Gluten Sensitivity | Gluten Allergy | Celiac Disease | Allergy

Gluten Sensitivity

by Allergy Guy

Gluten sensitivity can mean a range of disorders including celiac disease, gluten allergy and wheat allergy, or it can mean idiopathic gluten sensitivity.
On this website, it means that someone has symptoms when they eat gluten, but it is not celiac disease or a proven gluten or wheat allergy.

Gluten sensitivity symptoms vary widely, and can include some or all gluten allergy symptoms, and some celiac disease symptoms.

The difference between gluten sensitivity and celiac disease is clear, although not always easy to discern.  Celiac disease is a genetic disposition to an autoimmune disorder triggered by gluten.  Symptoms can affect any organ in the body, and can appear to be many other diseases, including diabetes, hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism etc.

Gluten allergy can have many symptoms throughout the body, but is not generally associated or confused with other diseases, although symptoms may still be confusing.  However, some studies may show a correlation between chronic gluten allergy reactions and other diseases, so a gluten allergy should be taken seriously, beyond day-to-day discomfort of the individual.

Gluten sensitivity may be similar to a gluten allergy, without the involvement of the immune system, and symptoms are probably less severe, although since severity of symptoms vary, this is not specifically helpful.

Idiopathic Gluten Sensitivity

Idiopathic gluten sensitivity simply means a sensitivity to gluten without a known cause, such as gluten or wheat allergy, or celiac disease.  Because this is the basic definition on this site, the term is a tautology, although it may be used in other contexts where a cause for sensitivity, such as an allergy, is expected.

What is your experience with gluten sensitivity?  Please leave a comment.


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