Mold Allergy | Mold in the Basement | Allergy

Mold in the Basement

by Allergy Guy

On of the most common areas for a serious mold problem to occur in a house is in the basement, yet it is probably one of the most ignored. One could say that a damp and moldy basement is one of the biggest but most overlooked disasters for those who have allergies.

A leaky roof or bathtub is much more likely to be noticed quickly and fixed promptly. This probably has a lot to do with people’s dislike of damp walls and marred paint. Forgotten in this calculation are health concerns. Mold is a major health concern whether you have an allergy or not.

If you have any kind of allergy, and there is any hint of dampness in your basement, I highly advise you to deal with it right away.

You may not smell the mold, and this is for several reasons. Some people notice the smell more than others. If you have a sensitive nose, you are more likely to pick up on the smell. Even if your sense of smell is relatively poor, you can still train your sense of smell to pick up on mold.

Probably the number one reason that many people do not notice the smell of mold is because they are used to it and think that it is normal. It is not, and it is a hazard to your health.

This is why I suggest you look for signs of dampness in your basement, rather than signs of mold. Measuring the humidity in your basement will help. Anything over 55% is starting to get suspicious. Yet mold can grow undetected in rooms with relatively dry air, if the space behind walls is damp. It is local humidity, especially in wood that is the problem.

Speaking of damp wood, mold in wood is particularly unhealthy, and in some cases is very carcinogenic (to inhale).

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