Diet | Allergy


by Allergy Guy


On this site, the term diet refers to one of two things:

  • What you eat (what is in your diet)
  • What you should eat (your special diet to avoid allergies

On this site, the term diet does not generally refer to a diet for loosing weight, unless I word it something like “weight loss diet”.

Diet is very important. Most people do not eat enough of the right things and far too much of the wrong things. I hope you are more aware of what you eat than average.

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1 tom March 26, 2012 at 09:11

My wife is extremely allergic to lactose, msg, all members of the lily family (onions, garlic, etc.), and (I suspect), gluten. I am looking for a diet she can 1) eat, and 2) enjoy.


2 Allergy Guy March 26, 2012 at 16:54

That’s very specialized.

I suggest you get help from a dietitian.


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