Milk Alternatives | Allergy

Milk Alternatives (Suggestions by Karen)

by Guest Writer

For those who are allergic to milk, or wish to avoid milk for other reasons, there are increasing alternatives. Rice and soy milks may be the staples for alternative milks, but there are increasing varieties beyond these. Hemp milks, oat milks and nut milks have all expanded in the marketplace and entered many dairy free kitchens.

The option of making your own dairy free milks, may appeal to you. Soymilk makers rice milk even hemp milk makers are apart of many dairy free household’s kitchens.

Hemp milk producers Living Harvest Hemp milk and Manitoba Harvest Hemp Bliss have added hemp milk as another choice for the dairy free, recent health claims of hemp have made this a growing trend.

Potato milks are being made by English Bay Dairy Free and Tayo. Potato milk typically contains no oil, so when using in recipes oils may have to be added.

If you have other food allergies or aversions read ingredients carefully, some milk alternatives have limits to heating and cooling. Some can be frozen others should not, but don’t let this stop you from experimenting, just be aware and read packaging.

By Karen Blue

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1 Chrissy RN December 2, 2010 at 12:20

I have avoided dairy on and off since I was a child, and it wasn’t until recently that I learned about coconut milk as a substitute. Coconut has a myriad of health properties, and drinking the milk (from the can and mixed with water 1:1) is the most delicious and nutritious milk substitute I have tasted!


2 Allergy Guy December 2, 2010 at 18:16

I agree, coconut milk is fantastic! I use it all the time.


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