Chamaria, Sunira Foods | Allergy

Chamaria, Sunira Foods

by Allergy Guy

Sunira Food Products Pvt Ltd. is located in West Bengal, India:

2, Rowland Road,
tel. 91.33.24751450

Note that their website has stopped working and it is unknown if they are still in business. Please leave a comment if you know their status.

Mrs. Charmaria says:

I specially want the GF population of India/ and tourists coming to India to know that GF foods are finally available in India, and now they can finally add some variety to their diets and enjoy life.

To help overcome the modern-day malaise of allergies, Heal’thySelf has introduced for the first time in India, a wide range of products which are hypoallergenic and are free from all the following allergens:

Rice Protein Powder, an extract from Brown Rice, is appropriate for allergies, lactose intolerance, detox diets and for general wellness and strength building. Heal’thySelf Atta, Sooji and Dalia besides being hypoallergenic are also low in fat and rich in complex carbs. Thus, these products are also beneficial for diabetes, weight reduction diets and improve the wellness quotient of children and adults. All the above products also benefit people with stomach disorders, as they have shown to relieve symptoms of celiac disease, IBS etc.

Besides these, Heal’thySelf also has Cake and Brownie Mixes which are rich in complex carbs (contain no maida), vitamins, minerals and are enhanced with proteins. There are easy to make, tasty and healthy too! So go heal thy self!

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