Heather Strang | Allergy

Heather Strang

by Allergy Guy

Heather Strang is a writer passionate about the wheat-free, dairy-free and low sugar lifestyle, a path she’s been following for more than six years.

It all began at the age of 23, when Heather gained 25 pounds and was diagnosed with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), arthritis in her back, eczema and anemia.

When doctors were unable to help her, Heather set out on a quest to lose the extra weight and restore her health. Dairy had been eliminated from her diet previously, as it adversely affected her digestion. Then, at the recommendation of a friend, Heather also decided to remove wheat. Within three weeks, she lost 20 pounds, and the IBS, eczema and anemia disappeared. She felt lighter, had more energy and her cravings vanished.

Heather continued to grow her knowledge of nutrition and also decided to cut out processed sugar. From there, her arthritis pain subsided greatly and today is completely gone.

Heather has written on the topic extensively for a host of online and print publications. In addition, she writes a weekly blog featuring her original recipes and product recommendations:
Eat Wheat-Free, Dairy-Free, & Low Sugar

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