Frances Cheung | Allergy

Frances Cheung

by Allergy Guy

Frances Cheung is a certified holistic health counselor, accredited by the American Association of Drugless Practitioners and a graduate of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. Her background encompasses the different dietary theories, from the eastern traditions of ayurveda, macrobiotics and traditional Chinese medicine, to the modern concepts of raw foods, Atkins and the blood type diet, in addition to modern health counseling.

Frances believes that there is no one right diet that works for everyone and incorporates a unique, customized approach to wellness in her practice. Through individual and group counseling, workshops, seminars and tele-seminars, and combining nutrition counseling with life coaching, Frances guides and empowers her clients to nourish themselves from the inside out.

Frances specializes in food allergies, digestive wellness and vegetarian nutrition. She has a private counseling practice in NYC and also works with clients internationally over the phone. To schedule a free, private one hour consultation with her, please contact

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