Gluten, Mold, yeast or Flu? | Allergy

Gluten, Mold, yeast or Flu?

by Allergy Guy

I’ve not been feeling too great lately. Usually, I can trace it back to one of my allergies.

Could it be gluten or wheat? I doubt it because I’m pretty sure I’ve not been exposed to any gluten-containing foods. I’d have to say, my gluten exposure risk has been pretty low lately. I’ve kept well away from wheat.

How about Mold? I wrote about mold recently, and how mold really starts to grow in the early spring. No doubt, some, even most of how I feel right now could be related to mold. Still, mold is not the whole story here.

How about Yeast? Well, there is a chance that yeast is contributing to my symptoms, but I cant really relate how I feel to what usually happens when I ingest yeast.

How about the flu? There has been a lot of it going around lately. It is entirely possible. Many allergy symptoms are similar to flu symptoms. If you feel like you have the flu all the time, you should suspect allergies. In my case, this set of symptoms has been recent, so it could be the flu.

I’d say mostly I’ve got a problem with mold, but can’t rule out the flu as well. I’ll get lost of rest and eventually I’ll be fine again. Meanwhile, its a bit of a drag.

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1 vanda April 30, 2012 at 17:54

My daughter is 24yrs old. She gets yeast infection a week before her period. She will take canisten pill and it goes away until next month. It has been going on for 8 months. She has been on the alesse birth control for 1 1/2 yrs. Do u think the pill is giving her the yeast infection. If she changes what pill should she go too. Also she is gluten free diet. The doctor has gave her all kinds of test like diabetes, chroln,std (which was very bad about) She has had the same boyfriend for 3 yrs. I do think she is also stressed out over all this. She doesn’t feel good alot of the time, nausea , pimples. Can u help her!!


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