Mold Allergy | Fruit Mold | Mold Fee Diet | Allergy

Mold Allergy and Fruit

by Allergy Guy

Mold allergies can be triggered by eating moldy fruit.  What you have to watch out for is small, almost hidden pockets of mold in the fruit.

Eating fruit with tiny amounts of mold is probably not a problem for most people, but a smallish amount of mold can make any feel sick.

If you have a mold allergy, the effects of mold on fruit can be worse that what “normal” people feel.  Also, you may get a reaction from a smaller amount of mold than would bother most people.

The key to avoiding problems with mold on fruit it to store the fruit properly, and carefully examine the fruit before eating it.

Mold-Reduced Fruit Storage

The most obvious way to slow down mold growth on fruit is to store it in the fridge.  Fruit can be kept in plastic bags in the fridge, as long as the fruit is not over-ripe, and is perfectly dry.

If the fruit is not yet ripe, you will need to leave it at room temperature.  Most fruit does not ripen in the fridge.

When storing at room temperature, make sure there is plenty of air circulation around the fruit, or it may grow mold.  Placing fruit in an open basket or a big plate works well.  A solid-sided bowl may encourage mold growth.

Mold may also grow on the fruit where it touches a solid surface due to lack of air circulation, especially in depressions such as around the stem.  The best way to avoid this problem is to rotate the fruit about once a day.

Mold Allergy and Fruit Surgery

If mold is growing on your fruit, you can usually just cut the moldy part out of the fruit.  Be sure to remove any discoloured part of the fruit as well.

With some fruits, any mold growth rapidly affects large parts of the fruit, and you’re better off discarding the whole piece of fruit.  In general, soft fruits such as bananas and tomatoes (both large berries) suffer from this problem.  If the mold seems to have effected a sizable chunk of the inside of the fruit, discard the whole fruit.

Hard fruits such as apples and pears have more successful mold surgery results.  Generally, any part of the fruit that is firm and not discoloured is fine.

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