Yeast-free Foods | Allergy

Yeast-free Foods

by Allergy Guy

Following a restrictive diet is no fun, especially when faced with the necessary but depressing lists of things you can not eat.

If you are following a yeast-free diet, this article provides a list of foods you can eat.

It is by no means complete, and quite honestly never will be. There are an endless number of prepared foods. This varies country by country and region by region.

So do please add your comments with lists of foods you know to be safe for a yeast-free diet. Also, feel free to add corrections and caveats if you notice any errors on this list.

Yeast-Free Foods – Basic Ingredients

If you are doing your own cooking, it is relatively easy to avoid yeast. This is more of a general description of foods you can eat since most basic ingredients are find (with a few exceptions, covered in Foods that Contain Yeast.


All meat is yeast-free (unless it is spoiled, in which case you will get food poisoning as well as a possible dose of yeast).

As long as you cook with fresh meat, you have nothing to worry about.


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  • All recipes are free of yeast, mold and fermented foods
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All vegetables are safe.

If parts of the vegetable go rotten, cut it out. Usually the rest of the vegetable is fine. As long as it is firm and not discoloured, it should be perfectly yeast-free.

NOTE: Some food that are commonly referred to as vegetables, such as bell peppers and eggplant, are actually fruits.


  • Mushrooms (not vegetable, it is the fruiting body of a fungus).


You have to be more careful with fruit than meat or vegetables. Because of the high sugar content of most fruits, yeast growth is possible.

Dried fruits often contain yeast. The following list applies only to fresh fruit.

Some fruits have yeast on the skin. If you can remove the skin of a fruit (fresh and unspoiled) then you can eat what’s left.

The following fruit are fine, as long as they are fresh and free of spoilage:

  • Apple
  • Apricot
  • Avocado
  • Bell pepper (Green red yellow etc.)
  • Bitter gourd
  • Blackberry
  • Boysenberry
  • Cherry
  • Chokeberry
  • Chokecherry
  • Cloudberry
  • Coconut
  • Crabapple
  • Dewberry
  • Durian
  • Eggplant
  • Grapefruit
  • Guava
  • Hot pepper
  • Kiwifruit
  • Lemon
  • Lime
  • Loganberry
  • Longan
  • Lychee
  • Mango
  • Mangosteen
  • Melons
  • Nectarine
  • Olallieberry
  • Orange
  • Papaya
  • Peach
  • Pear
  • Pineapple
  • Pomegranate
  • Prickly pear
  • Quince
  • Rambutan
  • Raspberry
  • Squash
  • Star apple
  • Strawberry
  • Tangerine
  • Tayberry

Nuts and Seeds

All nuts and seeds are yeast-free

Yeast-Free Foods – Prepared Foods

This section to be added soon.

Mean while, please add your favorite prepared foods (that you know to be yeast-free) in the comments section.

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This article is a work in progress. Please leave a comment if you see anything missing or any errors. Thanks!

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{ 22 comments… read them below or add one }

1 Frank August 20, 2018 at 16:35

Hi, are bananas and blueberries OK as long as there is no visible mold growth on them?

Please let me know?




2 Jane January 9, 2017 at 18:22

I have heard that Ground nuts (ie peanuts) contain yeast. This was sourced from an article through a health site. Also, blueberries, blackberries contain yeast as per same article.
I didn’t keep source (sorry) but have found I react to all so assume this is correct. I have an actual ALLERGY to yeast. ie, rash, swollen eyes and lips – so have to be very careful.
Thanks for your helpful info above.
BTW, I find I can eat fresh cheeses!! yay! so I am assuming no yeast in them?


3 Hope June 29, 2017 at 16:00

I have a two-year-old that is allergic to yeast. I am trying to find some crackers or chips or snack item that she can eat safely while all the other kids are munching. Have you found any crackers that are yeast free?


4 Faye Lennan July 3, 2017 at 17:07

RW Garcia Crackers

I found these crackers at Costco in Canada. I assume you can get them in the States also. They are actually quite good but of coarse expensive. Hope you do okay finding them. There are other gluten free ones there but I can’t remember the name of them and they may also be yeast free. Good luck.


5 Jane July 3, 2017 at 23:39

Yes, rice crackers but check the brands – I found several with no yeast. Some kind of fresh cream cheese if she will eat it. Depends how bad her allergy is – best not to push it in a child.. I eat some regular mozzarella and feta without issue but crackers always I have a reaction to almost immediately… ๐Ÿ™
Scones do not have yeast ๐Ÿ™‚ You can make savory small mini ones maybe if you bake?


6 Heather July 24, 2017 at 10:19

Our Costco sells rice crackers that come with 4 flavors but only one does not have yeast. Original Wheat Thins and Carr’s Water Crackers do not have yeast in them. And graham crackers are another option. This is assuming, of course, that wheat/gluten are okay.


7 Mandy B January 19, 2016 at 20:15

Just wanted to say thank you! Ive just found out I’m allergic to yeast, tomatoes, chicken, garlic, mustard, lobster and codfish! I have no ode what on earth I’m going to eat! Your blog gave me ideas thank you!


8 Allergy Guy January 20, 2016 at 00:21

So glad to hear you got some ideas, Mandy. Feel free to drop by with some ideas and ask questions as you learn more about your yeast-free diet.


9 Deb L January 3, 2016 at 21:09

I was told by my doctor that I should avoid vinegar and anything containing vinegar. Also, he said that pistachios are out. Many commercially prepared foods including soups have yeast in them. I can’t eat any bread product containing yeast. I have found one bread at Trader Joe’s that is made from sourdough and not yeast so OK to eat. Also, Matzo crackers are OK.


10 Heather August 10, 2016 at 13:42

I’ll have to check out Trader Joe’s for that bread. Those Pillsbury biscuits that come in a can are yeast-free – if you can get them out of the dang can! ๐Ÿ˜‰


11 FAye November 15, 2015 at 13:03

Nuts . Your comment that all nuts are yeast free is incorrect. The only nuts that are safe to eat while on a yeast free diet are: walnuts, hazelnuts and almonds.


12 Allergy Guy November 29, 2015 at 21:59

A nut which contains yeast is a spoiled/fermented nut as far as I know, but perhaps I’ve got the wrong information. When you say that this is incorrect, where do you get your information from? You are also very specific about which nuts are safe, but do you truly have a comprehensive list of all edible nuts in the world, common and hardly known?


13 Faye January 21, 2016 at 08:19

Hi Allergy Guy, I do not have a list but may be able to get you one. I have a bad yeast infestation and am on a very restricted diet. How I found out was by a live blood analysis. It sort of seemed hooky poky to me at first so I went to for another one in a larger city nearby only to find they said exactly the same thing, that my body was full of yeast and inflammation. The first one, I probably should have stuck with told me about the nuts. The second one put me on massive amounts of very expensive all natural Candida treatments. I sort of combined the two remedies they both suggested and lost over 20 lbs. and my Candida looked better. Then Christmas came and I let my guard down. So here I go again. Although, I did not go nuts at Christmas, I did have some sugar and wine. My diet is so very boring and feel like I am forever chopping veggies in the kitchen. Almost everything you buy not fresh has sugar and/or yeast in it. So you pretty much are stuck with organic health food store items which are very expensive. I limit my wheat also. I found Mary’s Organic crackers which are made out of seeds are my daily treat. Mary’s pretzels are okay but hard to eat so I grind them up in a food processors and use them for a bread coating on my poultry and in meatballs. All soups are home made. Salads only with olive oil and lemon. I have spent hundreds of dollars on protein powders, all natural of coarse, Candida stop products etc.etc.
Would love to hear other folks stories of how they were diagnosed and what they eat. Recipes would be great to share here also. Thanks.


14 Allergy Guy January 21, 2016 at 18:56

I guess one thing you learned at Christmas really does work because when you stop following it, you back-slide! This is actually a rather good thing for you to convince yourself of, speaking from personal experience (with wheat mostly). You might try using herbs and spices to make your food a bit more interesting.


15 Deb L January 23, 2016 at 08:27

My understanding with nuts is that it is not because they contain yeast but becsuse they are highly likely to contain mold.


16 MB April 17, 2015 at 10:07

Actually peanuts are not fine on a yeast free diet as they contain molds. I was on a yeast free diet last year and managed to kill it off. Now I’m back on it again because I spent the last 6 months eating refined sugars. It’s probably best to never eat sugar again–or eat it in very limited amounts (which most people find difficult to do as it is addicting). I think for me, I need to resolve to not eat sugars but instead eat healthy sweets like honey and pure maple syrup and even that should be in small amounts. I’ve gained 15-20 pounds just in the last year by eating poorly again. Time to go back on the diet. Yeast Cleanse by Sola-Ray truly helped me as well as taking probiotics and a GI Revive (a supplement for leaky gut). Now my kids are showing symptoms so the entire family is going to take the jump but it’s difficult for sure.


17 Allergy Guy January 17, 2016 at 17:40

You may be right, but I would like to point out that mold is not yeast, and the chances are that a peanut contaminated with mold is carcinogenic (depending on the type of mold). Hopefully the peanut will taste bad if moldy so you will spit it out but I’m not sure if all molds, especially the carcinogenic ones, taste bad.


18 Allyson February 12, 2015 at 16:34

My 9 month old has thrush so no yeast for her
Because she has no teeth yet foods were already limited
Can she have bananas? Dimsims without the skin? She’s on formula to so I can’t cut that out I’m so stuck dinner she usually has fish or chicken with peas and carrots lunch usually yogurt and banana obviously no yogurt anymore I need options for her meals ๐Ÿ™ thanks in advance


19 Alex January 16, 2014 at 21:00

Some information contained within this site appears to be far from beneficial regarding yeast, my initial concern is the lack of differentiation between an allergy, intollerance and immune suppressing infection, these are all different and should be treated as such, an allergy will require a very strict diet, an intollerance not as much, infection would generally require antibiotics and a slight diet change post stabilisation to prevent potential reoccurance, I sometimes hear people say reducing blood sugar level will clear a yeast infection, this is incorrect as you would die before the yeast would, not to say that sugar is good as a lot of people could do with less in there diet


20 Allergy Guy January 31, 2014 at 00:27

I pretty much agree with you Alex, so what specifically in the original article do you find to be inaccurate?


21 ANNETTE SAMMUT November 20, 2012 at 00:42

If your yeast affected then maybe your feeding the yeast called candida causing hell to break loose check candida site for data good luck


22 Allergy Guy November 20, 2012 at 12:13

If you have candida, then you should avoid sugar and refined carbohydrates for sure.


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