Surviving Allergies | Moldy | Dusty | Allergy

Allergies but Surviving a Dusty Moldy House

by Allergy Guy

I am one week into a three week stay, house-sitting for a friend of mine. The air quality is not what I am used to.

Here is one secret to feeling great and having lots of energy: manage the air quality of where you live and where you work.

I work at home, which gives me more control with half the effort, so I have pretty good air quality day and night. There are things you can do to improve air quality in an office environment, but that goes beyond the scope of this article.

Where I live, the mold problem is slight. Not zero yet, but very good, especially when compared to most homes in the area.

When it comes to dust, I’ve really got that one licked. Oh, well, except when I get lazy and leave the vacuuming too long. But my allergies tell me when the dusting is long over-due.

At my friend’s house, the dusting was over-due a few years ago. My allergy alert system (i.e. allergy symptoms) prompted me into immediate action.

Although my friend’s place has some problems (a basement full of mold continuously pumping out mold spores and mycotoxins, layers of archeological-grade dust), his house does have one saving grace. It is a big one: a central vacuum cleaner, vented to the outside. You can’t beat this system for removing allergens from your house-hold. Everything – large dust particles, tiny dust particles, mites, mite droppings, mold spores, yeast (growing in the dust), all gets sucked up (as it would with any vacuum cleaner), and jettisoned to the outside (a unique feature of a central vac).

If you have allergies (especially asthma, but really, any kind of allergy to dust), and you are considering the pros and cons of a central vac, just buy one. Its the very best way to go (as long as you actually use it!)

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1 Sue Anne L November 12, 2007 at 06:39

Is pumpkin a source of allergy?

Good Day!

This evening when my 3+ years-old son helping me to cut some pumpkin for his dinner, he suddenly screamed as he felt the burning pain on his hands.

He is an eczema child since he was borne but is gradually out-growing most of it. He has eaten pumpkin before and didn’t show any allergies caused by it but this time, he was crying hard for the pain of cutting the pumpkin.

I’m kinda puzzled and would appreciate some advice on this.
Thank you.


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