Gluten Free Bread – Home Made #6 | Allergy

Gluten Free Bread – Home Made #6

by Allergy Guy

Gluten free bread in a bread maker – its tasty, convenient, and eventually cheaper than buying gluten free bread. It really helps reduce the cost of your gluten free diet.

My home made bread has been very successful so far. The bread is tasty and has a good to great consistency.

Gluten Free Bread | Gluten Free Diet | Gluten Allergy

Here is my challenge:

  • Make bread within 15 minutes (and let the bread maker do the rest.
  • Have consistently great consistency
  • Have it rise properly into a beautifully shaped loaf.

That last point is not important at all, but I’m a perfectionist. Since a bread maker works very consistently, I figure I can adjust my procedure to make a perfect loaf of bread every time.

This last loaf too 35 minutes. Why? My kitchen isn’t organized for gluten free bread making yet. So I waste time looking for things and getting ingredients from all over the place.

This time I had to clean up before starting the bread making operation, which doesn’t really count.

One thing I got right this time is cooling down the mix. Everything was a bit too warm, so I used room temperature Yu milk (opened a new carton), but added eggs fresh out of the refrigerator.

This brought the temperature of the liquids from 78°F down to 72°F, which is well within the range of 65°F – 75°F recommended for gluten free bread.

This was a lot faster than what I did previously – cool down the mixing bowl with ice water, and hope that would cool down the mixture enough.

Also, I put the flour in a shallow pan, and put that in the freezer.

Last time I used 14.75 oz of the gluten free flour mix. The top of the loaf collapsed quite a bit.

This time I used 15 oz gluten free flour. This seemed to help quite a bit. The loaf collapsed a bit, but much less than before.

Next time I’ll up the flour. That should improve the shape of my gluten free bread and keep my gluten allergy in check.

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