Mold Allergy | Mold Allergy Symptoms | Allergy

Symptoms of Increased Exposure to Mold

by Allergy Guy

I am nearing the end of my house-sitting stint at my friends house – the house with the moldy basement. Most basements in this city are moldy it seems, which is why I am loath to move (I live in a house with a dry, relatively mold-free basement).

I’ve been managing my allergies by completely avoiding the basement (except for rare occasions, when I have done my best to take a deep breath before opening the door, running down the narrow stairs, doing what I have to do, running up again … hopefully all on one breath as I slam the door behind me).

I was down there a little longer this afternoon, and now I am paying the price. I am noticing a bit of a headache, and general muscle discomfort, especially in the back of my neck.

The fact that I had a couple of spelt cookies yesterday may not have helped. Although spelt is not exactly wheat, it isn’t exactly not wheat either. A combination of mold exposure and spelt consumption – not good!

You can read this article for more on how I’ve been surviving this Dusty Moldy House.

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1 Pat Burke March 10, 2011 at 09:56

Is excessive saliva a symptom of mold allergy?


2 Allergy Guy March 10, 2011 at 11:53

It’s not one I know of, but others may share your experience.

If you find you have excessive saliva when exposed to mold, but you go back to normal when away from mold, then it is probably a symptom for you.

I wouldn’t diagnose a mold allergy simply on the basis of excessive saliva though.


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