Wheat Allergy | Wheat Free | Gluten Free Diet | Allergy

Wheat Allergy

by Allergy Guy

Wheat allergy problems seem to be getting more common. This is not to be confused with a gluten allergy or celiac. If you have a wheat allergy, you may be OK with rye and barley. If you are allergic to gluten or have celiac, then you must avoid rye, barley and probably oats as well (highly advisable).

This section contains information about wheat allergies. See the table of contents below for specific articles about a variety of related topics.

An allergy or intolerance to wheat is more common than most people realize. Many people find it quite hard to digest.

There are several different problems that people can have with wheat, including:

  • An allergy to wheat (wheat allergy or wheat intolerance)
  • Difficulty digesting wheat
  • Celiac disease

A true allergy (type I intolerance to wheat may be relatively rare. However, many people complain of having various undesirable symptoms when they ingest wheat. Either way, it is well worth avoiding if you have this problem.

In a class by itself, celiac disease is a reaction to gluten that causes damage to the intestine, and numerous complications as a result.

The sections below go into much more detail about specific aspects of a wheat allergy.

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1 karissa June 7, 2013 at 19:11

I have given up most wheat for the past 5 months, I have been fibe eating our tortillas but when I ate whole wheat breat the other day I broke out in a rash and itched all over. Why would this affect me nd not the tortillas?


2 Allergy Guy June 15, 2013 at 00:08

Are the tortillas pure corn, or do they have wheat in them?


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