Yeast-Containing Foods Article Updated | Allergy

Yeast-Containing Foods Article Updated

by Allergy Guy

I published an article about foods that contain yeast on allergy details a while ago. It has been very popular, although it was very short and incomplete.

My intention to expand on it was accelerated recently when Debra Shaffer reminded me that the the article was not nearly long enough (thanks, Debra).

It still needs work, but it is considerably better than it was, at least I hope you will find it more useful.

You can help others by adding comments to the article suggesting foods to avoid or check carefully when avoiding yeast.

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1 Sharon April 29, 2010 at 14:52

I was wondering if yeast and sulphites are the same, and is it true that MSG is a derivitive of yeast. If MSG is on a label, but they do not list autolyzed yeast extraxt does this automatically mean there is yeast in the product


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