Gluten Free Ingredients | Allergy


by Allergy Guy


Ingredients means what is combined to make a dish, or what is put into food.

It is the individual ingredients that you must watch when you have food allergies. When buying food, check packaged goods for their list of ingredients to see what goes into the food. From this, you can determine if it is safe for you to eat or not.

The list of ingredients will also help you to determine if the food is healthy or unhealthy.

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1 Lynette April 19, 2012 at 18:03

Wish I’d known about washing the quinoa before cooking. Just had my first bowl as a breakfast cereal after finding out I have a sensitivity to gluten. Was disappointed as I could feel my belly swelling while eating, even more than when I eat oats! The packet stated it was organic quinoa however the cooking instructions did not say to wash the grain before cooking. Perhaps I should leave it a few days and then try again with washing the grain first as I quite liked the taste and texture.


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