Allergy Control Products: Allergy Air Purifier | Allergy

Allergy Control Products: Allergy Air Purifier

by Allergy Guy


One of the quickest and easiest ways to reduce dust, mold, pollen and other allergy-causing particles that cause indoor allergy problems, is to run a HEPA air purifier in rooms where you spend a lot of time.

You still have to vacuum to remove dust, do everything possible to reduce mold growth, and otherwise control the source of allergens as much as you can. It is impossible to completely eliminate all dust by vacuuming, and mold can be very hard to entirely remove. A HEPA air filter will greatly reduce the amount of allergens floating around in the air.

How HEPA Air Purifiers Work

HEPA air purifiers consist of a fan and a HEPA filter. The fan forces air from the room through the HEPA filter, which removes tiny particles such as dust, dust mite droppings, pollen and mold spores.

Air purifiers simply re-circulate air, removing tiny particles as the air passes through the filter. Theoretically, the air coming out of the purifier is free of particles. It is impossible for an air purifier to remove all allergens, because it is re-circulating a mixture of air that has already passed through the filter and “dirty” air. What it does do is gradually reduce the concentration of allergens in a room.

In order for an air purifier to be effective, it must be in an enclosed area, and must be sized to the volume of the room. The larger the room, the bigger an air filter you will require to be effective.


Air purifiers improve indoor air quality and therefore reduce indoor allergy symptoms. Use them in conjunction with good housekeeping practices to reduce your exposure to air-borne allergens.

Note that Amazon sells air filters.

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