Free Dandruff Cure | Allergy

Free Dandruff Cure

by Allergy Guy

Dandruff is an annoying and sometimes embarrassing problem.  There are ways to get rid of it that are effective.  Here are a few, one of them free.

If you go to your local supermarket or pharmacy, you can find all sorts of anti-dandruff shampoo sold for two or three times the cost of regular shampoo.  Some of them work sometimes.Tar shampoo is usually effective in my experience.  Disadvantages are that it is smelly, somewhat toxic, expensive and not always effective.

Selenium-based shampoo can also be effective.  It is less smelly than tar shampoo but also expensive and not always effective.

Effective and Free Dandruff Cure

Here is my favorite way to eliminate dandruff.  It is effective and free.  Disadvantages are that you have to make it yourself, it does not come in fancy packaging, and does not come in a gel format.

Here’s what you do: boil three grapefruit skins in a liter of water for at least an hour.  Allow to cool and store the liquid in the fridge.

To use, pour enough onto your hair to ensure it has reached your entire scalp.  Allow to sit for a minute or two, then rinse out and continue washing your hair with regular shampoo and conditioner etc.

This dandruff solution is free, easy and effective but you may not like the packaging.  I use it and recommend it.

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