Wheat allergy | Wheat allergy India | Allergy

Wheat allergy awareness in North India

by Allergy Guy

Wheat allergies are being discovered everywhere!

In this article about wheat allergies in India, the Indian Express reports on several studies of children in India. One study surveyed 1,500 students and found that one in 122 children in Chandigarh is prone to celiac disease, a serious reaction to eating wheat.

Another study in Ludhiana surveyed 4,300 children, and found 1 in 300 children to have celiac.

This may seem like bad news. I say the opposite is true. There must be millions of people across the world suffering either from a wheat allergy or celiac disease. This is an unfortunate fact.

The good news is that people are starting to discover these allergies, learn about what they can and can not eat, and therefore can become healthy.

For world travellers like me, it also means another area I can visit, and ask for a wheat-free meal, without getting strange looks, and food that is “wheat free, it is made with all-purpose flour!”.

You will still have to ask the right questions when you visit a restaurant, but at least there will eventually be an awareness in India of allergies in general, and wheat allergies in particular.

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1 Om Prakash January 9, 2018 at 08:49

Celiac Disease is an auto immune deficiency disorder of digestion system. It is curable .


2 Allergy Guy February 9, 2018 at 23:22

This is not correct. It is not a disorder of the digestion system, although it often affects the digestion system, and/or just about every other organ in the body. It cannot be cured but it can be managed by avoiding all gluten.


3 mandeep singh November 10, 2014 at 14:21

dear sir ,
i m wheat allergy patient, kindly suggest me food .


4 Allergy Guy November 10, 2014 at 23:44

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