free Product Review | Allergy

Gluten-Free Product Review: MI-DEL Ginger Snap Cookies

by Allergy Guy

For a reasonably-priced gluten-free product, I was pretty impressed with the quality. You can pay a lot more for a lot less in both quality and quantity.

These cookies are quite small, so you can have a really tiny snack if you want to, or eat several if you want more. Of course their size makes them slightly addictive.

Although called a ginger-snap, they are neither snappy nor very gingery.

I’m not sure if it is a matter of product freshness or just the way they make the cookies, but I would describe them as more of a soft cookie than a “snap”. Maybe “snap” is not supposed to refer to the texture, but I definitely think of ginger snaps as being a bit more crisp, a bit harder.

I am not complaining about texture mind you, the texture is fine, just not what I was expecting in a ginger snap.

It could be that the bag I bought was not sealed properly, and that they came from the factory more “snappy”. The cookies did not seem stale to me though, although not perfectly fresh either. They are supposed to last another six and a half months – I don’t know what their total shelf-life is supposed to be.

They taste like they have coconut in them, although this is not on the list of ingredients. I say that first because this feeling that they have coconut in them came across to me at least as much as the feeling they have ginger in them – maybe more. I can’t be sure that I would notice the ginger if it wasn’t for saying “ginger” on the product package.

Still, I’d rather it be less gingery than full of artificial ingredients. It says “natural flavors”, but the dirty secret of the food industry is that the work “natural” is meaningless, and “natural flavors” just means that the additives were derived from natural sources. Everything comes from a natural source in the beginning!

In short, the cookies are pretty good and reasonably priced, just not quite what I was expecting.

As far as allergies go, these cookies contain no nuts, although the packaging has the usual disclaimer about other nut-containing products may be manufactured in the same facility.

These cookies do contain soy and canola oil. I wish they didn’t – these are number one GMO-infested ingredients.

MI-DEL Ginger Snap Cookie Rating

Rating scale is from -3 (awful) through 0 (neutral) to +3 Excellent

Taste: 1.5 They taste good. I like them. Not very strong in the ginger department though.
Texture: 2 The texture is fine, but as a ginger snap, they are not very snappy. Should be a bit more crisp. As a soft cookie though, they are fine.
Freshness 1.5 They taste fresh enough, but I couldn’t help wondering if the texture was due to they way they are made, or product freshness.
Packaging 2 About normal for cookies: a plastic-coated bag. They look hard to open but they are not. I am not sure how good the seal is – might be excellent, I can’t tell. Probably better than average sealing for this style.
Environmental 1 About average. One bag means it is not over-packaged. Plastic-coated paper makes it hard to recycle.
Sugar 1 Second after the gluten-free flour, and then again at number four. Sweet enough for a cookie, but not too sweet.
Quality 1.5 Basically pretty good quality for packaged cookies.
Value 2 Good quality for the price.
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