Recommended Daily Allowance | Allergy

Recommended Daily Allowance

by Allergy Guy

The Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) specifies the quantity of vitamins, minerals and nutrients you should consume on a daily basis to remain healthy.

Keep in mind that this value is the minimum amount and not all experts agree on what minimum levels of some nutrients are necessary for a truly healthy body (as opposed to a barely functioning body).

The RDA is not universal. The intake that is right for you might be quite different according to your gender, health, size, weight, age, exposure to pollution … and many other factors.

For people with allergies, the RDA might be far too low for some dietary supplements. Increasing your intake of certain vitamins, minerals and other dietary supplements might be beneficial if you suffer from allergies.

Recommended Daily Allowances

The following tables are from Wikipedia. They have not been adjusted for allergy requirements. This table is more useful than just listing the RDA. It also indicates the following:

  • EAR: Estimated Average Requirements
  • RDI: Reference Daily Intake
  • AI: Adequate Intake
  • UL: Tolerable upper intake levels
Nutrient EAR RDI/AI UL Unit
Vitamin A 2083 3000 15000 IU
Vitamin C 75 90 2000 mg
Vitamin D NE 200 2000 IU
Vitamin K NE 120 ND µg
Vitamin B6 1.1 1.3 100 mg
?-tocopherol (E) 12 15 1000 IU
Biotin NE 30 ND µg
Boron NE 20 mg
Calcium NE 1000 2500 mg
Chloride NE 2300 3600 mg
Chromium NE 35 ND µg
Choline NE 550 3500 mg
Copper 700 900 10000 µg
Cyanocobalamin (B12) 2.0 2.4 ND µg
Fluoride NE 4 10 mg
Folate (B9) 320 400 1000 µg
Iodine 95 150 1100 µg
Iron 6 8 45 mg
Magnesium 330 420 350a mg
Manganese NE 7.1 11 mg
Molybdenum 34 45 2000 µg
Niacin (B3) 12 16 35 mg
Nickel NE 1.0 mg
Pantothenic acid (B5) NE 5 ND mg
Phosphorus 580 700 4000 mg
Potassium NE 4700 ND mg
Thiamin (B1) 1.0 1.2 ND mg
Riboflavin (B2) 1.1 1.3 ND mg
Selenium 45 55 400 µg
Sodium NE 1500 2300 mg
Sulfate NE ND
Zinc 9.4 11 40 mg

External Links

Wikipedia on Recommended Daily Allowance

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