Yeast | Allergy


by Allergy Guy


Yeast Free Cooking Manual & Cookbook

“Discover Why What You Are Eating Is Finishing You Off!”

  • All recipes are free of yeast, mold and fermented foods
  • All recipes are free of refined sugar and refined grains of any kind
  • Most recipes are wheat free, dairy free, gluten free, and casein free

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Yeast Free Recipes And Tips Right Now!

Yeasts are organisms in the fungi kingdom. Of the 1,500 or so species of yeasts that have been discovered so far, two are of particular interest to people with allergies: Saccharomyces cerevisiae (used in baking and brewing) and Candida albicans (responsible for candidiasis i.e. yeast infections).

Other species of yeast are involved in both food production (useful) and infection. This article is confined to discussing Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Candida albicans.

Yeast and Food

yeast-colourful-300pxThe use of yeast to produce food and alcohol is an ancient practice. It is particularly useful for producing bread and beer.

Depending on your tolerance for yeast, you may be able to have a limited quantity of some types of food that use yeast.


In bread, the growth of yeast releases carbon dioxide, which forces the bread to rise. Yeast does not survive the baking process, but many of the allergy-causing proteins do. For this reason, you may find that bread causes problems if you are allergic to yeast. It may also be one reason that some people feel fatigue after eating bread.

Yeast Extract

Some foods made primarily of yeast. See Foods That Always Contain Yeast on this website.

Beer and Wine

Yeast produces alcohol during beer brewing and wine fermentation. It also causes the fizz in beer and some sparkling wines. The yeast in beer and wine can be alive when you drink it. For this reason, beer and wine are especially bad for people with a yeast allergy. It can also cause fatigue after drinking beer or wine.

Distilled Alcohol

Yeast is used in the fist stage of alcohol production. Spirits such as rum, whisky and brandy. The distilling process concentrates the alcohol and leaves most of the yeast behind. Vodka and gin are especially pure and generally safe for people who must avoid yeast. Some methods of distilling are less efficient. Some types of single malt whisky for example, may have higher levels of yeast than a typical blended product. This level may or may not be within your tolerance for yeast intake.

Yeast Infections

The most common type of yeast infection is caused primarily by Candida albicans. This is not an allergy, but if you are allergic to yeast, a yeast infection may cause you to suffer both from the direct symptoms of a yeast infection as well as your yeast allergy symptoms.

Homeopathic Yeast Remedy

“Eases multiple symptoms of
yeast infection in both Men and Women”


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1 Bobby January 17, 2012 at 22:25

Allergy Guy,

Yes, my GP forwarded me to an allergist. My test results were as follows:

IgG: 1.4
IgA: 2.4
IgM: 1.1

I would appreciate if you would comment on whether or not these are ‘elevated’ levels. I have noticed while reading on the net that ‘elevated’ levels could indicate systematic candida (dangerous). Thanks for any help.


2 Allergy Guy January 17, 2012 at 22:35

I’m not a doctor so I can’t interpret these results for you. Your allergist should be able to tell you exactly what they mean.


3 Bobby January 17, 2012 at 12:53

I tested positive for yeast antibodies in all three of the Candida panel (IGA, etc.). Could this mean I have a yeast allergy?

I also have oral thrush that will not go away with fatigue and a host of neuro problems (ie twitching). While the white coating (thrush?) is obvious do you think the neuro problems could be related?



4 Allergy Guy January 17, 2012 at 12:55

Did you get advice from your doctor?
I think you should reduce or eliminate your sugar intake, and refined carbohydrates as well, and see if you feel better.


5 Ben October 19, 2011 at 10:47

Dear Yeast intolerant people. I have a yeast intolerance, nothing too severe, just niggling headaches, fatigue and stupidity if I eat too much yeast. I have looked into it a bit and something which has greatly increased my tolerance of yeast is live yoghurt. Just having some for breakfast everyday has made a massive difference and I can now consume a good amount of bread and wine occasionally and get away with it.

Probiotic yoghurts contain bacteria (Lactobacillus acidophilus is the particular one I think) that help the body manage yeast levels. This is why yoghurt is used for things like Thrush, also a yeast based issue. Obviously no good if you are lactose intolerant also butn if you can, give it a go. It’s an easy treatment that has had instant results for me.


6 Carla October 21, 2011 at 18:09


Your right! But even if your lactose intolerent you should still be eating it because it helps build up your tolerence to lactose; which is just a sugar. And one the reason it helps with yeast intolerences is because yeast is a like a mold found in sugary things; also why they tell people with yeast intolerences to stay away from foods with high sugars or any fruit that’s not fresh (the browning of fruits is yeast) but you are deffinitly right about yogurt and should make sure to keep it in your diet!


7 Danielle October 13, 2011 at 23:45

Wow!!! People I can relate to!
I have a yeast, dairy and egg intolerance they make me vomit and my tummy swells as if I were 4-5 months pregnant and its last for 4-5 days. I also have pretty much permanent spots on my fingers that are scaly peeling and even bleeding. I also notice that if I eat something I shouldnt the week before my period it totally messed up my cycle.

Its scary when I think im being so careful – I read every label of everything that goes into my mouth – and still get sick at times. I’ve been off of yeast and anything remotely related to it for a year.

Has anyone had success adding foods like vinegar or other things that can contribute to yeast but are not yeast themselves?

Also any suggestions on what to do after getting sick? I would be nice not to have to wear over sized clothes for a week to hide my belly.
I take probiotics, digestive enzymes, charcoal pills, aloe juice (all safe) but I dont know if it really helps or just makes me feel better that I at least try to help it.


8 Pamela November 2, 2011 at 14:36


Your problem might just be the digestive enzymes that you are taking. Almost all vegetarian enzymes are fermented using Aspergillus fungi or mold. If you have a sensitivity to mold or are allergic to mold, especially Aspergillus…this could cause severe gastrointestinal issues for you.

If you are not allergic to any of these…try taking only Papain, Bromelain, Pancreatin from pork or beef, or Ox Bile for a month and see if this helps. Also, avoid any other enzymes…such as those sold to cleanse your body of yeast…because they are also fermented from Aspergillus!

Hope this info helps you out!
Been there…done that!


9 Achoo September 30, 2011 at 22:26

Is there a website that lists all the ingredients that may be associated with yeast? I was told that the yeast test they give you and if positive, it doesn’t have anything to do with the yeast in bread. I am going to recheck this, but, was told I am allergic to two types that have nothing to do with bread.

I never was a bread lover, and can recall when I was a child, I would always give my yeast roll to whoever wanted it at lunch. All the other kids loved them, but there was some reason I thought I shouldn’t eat it….I believe we know when things don’t agree with us, but it is hard to believe there are so many types of yeast…they say you are allergic to this type but not this type….I don’t buy it, I believe yeast is yeast….


10 Allergy Guy October 3, 2011 at 08:37

Many allergists suggest that you avoid all yeast if you test positive for just one type. This tends to support your approach. In the end, a little experimentation will lead to the best approach for you, since everyone is a bit different.

I’m not aware of a website with a comprehensive list of yeast and non-yeast containing foods. There are such lists on this website, which are updated as more information becomes available.


11 theresa August 5, 2011 at 08:38

i just learned i have a yeast allergy.i break out and itch and sneeze and cough alot now. have no clue what to eat.i love my bread.if anyone can help.thank you.


12 Carrie Boo April 16, 2011 at 01:08

I’m allergic to penicillin – was given it 2 separate times when I was 5 and broke out in hives from head to toe. When I was 18 I took a drink of Red Wine and broke out in hives immediately. Never drank red again, but no problem with white wine. Recently, I started taking the supplement Ubiquinol, (Coenzyme Q10) which is yeast fermented.. Over a few weeks I felt like I was having a reaction to it.. my asthma felt like it was getting worse. I stopped for a couple days and then took it again An hour and a half later I had a hive on my neck. Is it possible these are all related due to some type of yeast sensitivity?


13 Allergy Guy April 18, 2011 at 12:19

It sounds like there may well be a connection between Ubiquinol and your symptoms. It is impossible to know if it is yeast-related or not, as you can not assume your body has a negative reaction to just one thing.

The main thing is to see if this supplement is OK for you. If you try cutting it out and re-introducing it one more time, you can be pretty sure that’s it (although perhaps not 100%, as there may be other things you’re doing/not doing when you cut the supplement in and out that you’re not aware of).


14 Carla April 2, 2011 at 10:39

Ever since I was a little girl I have always been puking up everything I’ve eaten but not voluntarily. My doctor ran a lot of test on me but never figured out the problem before we moved. My sister told me now that I could be allergic to wheat which some of her customers had the same problem and their gultent free but I still kept puking after eating soups and dairy products then I saw the soup and some of the gultent free things I had been eating had yeast so I looked it up and I read somewhere that severe yeast allergies can cause you to vomit and also produce an intolerance to dairy products. Is that true? I havnt eaten anything with wheat, yeast, or dairy for a week and I havnt had a problem keeping anything down and I havnt been vomitting. Are they all related to each other?


15 Allergy Guy April 4, 2011 at 13:31

I’m not sure that the various allergies are universally related to each other. Celiacs often have a problem with milk products. If you’re not celiac though, this does not apply.

On the other hand, if you have one allergy, you’re likely to have more so it isn’t surprising that you’ve had to cut out several foods to feel better.

I hope the positive effects of your diet last!


16 Carla April 4, 2011 at 21:07

What is celiacs??


17 Allergy Guy April 5, 2011 at 11:42
18 restorationgirl April 15, 2011 at 23:49

One thing I learned from working in a healthfood store for 12 years is: every human being is different, and if changing the foods you eat makes you stop vomiting then go with it. It really doesn’t matter if someone confirms or does not confirm what is happening to you. It doesn’t matter if people think it’s true or not, if you notice your health improving then stick with it! Often we want people to validate what we’re going through, but get discouraged if we can’t find people ‘like us’. You’re on the right road! I’m so pleased you’ve found something that works!


19 Carla October 21, 2011 at 18:00


Thank you, I’ve been off it for awhile now and I’m sure that is the problem, though it can be really hard not to eat that stuff since I’ve grown up eating it, but I have found that yogurt has helped!!


20 Karen Lake March 28, 2011 at 13:17

I found out last June that I had a yeast allergy. Boy just when I think I have it down I find out more foods that have yeast. Grape juice popsicles were my only treat until I found out grape juice and grapes have yeast in it. I also loved peanut butter and honey. Someone thought that honey has yeast in it. What have you heard about the connection between honey and yeast? My other question – what is citric acid and why is it grouped with yeast?


21 Allergy Guy March 28, 2011 at 14:38

re honey – it doesn’t have yeast in it, but can promote yeast overgrowth – a different problem, but sometimes related.

re citric acid – I believe some processes for making citric acid may involve yeast, but I’ve not done research into this area.


22 Jane March 1, 2011 at 09:21

Hi I’m just about to start a yeast free diet for a while due to recurrent thrush. Would shop brought pesto include yeast? Also should I stay away from milk?


23 Mina February 17, 2011 at 07:46

I have yeast intolerance and had severe problems with a swollen eyelid which disappeared when I stopped yeast.

I also had Uretra infections, hormone imbalance, muscle ache and twitches, skin problems, severe fatigue, sore throat with a lot of mucus and some brown/bloodlike mucus, constipation and severe abdominal pain for 6 years.

When I stopped all yeast and citric acid containing products all these problems vanished within 2 weeks.

Citric acid is definately a problem when you have a yeast allergy or intolerance, it is in all soft drinks and in many cosmetic products like lipstick and lip gloss. Look out for an ingredient named Trioctyldodecyl which is a Citric acid mixture.

Look out for B-12 and added vitamins to cereals like Kellogg’s as well, they are made with a bacterial fermentation product which is another big problem for yeast allergy / intolerance sufferers.


24 marie January 24, 2011 at 11:15

I have been suffering terribly for years with fibromyalgia, 4 herniated disc (inoperable) tremendous weight gain, repeated ovarian tumors that caused complete hysterectomy and on and on. Every night I take a omega 3-6 supplement and a stress B complex. I have been very sick with lower resp/infection and starting taking 500 mg amoxicillin. Started feeling a little better and last night I took the B complex which has brewers yeast, alfalfa, soy and rice bran in it. I also drank a cup of tea with honey. I also took a childrens dose of mucinex in liquid form. About 20 minutes later, I developed extreme allergy fit where I started wheezing and violently sneezing. This went on for 30 minutes until I took a benadryl tablet and nasalcrom spray. I now think this is all due to the brewers yeast and its been making me sick for years. I know I have seasonal allergies but this is the dead of winter and my seasonal allergies are to trees and ragweed and dust. How do I narrow down food allergies?


25 Allergy Guy January 25, 2011 at 10:34

You have a theory that yeast may be the problem. Now you have to see if it is correct or not.

Write down everything you eat, and note anything that may have yeast in it. Look for other patterns too, as it may not be yeast, or it may be yeast as well as something else.

See Self-Testing for Food Allergies for more about narrowing down food allergies.


26 restorationgirl April 15, 2011 at 23:43

I have severe allergies that seem to be getting worse, too! I didn’t know where to start: was it yeast? wheat? citric acid? gluten? What I did was cut out everything except for vegetables and fresh meat. I bought frozen broccoli florets, and green beans only at first. Stayed away from sugary veggies like corn, peas, butternut squash. Now I’m adding a bit of those back in, but believe corn is a culprit so cutting it out again. Food diary is a great idea. That will help you figure it out, but for me since I had a LOT of severe symptoms I had to go real drastic to figure out if I could feel better. The only supplement I’m currently taking is vit D because I’m deficient due to blood work I got at my local red cross and a very high powered multi-strain probiotic from Renew Life to help get my gut back in working order (this is the best probiotic you’ll find on the market and it’s in healthfood stores. 70% of our immune system is in our gut and if you’ve ever been on antibiotics (yes!) it has totally depleted this healthy bacteria we need. I think everyone should be on them. Take 2 hours after or 1 hour before a meal. If you’re overwhelmed by time constraints / remembering when to take it, just start taking it before bed and do what you can do. Don’t put more pressure on yourself. I think it would really benefit you!) I hope this helps, I really hate to see people suffer. You can do it!


27 Sharon Kettle Plain November 29, 2010 at 00:20

Are yeast extracts or any type of yeast associated with sulphites? What is the percentage of people who are allergic to yeast or develop a yeast allergy as I did five or six years ago also allergic to penicillian; is there a corelation because penicillian is made from bread mold? When I eat any yeast product, even spices that contain yeast extracts my abdomen swells up like a loaf of bread and I become very fatigued, I have also in recent years since becoming to allergic to yeast, developed a skin irritation that sometimes drives me crazy with the itching and have also had, what the dermatologist called, a fungal infection on my scalp; is this related to too much yeast in my system? I try to avoid all yeast products because the result of it being in my system is very uncomfortable and painful, I also have very sharp stabbing pains through my abdomen whenever I swell up…Does this swelling affect my organs in any way? I also read somewhere that the excess yeast in my body can come out through my skin by way of whitish patches with small bumps…is this what they are caused from?…I read that our bodies produce it’s own yeast and when there is too much is when a person can develop a yeast infection…I have so many questions I don’t know if you’ll be able to answer them all, but the web sites that I have been too are not very clear when trying to find answers to my questions…and can yeast allergy symptoms include psoriasis?


28 Mazhar August 27, 2010 at 07:40

I am suffering with Post Nasal Drip & Bad breath, in this regard Yeast Allergy can aggregate the problem ?


29 Dee Lynch August 23, 2010 at 16:03

I’m helping a friend recently diagnosed with a yeast and egg allergy. Not having trouble determining what has egg in it. The problem is yeast. I just called Old El Paso/Pillsbury about their tortillas. They say that yeast would not necessarily be listed on the package but it could be included. It would depend on the suppliers of the ingredients.
A product on his foods to avoid list includes chocolate–what is the connection here?
Do saltines, pretzels, or graham crackers typically contain yeast?
How do we find out about a yeast allergy, please?


30 Allergy Guy August 24, 2010 at 21:20

Hi Dee,

Avoiding yeast feels like a mine field.

The fact is that you can’t avoid all of it, unlike with other food allergies. You should certainly try to avoid most of it – as much as you can. But don’t stress about what you don’t know about. It takes time to get good at avoiding these things.

Start with a list of food that you know is yeast-free. Those are your safe foods. Next, start expanding that list.

Besides web research and books, you can also call manufacturers, as you have already done, to expand your safe list.

I can’t tell you about the foods you’ve listed except chocolate.

Chocolate is processed by piling it up in a heap and allowing it to ferment. This is what develops some (if not all) of the flavors. Yeast is a part of this fermentation process. Bummer!

There is a link for a Yeast Free Cooking Manual & Cookbook you can check out.


31 restorationgirl April 15, 2011 at 23:31

ooops! Sorry, Dee, forgot my main point: You can definately avoid yeast. I eat organic meat and vegetables and that works for me, but I have gluten and wheat intollerance too so that limits me way more than your friend. If she has to stay away from yeast she’ll also want to stay away from SUGAR and anything sweet – even vegetables like carrots, sweet peppers, peas, corn. Go towards broccoli, onions, garlic, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, cucumbers, salad. Basically any sugar feeds yeast. Your friend is fortunate that she has you for a friend to try to encourage and help her!


32 restorationgirl April 15, 2011 at 23:27

Unless any flour product specifically says ‘yeast free’ on the packaging I would not get it. Also, if you go to a health food store with your friend to try to find yeast and egg free products a lot of companies that make natural foods will say on their container: made in a facility that processes wheat, nut etc products so customers like your friend will know that there could be cross-contamination. I would be inclined to go to your local health food store and talk to one of the clerks – the smaller, non-chain healthfood stores will usually be more knowledgable than the big chains. Basically, your friend is going to have to read every label of every product that she is consuming – and I MEAN EVERYTHING down to spices. Look for some good websites / forums that people start who have allergies and you’ll get a lot of good advice from people who are living with it.


33 Narie August 4, 2010 at 00:04

I’ve been trying to research allergy symptoms, and am wondering what are the actual symptoms for a yeast allergy? I’m trying to nail down the difference between a yeast and a gluten allergy. Whenever I have pasta, any kind of alcohol, bread, rice, I am bloated for days: my hands swell, my feet swell, my face, my stomach is bloated, etc. But if I eat whole wheat bread/pasta, this doesn’t happen. Alcohol, it doesn’t matter which type I consume. I’ll be bloated and swollen for days afterward.


34 Allergy Guy August 23, 2010 at 11:51

It can be easy to confuse the symptoms of a yeast allergy with those of a gluten allergy, or any other allergy, because the symptoms depend little on the food and mostly on the individual.

It really comes down to whether or not you get symptoms from a specific food, in other words cause and effect.


35 Jenn May 20, 2010 at 15:15

What does a yeast allergy and citric acid have to do with each other?


36 Allergy Guy May 20, 2010 at 16:10

Actually, I’m not so sure there is much of a connection.

Most citric acid is produced by Aspergillus niger mold, fed on a sugary solution. The mold is filtered out. Of course there could be unintended yeast in the process.

Personally, I feel it is a bit of a stretch, but the subject of avoiding citric acid does come up when discussing yeast allergies.

The fact is that yeast can not be completely avoided. It is literally everywhere. The key is to avoid large amounts of it. I don’t think that tiny amounts that might be in citric acid amount to anything significant, especially considering the amount of citric acid one might consume.

Others may disagree. If I come across more definitive information one way or the other I will share it with you.


37 tom February 10, 2010 at 05:25

do you have a list of yeast free beers please.thank you


38 admin April 16, 2010 at 19:07

As far as I know, all beers contain yeast, since yeast is essential to making beer.

The only way to drink and avoid yeast is to have cocktails. Not the same as beer I know!


39 cherrybounce January 28, 2011 at 18:13

all alcohol contains yeast, because all alcohol is fermented


40 Allergy Guy January 29, 2011 at 16:05

Distillation leaves most or all yeast behind, especially highly distilled spirits such as vodka and gin.


41 restorationgirl April 15, 2011 at 23:18

Still shouldn’t drink alcohol if you have problems with candida. If you’ve ever known any alcoholic who gives up drinking they become sugar addicts. That’s because the yeast in their system isn’t getting fed by the alcohol and wants a ‘substitue’. There’s way more to starving candida than just not consuming obvious yeast-containing foods / drinks.

42 Eileen January 3, 2010 at 13:36

oveOverall, stay away from food with the following ingredients: wheat, Barley, Malt, Rye, Spelt, MSG (I know, it’s horrible). Look for all-natnatural food items (ie yogurt dressing instead of regular salad dressing which almost always has MSG). The more junk used to make a food item, the more likely it has gluten.


43 admin April 16, 2010 at 19:11

I agree. Also, the more junk used to make the food you eat, the more junk you eat, and that’s not healthy! I bet a lot of people become ill more because of eating a lot of processed food than any particular allergy.

Look at it this way: having a gluten allergy or celiac disease is a blessing in disguise: it forces you to eat health 🙂


44 restorationgirl April 15, 2011 at 23:14

I’m replying to the person who believes that eating healthy / natural foods will prevent you from getting food intollerance / allergies. I am living proof that all your friends can label you a health nut and develope severe allergies, hives, CF, intollerances. I ate only foods from a small privately owned health food store from 1987-1998. The manager checked all ingredients before anything came into the store. There was not one product that contained high fructose corn syrup and our motto was ‘if you want to buy chocolate go to the candy aisle ’cause we’re only carrying great tasting carob (you can’t find any good tasting carob at all now because everyone believes chocolate candy bars are good for you). Even after leaving the health food store I ate fairly healthy which was very easy to do in Doylestown PA with the high quality of deli’s / restaurants, no fast food. I started getting mild symptoms of CF in 1991, progressing to being bed-ridden / debilitated now. Recently I cut out everyfood I thought may be a culprit: I was left with meat and vegetables (no sauces, only butter). I had SEVERE constant burning from acid reflux and can’t eat anything with vinegar or acid. I’d been staying away from citric acid (all canned goods especially tomatos) and fruit (eating fruit is healthy, right?! Homemade fruit smoothies are a staple of healthy people. Not for me! Brings my acid reflux RIGHT back to the point where I have to drink baking soda in a glass of water to get the burning to stop and try to fight the fatigue.) Recently started having homemade tacos again because I’d been feeling REALLY good and thought I could handle it. I also had 2 hot soft pretzels from a bakery that just opened in western N.C. where you can’t get any good bread. In 2 hrs I was extremely fatigued, energy draining rapidly and exhausted, spacey, foggy-brain. It’s like taking a couple sleeping pills that don’t wear off for at least seven days. I became depressed, hopeless. It’s amazing how you can become so intollerant of almost everything. Sorry this is so choppy. It will take another week or so until my brain can kick in again. I can’t wait to get better so I can go back to work and feel productive!


45 Stephanie February 5, 2012 at 01:55

Amen! I have all those symptoms and it can be hell! I’ve lost friends cause they don’t understand. I’ve been living a very lonely life without family or friends but I can’t wait to feel better so I’m not bedridden and can work! I was laid off 2 days before Christmas and still haven’t received a check from unemployment. It is adding more stress and I want to work! One thing I did want to tell you is Apple Cider Vinegar (only natural-Bragg’s) helps alot with getting the toxins out and any fungal infections. Good luck to you and I wish you the best!


46 Kelly May 30, 2012 at 21:23

I am 42 yrs old. I have had some of the same symptoms you describe and many others that you didn’t mention. I have had problems with allergies and food intolerances my whole life, however, I didn’t identify food as a culprit until my late teens and early 20’s. My body was riddled with yeast which I believe was the main cause of my problems, lactose intolerance was a close 2nd. Like you, I was so sick I was having a hard time functioning and I was threatening suicide if someone didn’t help me. When I was 25, I spent 2 weeks at a Detox Facility called the Creative Health Institute in Union City, Michigan. We fasted the first 3 days with juices. When we added food back to our diet, it was only raw, living foods. We gave ourselves multiple enemas daily and drank alot of fresh wheat grass jucie to help detox our bodies. Honestly, it was a miserable experience. However, it was well worth the sacrifice and it changed my life forever!!! Many of my symptoms were gone and I felt better than I had ever felt in my entire life. I continued the Raw Food Diet as long as I could, but unfortunatley my will power ran out and I went back to eating normally. However, I continued to eat as healthy and natural as possible. I also took large doses of Acidopholis daily for years (I highly recommend this!!). After getting clean and staying clean for some time, my body was able to handle small, occasional amounts of previously offending foods. Again, I am 42 now. I still have issues with fatigue, skin problems, bloating, and foggy-brain when I don’t eat well for a period of time. But it is nowhere near the level I used to be.

I sent my 70 year old father to the same institute last summer for the 2 week detox program. He had been having problems for the last decade with massive, horrible hives. He took a lot of prednizone, anti-histamines, etc and still had life altering problems. Hives as big as his fist and high fevers that came with them. He came out feeling much better, but still had a few, smaller hives occasionally. He started taking a supplement recommended by his new doctor made by Golden Flower Chinese herbs called”Intestinal Fungus Formula Herbal Supplement. After a month of taking this, he is hive free for the first time in 10 years.

My recommendation to you is to look up the Creative Health Institute and see if you can find a similar facility near where you live. If not, it is worth traveling to. Believe me, it is not luxurious (nor cheap), but neither is your life as it is. Your body is clearly very toxic and it needs to be cleaned out.

I truly hope this info helps you. I know how desperate you feel and it’s no way to have to live.


47 Guest March 10, 2009 at 09:52

Yeast Intolerance

I have just found out that I have a yeasr and Gliadin(Gluten) intolerance. What can I eat?? It seems that all bread products, cakes, biscuits are totally out as well as sauces as everything contains citric acid. I also have a cow’s milk intolerance although this is less than the yeast which seems to be the main offender. Any help would be greatly appreciated as I have had terrible sore/itcy raised “nettle sting” like rash for over 2 months gald to be rid of the worst although still itchy, but hungry.


48 Guest June 10, 2009 at 19:15

Gluten free diet

check out Elisabeth Hasselbeck’s book The G-Free Diet: A Gluten-Free Survival Guide. She includes lists of things that contain gluten…and lists of things that don’t. Plus, there are recipes too. And she includes what kinds of products (nonfoods) that contain gluten as well. Very good book. Know you’re not alone!


49 Pat May 1, 2010 at 13:39

A of months ago I read an article on dandruff that suggested a possible fungus connected with yeast. I had a very itchy, flakey scalp with raised red patches which drove me mad and was very embarrassing. The article suggested not eating cheese or dried fruit which I love in moderation. I also used Nizoral shampoo to help my scalp. I lay off the cheese and fruit and the condition cleared. Just lately I have started eating a little cheese again – and guess what – the ichy flakey scalp is back! That will teach me!


50 Allergy Guy May 1, 2010 at 17:56

I’d heard of a fungus connection with dandruff, but didn’t know about the yeast connection, or the effect of dried fruit and cheese.

Thanks for those tips!


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