Mold Free Diet | Allergy

Mold Free Diet

by Allergy Guy

Of all the food-allergies, avoiding mold in food is probably one of the easiest to follow.

There are two aspects to following a mold-free diet:

  1. Avoid foods that are made with cultured molds.
  2. Avoid foods that have become moldy.

Foods Made with Mold

The tradition of making food with mold is long, but not wide. The following foods are made with mold:

  • Cheeses (not all cheeses)
  • Tempeh
  • pu-erh tea (low-quality, quickly aged only)
  • Sausages (some types)
  • Sake (see comment below)

Note: this list is not complete. As I conduct on-going research, I will update the list. Please add a comment if you can suggest missing foods.

Cheese and Mold

Cheese is primarily milk (cow, goat, sheep etc.) that has had a controlled bacterial process. Bacteria is not mold, so a cheese that uses bacteria only is safe for a mold-free diet.

Some types of cheese depend on mold to give them their character. Blue cheese is a typical example.

Moldy Food

Improperly stored food, or food that has been kept for too long could become moldy.

Mold requires humidity to grow, so humid, dark conditions are perfect for spoiling food. Food kept in the fridge will take much longer to become moldy.

You can recognize moldy food by the “fur” growing on the surface. By then it has been moldy for some time. The “fur” is the fruiting body of the mold. Before you see the furry bits, the mold has already established itself in the food.

Depending on the type of food, it may be safe to cut out the mold and eat the rest. In general, you can safely cut out mold in fruits and vegetables and then eat them. Most molds that grow on fruits and vegetables are not particularly dangerous, although they could make you feel quite sick, and certainly if you are allergic to mold, moldy food can cause an allergic reaction.

Moldy meat should be discarded as this is a real health hazard.

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1 cliff dweller July 28, 2012 at 22:14

Also, recently spent a few hours soaking in mineral hot springs and when I got out my hand was cleared up. I soak because I love hot water; whether or not hot springs have benefits I don’t know and don’t care that much. But I am wondering if there is a correlation with the minerals, or maybe it was caused by the relaxation response as I was de-stressing with a good soak. Any ideas?


2 Allergy Guy August 1, 2012 at 16:50

Heat is generally bad for eczema, but salt is good, as is sun. I went on a sunny snorkeling holiday winter and it cleared up until I got back (but took a while to come back and has never been as bad since as before that holiday). Perhaps minerals are also good.


3 cliff dweller July 28, 2012 at 22:06

I went through allergy testing/allergy shots about 20 years ago, through high school and college. Mold was/is one of the things I’m allergic to. Back then no one mentioned foods to avoid. My problems were allergy/asthma/ respiratory. Those problems subsided, but about 8 years ago I developed eczema/dermatitis on my hands when I had never had it before. Major break-out of hives when I ate tomatoes, which I used to be able to eat with no problems. So I learned to stay away from tomatoes, but couldn’t figure out why I kept breaking after eating. My boyfriend was making a lot of salads for dinner and suggested the vinegar in the dressing. I googled it and ran across this informative blog. I use a pretty heavy duty cortisone ointment when my hands get bad; am trying to keep from using it too often because I know it thins your skin among other potential negative effects. Weird thing is that I break out in the same few spots across my hand; the right hand, not the left. Anyone else experience this or have a hypothesis for why this may be the case?


4 Allergy Guy August 1, 2012 at 16:48

I’ve had similar experiences with eczema – breaks out in the same places, but changes slowly over time. It seems to improve to a tolerable level for most people after a year or two. I’ve not been able to relate it to diet, but it does seem to relate to dust. That’s just me. Look at air-borne, food and contact (e.g. nickle) triggers.


5 AngieB April 3, 2012 at 13:47

Hearing these stories makes me finally feel like I am not alone! My allergies began as a young child, finding out I was allergic to Penicillin. As an adult, I found myself breaking out in hives whenever I would eat a tomato product. It finally clicked with me that every time I ate pasta or pizza I’d end up with a nasty case of the hives. Two visits to the med center were enough to send me to an allergist.

[Angie has a very educational story and lots of tips so I made it into a separate article. Read Mold Avoidance Tips].


6 Muffy January 24, 2012 at 12:11

Yogurt is fermented with bacterial cultures to my knowledge. Is there mold in yogurt? Or is it the fruit that would be moldy in the yogurt?


7 Muffy January 24, 2012 at 12:01

I have to respectfully disagree with the comment that said mold free diet is easy to follow. It takes a lot of discipline; especially if you love coffee. Coffee could be hit or miss. It is a natural product so if very fresh and ground immediatley and brewed you could be alright. But there is no reliable way of knowing all the time. I’ve heard someone say fresh rolls avoid, but would more refined bread be okay? The book The Yeast Connection was very good and I did read it years ago. It alluded to the fact that there are many variables as there are different kinds of molds and yeast so you may react to some kinds and not others. It said that baking bread caused the heated yeast to undergo changes that my make it not the same as when it is unheated. Interesting book. Molds and yeast are in so many delicious food as well as herbs; most are dried and to buy and keep them all fresh when you use them is a huge challenge. I find this diet very restrictive.


8 Vi September 5, 2011 at 21:33

I am so allergic to the molds that grows on cheeses and fruits that there is constant cleaning out of the fridge and checking the foods. An extra fridge in a garage for produce would be a good idea for some, but not something I can afford. Also, if I dare leave any dishes in the sink overnight I have a reaction.


9 BAM Jones July 25, 2011 at 07:19

I was recently diagnosed with mold allergies. I am struggling to eat without having a reaction to everything. For the record, I hate mold! =o(
I’m just so frustrated and feel like all I can have is water, and only if I purify it myself. Ugh! I’m so sorry you are all having to go through this because I personally feel like eating the whole bottle of Zyrtec & spraying 2 bottles of Omnaris up my nose on each side. If anyone can direct me to a simplified list of what I can eat (and not with weird stipulations like “only if hand peeled by magic gnomes”), it would be a huge help. I just need a list like “You can eat these 3 things only and always without fail.” Any help would be greatly appreciated!


10 Leah Smith October 8, 2011 at 21:18

Potatoes, rice noodles, and boxed cereal are the three things I never worry about when my son breaks out in a rash. He suffers eczema from 34 different allergies, including all mold. I’ve gotten really good at changing up potato dishes for him, too! Boxed mashed potatoes, canned chicken, and a little cheese is his favorite thing to eat at schol lunch. Also, try rice noodles mixed with any oil of your choices with he spices or actual foods like onion, garlic, paprika, salt, with things like tuna fish, canned chicken, and other vegetables you find can be quite tasty as well! Good luck and remember that a corn allergy is a way bigger pain in the behind thn mold allergies are! lol!!


11 hoopoe May 23, 2011 at 08:03

Mold allergy has always been a problem for me, but I just recently learned how much it’s been affecting my health over the years. I’m still trying to figure out what I can and can’t eat successfully. One thing I have noticed is the bad reaction I have to peanuts. I strongly suspect that it’s not the peanut portion of the nut, but the mold inside the peanut that I’m reacting to. Shortly after eating a peanut product I start having headaches and often later have a skin breakout (acne). I read somewhere that peanuts can cause yeast symptoms. Pistachios are a question mark for me as well.


12 Margaret May 4, 2011 at 14:41

Wow!!! I learned a few more things reading these posts. I am pretty new to the “yeast and mold free” diet. Just learned last week that I am allergic to mold and candida, blood work allergy test results aren’t back yet. Still struggling to learn what I can and cannot eat and eliminate the problem foods. Even the literature my allergist gave me contradicts itself. So sorry that anybody has to go thru this but very grateful to those who share what they have learned thru trial, error and education!!!!!!!


13 muse April 28, 2011 at 05:13

Wow, Thanks everyone for sharing.

Last year I followed a strict anti-candida diet for 10 months. No sugar of any kind, no fruit, yeast, alcohol, no flour of any grain, no fungis, fermented food, …aRgH! the list went on. My head no longer felt fuzzy during this time. Then I went off it and i had very little bloating, abdominal pain – it had decreased. Despite feeling better, I can’t quite buy the Candida story. It doesnt feel like the truth for me (intuitively).

I have been off that diet for 8 months but for the last 4 months ive had what looks like hay fever!!! it started when my room mate brought a live Christmas tree into the house. I thought perhaps it was an allergy to this but it continued after the tree had left the house. Well today, when i saw that dead tree next to the house, instead of thinking – “gee my housemate is a lazy dog”, i remembered my initial supposition that my allergy was due to this tree. i finally removed that christmas tree from out property (yes folks, that’s right. 5 months since christmas) SO Ive just been researching and apparently Christmas pines can grow the mould in the air in your home up to 5 times within a few weeks.

…Could the Candida infection actually be a mould sensitvity? How do i get this confirmed either way?

Thanks in advance.


14 Allergy Guy April 28, 2011 at 10:40

You may actually have a problem with both.

Sometimes the reaction to one allergy is tolerable, but the combined reaction to two is not.

It sounds like the Christmas tree was outside all this time – was it near an air vent or something? How do you feel not that it’s gone?


15 muse July 25, 2011 at 20:52

So after reading these posts I removed the dead xmas tree and i have nt had another episode in 5 months!

As for the candida, because i spent so many months off flour and sugar, I no longer crave refined carbs and sugar – well ok, sometimes, I eat wholefoods, low fat, minimal yeast and fungi and what seems to help is not eating too much and especially not eating at night. Now I get occasional abdomen pain and bloating and then i ll have some herbal tincture for a few days. Pau d’arco, horopito… things like that, and im good for another month or three. It seems really hard to change your diet so radically and trust me, i loved rich delicious foods and carbs. But you get used to it and it feels way better. I saw it as an adventure of neccessary change. Good luck everybody.


16 roberta russo March 15, 2011 at 10:57

I also have a long standing problem w/ migraines and mold intolerance (and my husband died suddenly in 95′-major stress) and I am about to visit Dr Richie Shoemaker in Maryland who wrote Mold Survivor-he seems to be the leading expert on mold issues-at least get his book (also website)-good luck -I can certainly relate as I had daily migraines for 15 yrs. after he died-I also moved from my house last year that had a moldy basement to a newer townhome w/ no basement. I’m convinced that mold can ruin a person s life but I’m doing sooo much better and have to watch my diet but it does keep me thin! good luck-roberta


17 Diana March 2, 2011 at 20:20

I have learned alot from reading this. I have always felt that i c , ppd, my mold allergies and migraines were all related but havn’t been able to convince any doctor I have seen to believe me. I have had every test and treatment you can imagine and thousands of dollars. I have been dealing with this for over ten years. I was widowed 2001 and everything went down hill from there. I feel there is still hope after all the things I have read and lots of good info on the internet. Doctors don’t seen to want to investigate new information. Thanks to you all.


18 Allergy Guy March 2, 2011 at 21:10

Hi Diana,

Stress is often a factor with allergies. I’m sorry to hear that you were widowed. That must have been very stressful.

Besides looking at things from an allergy point of view, which I’m sure you will find helpful in its own right, you may also want to see about minimizing stress, assuming that you still have significant stress in your life.

Hope that helps.


19 MarinModern January 16, 2011 at 22:23

Coffee has to go not only because it’s a fermented beverage and might contain molds, but also because it dehydrates the body and drains many nutrients out very quickly. Excellent alternative would be green tea. There is one green variety called Hojicha. It tastes more like black tea with all the benefits of being a green tea. Green tea and white tea leaves are not fermented. They are full of tannins, polyphenols and catechins which kill candida yeast and cancer cells. Start with three cups a day, but you can drink up to six a day if needed.

Another super food to kill yeast fast is Himalayan or unrefined sea salt. It destroys pathogenic organisms on contact. Obviously, you cannot consume a lot of salt at once. A quarter of a teaspoon of Himalayan or unrefined sea salt followed by a tall glass of spring water a day should be enough to see improvements in yeast issues, including constipation, rashes, and respiratory symptoms.


20 djkvan April 14, 2012 at 21:28

Salt is a biocide. As such it will also kill the beneficial bacteria/yeast in the small intestine which comprise up to 70% of the immune system. If there is a microflora imbalance it will likely persist without appropriate dietary modifications. This requires that one is persistent and vigilant in their efforts to discover their specific sensitivities/IgG allergies. Properly followed elimination diets can help with uncovering hidden food sensitivities in order to eliminate the GI inflammation which can result in malabsorption and the subsequent overgrowth of pathogens (with GI swelling pathogens get the nutrients not you). Of course if one has been exposed to antibiotics (which includes pesticide residues) you might have to face the fact that chronic imbalance will follow you forever. As an adoptee raised exclusively on formula I have been dealt a crappy hand, er digestive/nervous system. Sensitivities are the rule not the exception for me. My mold/yeast sensitivity is such that when exposed to any foods that have perceptible levels the ligaments which anchor my teeth will weaken allowing me to move them ever so slightly with my tongue. I am wondering if anyone else experienced this phenomenon. Note: it has nothing to do with chewing hard foods as I will experience the phenomenon with yogurt or eggs as well.


21 Mary Brickner October 25, 2012 at 11:35

I am new to this site and I must say that the information flowing is tremendous.
I never knew that mold could create the loose then tight teeth symptoms spoke of here.
I also had the loose teeth then tight again situation although the causeation was at that time a 3 1/2 year natural gas leak in my apartment. There were MANY symptoms related to that leak as I know it, it is just a matter of proving it, this all started in 1996. Leaks were fixed in 2000. Many life and death scenerios were lived, life support, pulmonary embolism, pneumonia, cervical cancer, hair fell out(no chemo), skin turned gray, lesions that have no known etiology, unusual cbc results, sub-arakanoid hemmorage with a helicoptor ride in the middle of the night in a blizzard and then the required thirteen hour brain surgery…
NOW from 2005 until 2010, lived in 9 places that were infested with mold, although I did not have knowledge of the mold in each place for several months each time. From my knowledge of mold I know some was black, white, and green, the last place had all three. I do NOT know the technical names of them I just know what they did to the body. Teeth, loose then tight, skin and lips turned gray again, lesions again, although different in their growing and veining out from main, lungs dissolving, NO D.N.A. found in blood to do a specialized JAK2 Mutations test for a rare blood cancer, teeth came off and also fell out, could hardly stand or walk, all the breathing problems while in the leak were brought back.
ENOUGH, out of all that for 2 years now and just trying to become healthier and live. I changed the way I eat 2 years ago and am Gluten Free and causin free now. I still have major bouts of candida growth and was looking for knowledge in this area when I came across mold-help and a phone number. I called yesterday and the woman was very short toned and seemed MAD. She said that I needed a mold free diet and to buy the book from their website about mold free diet, I ask if I could get the info from the internet. BUY THE BOOK, we sell it to fund the foundation. ” I get no salary for what I do”……I do hope her day today is wonderful and BLESSED.
This A.M., after saying Good Morning to GOD…wwhhhoooo,I’M ALIVE, I heard look up mold free diet…..HERE you are. The info needed. THANK YOU!
Now a question for all those who have experienced illness from mold.
If it was a long term exposure, was a DETOX period noted and if so was it worse then or during the exposure itself?
And yes… is it mold or mould, or both depending on which side of the pond you live.
I hope you all have a wonderful Blessed feeling well day! Mary


22 Marcy May 17, 2010 at 17:19

I am doing the Candida diet to eliminate an overgrowth of yeast. As a major coffee drinker, I am wondering, does anyone have any advice for weaning or mold/yeast/fermented free alternatives?

As, as a big salad eater, who always uses oil and vinegar, I started mixing mustard seed/powder with lemon, olive oil, garlic powder, salt and pepper. It’s pretty good.

Thanks for your time!


23 JW December 14, 2010 at 18:23

So as another major coffee drinker, with my new attempt at a mold-free diet should I be avoiding coffee 🙁


24 dr kullla August 22, 2009 at 19:11

anti mold and fungal herbs

i have an allergy to mold and you should take Undecylenic acid, caprylic acid, cats claw bark, Pau d’ arco stem bark, oregon grape root, cleavers herb, burdock root, yellow dock root, and eat a mld free diet. i suggest a de humidifier and a air purifier with an EGF filter to kill mold spores in the air.


25 admin August 22, 2009 at 22:39

Could you elaborate?

Thanks for the advice, Dr. Kullla.

Could you tell us a bit more about those herbs, how much to take, how to take them, and how they help a mold allergy?



26 Guest August 14, 2009 at 14:33

Sake is made with the mold

Sake is made with the mold Aspergillus oryzae, it is what breaks the starches in the rice down to sugars that can be feremented.


27 admin August 14, 2009 at 15:12

Thanks for the sake tip

Thanks for contributing the information about sake and aspergillus oryzae


28 Sarah July 27, 2009 at 21:15

Mold allergies

This is all very helpful! Last week I found out I am allergic to mold along with 8 other things, and I also was only told what not to eat. All I have been eating is stir fry for dinner, and sandwiches with yeast bread. I guess I will have to try some of the other things to see if they don’t bother me. The hard thing is the processed items b/c of all the ingredients in them…and also going to restaurants; I can get a salad but no dressing? Well its all worth it if I will feel better. A question for all of you: has anyone had immunotherapy and if so, did that help them at all?


29 admin July 28, 2009 at 00:27

Your diet will expand

Hi Sarah,

I know exactly how you feel, starting a new restricitve diet seems very limiting at first.

Don’t worry, it will become easier with time as you learn more about what you can eat.

You are right, it is all worth it to feel better and have your energy up at full potential. The extra energy will make it easier to sort out your new diet as well.

Good luck with it.

I’ll be interested to hear what others have to say about immunotherapy.


30 Shannon December 29, 2011 at 12:19

If you’re sensitive to mold, you’re probably sensitive to yeast (re: yeast bread).


31 Anonymous January 5, 2009 at 20:57

Yeast and Mold Elimination Diet

I was given a yeast and mold elimination diet (along with flonase and antibiotics for my sinus infection), and thought I’d share what I was given:

Food to Avoid

Alcohol, vinegar (incl. salad dressings, mustard, catsup, pickles, etc.), cheese, bread (including pita), most crackers and pretzels, yeast extract (found in many commercial soups, boullions and sauces), dried fruit, commercial fruit juices, fruit spreads, fermented foods including those made with soy sauce, miso soup, malt (found in many breakfast cereals), mushrooms.

Nuts, seeds, beans and fruits (especially berries and grapes) are usually colonized with mold or yeast, especially on standing, and are best avoided. Tomato sauce is usually full of mod and yeast. Chocolate and coffee are made from beans and tend to have high mold content. Tea is made from dried leaves and may have high yeast or mold content. Smoked meats and fish, bacon and sausage and luncheon meats may be moldy.

Whole organic foods are more likely to be colonized by mold then refined, preserved foods are actully less well tolerated by some mold-allergic people.

Sugar stimulates the growth of yeast in the mouth, stomach and upper small intestine and should be avoided. Avoid foods with added sugar, corn syrup, corn sweetener, dextrose, fructose, sucrose, fruit juice, honey or maple syrup. Naturally occurring food sugar also can stimulate yeast growth. This includes the sugar lactose, found in milk, yogurt, soft cheeses and cream, and fruit sugar. Fruit conserves and purees and juices should be avoided; whole fruits should be avoided or naturally limited (2-3 per day).

Acceptable Foods

Fresh lean meat, fish and poultry, eggs, fresh and frozen vegetables of all types, oats, rice, corn, millet, barley (not malted), potatoes, and buckwheat. The safest beverages are water, seltzer spring water. A few ounces of freshly squeezed orange juices may be onsumed each day. Up to two piees of fresh fruit a day may be consumed (avoid grapes, plums, berries, and melons). Fruits and vegetables should either be peeled or washed carefully. Some butter or margarine may be tolerated. Cooked beans, chic beans and tofu are usually safe. Oiles are acceptable: the healthiest are olive or sesame for cooking and olive or sunflower or safflower raw.

For salad dressing use oil and lemon juice; fresh onion, garlic basil or fresh herbs can be used for flavoring. Tomato sauce homemade from fresh, peeled tomatoes is OK. Rice cakes and crackers, popcorn, matzoh and tortillas are usually OK. Noodles and pasta may be tolerated, if the sauce is made from fresh tomatoes, olive oil and herbs only and no cheese is added. Nut butters and even nuts may be acceptable as snacks, but should not be used during the first week of the diet.

Hope this helps!


32 Kelli June 7, 2009 at 14:40

Acceptable Foods List

Thank you so much for posting the “Acceptable Foods” list. I have been so frustrated lately because all of the info I can find on Mold Allergy Diets only states what foods to avoid. I can now focus my energy on the more positive “what I CAN do to help myself” instead of so much on the “do not” topics.
I really appreciate you sharing this information, and would love to know where you found it.


33 Susan January 9, 2010 at 03:28

If you’re allergic to mold – you ARE allergic to EGGS

A doctor told me years ago that if you have a true mold allergy – which means you’re allergic to penicillin too (I break out in hives) you ARE allergic to EGGS. When I eliminated eggs from my diet guess what? I ceased having any kind of headaches whatsoever. I feel many mold sufferers are unaware that they are extremely allergic to eggs, particularly egg whites and don’t know it!


34 admin January 9, 2010 at 13:48

more info?

I’d want more information on that link.

For one thing, there are a huge number of different types of mold. Penicillin is just one type.

Maybe the link is only between penicillin allergy and eggs?


35 Deb January 23, 2010 at 22:13

Mold and egg allergy

I just found out that I am allergic to mold (fusarium) as well as eggs. The information on this forum is very interesting, thanks to all for your information.


36 Shannon December 29, 2011 at 12:08

I am without a doubt allergic to mold, and recently got results from an IgG delayed allergy test and was highly reactive to wheat, dairy and eggs. This really shocked me because I didn’t (and still don’t) see the connection between eggs and mold (and of course, it’s possible there’s no direction connection except that I’m susceptible to allergies in general). But, here’s another anecdotal piece of data that in my case, yes, supposedly I’m allergic to eggs and mold. I’d be very curious to know what the connection, if any, is – I thought egg whites were antibacterial as opposed to fungal. I’m still skeptical and really hope I’m NOT allergic to eggs since it seems I’m sensitive to just about everything (including much that came up as “not reactive” on my test). Eggs were a staple, but maybe that was the problem.

37 Muffy January 24, 2012 at 12:07

I get the flu shot and have been told I am allergic to mold. I never react to the shot and have been told you cannot take if you have a egg allergy. I wonder why eggs could be mold?


38 Elizabeth January 5, 2009 at 14:46

Mold intolerance

After years of extremely painful bladder problems and many antibiotics for UTIs, I was diagnosed with interstitial cystitis (IC). I tried eliminating many of the foods which the experts said could cause flare-ups but nothing seemed to help. One day I ate the most delicious portobello mushroom sandwich and boy, did I pay! A half hour later, I had the most excruciating “attack” that lasted for 4 hours. I finally took two pain pills and went to bed. When I awoke the next morning, the pain was gone and I was pain-free for almost a month afterwards. It was as if I had been inoculated. Needless to say, I haven’t eaten mushrooms since and I do believe that fungus, mold, and yeast have been the cause of my problems, which started with the mold. I lived in the south for 15 years and part of that time I had a temporary office in a basement that turned out to be mold infested. I also had half a lung removed due to aveolar cancer, which can be caused by mold spores. I’m still working on what I can and cannot eat but I do know that anything with yeast, mold or fungus will trigger an IC flare-up. I feel best when I do a liquid fast and keep everything else out of my system. Best of luck to all and Happy New Year.


39 admin January 6, 2009 at 00:25

Helpful story

Thanks for sharing your experience, Elizabeth. I am sure this will be very helpful to others with similar problems.


40 Anonymous January 22, 2008 at 00:08

mold allergy; mold free diet

I was just recently diagnosed with an allegy to mold and was placed on a mold free diet by the allergist Dr Hardy of Saskatoon, Sask which includes;

  • All cheeses including sour cream, cottage cheese, sour milk, yogurt, and buttermilk,
  • Beer and wine (no alcohol),
  • Pickled and smoked meats including sausage, pickled and smoked fish, hot dogs, corned beef, pastrami etc,
  • Vinegar and vinegar containing products such as mayonnaise, salad dressings, ketchup, chili and shrimp sauses, pickles, olives, and souerkraut,
  • Soured breads (e.g. pumpernickle),
  • Fresh rolls,
  • Coffee cakes,
  • Other foods made with large amounts of yeast
  • All dried and candied fruits such as raisins, dates, prunes, figs, apricots, melons including cantaloupe, watermelon, muskmelon, honey dew etc, soy sauce, tomatoes other then fresh or home canned,
  • Canned or frozen fruit juices,
  • Ground meat that is [more] then 24 hours old (must be frozen or cooked within that time frame),

Canned food [must be] consumed immediately after opening, left over more then 24 hours old should be avoided.

Hope you can find this of use.


41 admin January 22, 2008 at 10:44

Mold free food list

Thanks for the comprehensive list! I’ve just reformatted it in list form to make it easier to read.

When I started on a mold-free diet, I also cut out a lot of things. Eventually, I found that I could eat some foods, while other’s made me feel bad.

The only way to tell is by cutting out everything and then slowly reintroducing foods one at a time to see how each one makes you feel.

Good Luck!


42 Anonymous January 29, 2008 at 08:46

Mold allergy

I have recently been told i have a mold intolerance and was told blue cheese was one of them along with others. I was a bit confused as you stated ‘all cheeses’ Was this the mold free diet or things that should not be included??


43 admin January 29, 2008 at 14:37

Mold-free diet – avoid

The comment refers to food you should avoid, which includes all cheeses when you are being super-careful. Later, you may find that some cheese is OK after all. After cutting out all sources of mould, you will feel better, assuming mold was the problem and that you really did cut out all sources of mould.

If you later try eating some of the items on the forbidden list, you may find that they are OK.

Blue cheese definitely has mould in it – that’s what turns it various shades of blue and green.

I hope this clears up your confusion!


44 Anonymous October 25, 2008 at 21:24

Mold Allergy Diet

I have recently been diagnosed with an allergy to mold and have been advised to eliminate mold from my diet. I have read about the foods to avoid and am frustrated in trying to find the right food to eat. What would you suggest to eat during an elimination period before introducing foods back into my diet?


45 admin October 26, 2008 at 19:19

Mold-free diet

That is a good question. It is so easy to focus on what to avoid, and fail to focus on what you can eat instead.

A comprehensive list will take some research.

If you do your own cooking, then any kind of meat should be OK (otherwise it is likely to be toxic).

Most vegetables are OK, off-hand I can’t think of any that are not. Do be careful to cut out and soft bits though. Peak potatoes, there can often be small mold pockets just below the skin.

Most fruit is OK, but not all. To keep it simple, stick to pealed fruit. That does not mean to say that all skin is bad, just that I don’t have time to list everything here just now.

Processed foods are harder to recommend, because one can’t be sure how they do the processing and if it is entirely mold-free. Again, that would take some research.

Hope this is enough to get you started.


46 Helen Dunn June 13, 2009 at 18:33




47 admin June 13, 2009 at 22:39

Tea is not a mold

Tea is not a mold.

If processed properly, it should come nowhere near mold to my knowledge.

Tea is “fermented” – which in most cases means it is allowed to oxides for a few hours. Any yeast involvement should be minor.


48 Lil January 22, 2010 at 12:32

Mold Free Diet

I have been on a Mold-Free Diet for years and am amazed how much better I feel!! This diet was a blessing in so many ways. I not only feel better but I also lost weight because it forces you to eat non-processed foods. A way healthier way of living!! I encourage everyone to follow this diet. Hope this helps! Good luck!


49 JW December 14, 2010 at 18:18

Any recommendations on what one can eat on a mold free diet? I just found out I have a mold allergy and understand most of what NOT to eat, but finding substitutes is overwhelming in the wake of loosing a lot of favorites.


50 Allergy Guy December 16, 2010 at 19:10

Maybe you could list some of the specific foods you’re avoiding and people can suggest substitutes that they use.


51 Allergy Guy January 2, 2012 at 21:57

Don’t expect your allergies to make sense or to be inter-related in any way. One of my allergists told me that he doesn’t have any patients with just one allergy, so if you have one, you can expect others.

The staples are the hardest allergens, and the most likely.

I suggest you cut out the foods suggested to you and see if it makes a difference. You can then decide if you want to reintroduce them one at a time to see which ones are a problem, and if avoiding them is worth the effort for you.


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