Wheat-Free | Restaurants | Allergy

Wheat-Free in Restaurants

by Allergy Guy

Wheat-free eating in restaurants can be a trail, or it can be very easy. It depends on the restaurant, the menu, and how well trained the staff is.

If you have a wheat allergy, a gluten allergy, or are celiac, your health and well-being depends on making sure that the restaurant food you eat is completely wheat-free (or gluten-free if you have  celiac disease or have a gluten allergy).

If you are on a gluten free diet, then avoiding wheat is only part of the story.

On the other hand, asking for a gluten-free meal can be very helpful if you are avoiding wheat, because more people have heard of a gluten-free diet, and are more likely to accommodate you.

If I tell the server that I can not eat wheat, and they mention a gluten free diet, then I know they get it, and do not explain the finer points of wheat vs. gluten.

Not everyone who works in a restaurant knows all that much about food. Even the chef can be clueless about food ingredients and origins, even if they do produce tasty dishes.

I’ve told servers in restaurants that I am allergic to wheat, and have been told “no problem, we only use all-purpose flour.”

A response like that tells you to leave the restaurant. Trying to explain the ins and outs of wheat-free food do someone like that may work, but it may not. You can’t afford to take the risk.

When you are asking questions about what you can eat in a restaurant, keep in mind that you may or may not be talking to an expert. One of your goals is to determine if the person you are talking to knows anything about food. You also need to work out if you and the server or chef really understand each-other.

Some people want to give the right answer, even if they don’t understand the question. If their goal is that you eat at their restaurant, the right answer for them is often “yes”. For example: -“is this safe for me to eat?” -“yes!”. Is it really?

Some restaurants serve a menu that is easier to accommodate your allergies, others have a more challenging menu. For example, I am allergic to wheat. If I see a menu with mostly sandwiches and pizza, I walk out. I know I will do well in an Asian restaurant though, as long as I am careful about what I order.

More and more restaurants have a special gluten-free menu. This is a big help, and a big clue that the ‘get it’.

What are your experiences with eating wheat-free at restaurants?

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1 Greg December 20, 2008 at 09:12

Gluten Allergy

Really am having problems with my gluten allergys. It’s killing me. I break out the time with D.H. I need some real help


2 Amber October 20, 2010 at 15:57

I also have DH but only on my left foot its horrible and I know how you feel. I personally have not found being gluten free to be hard though. You have to learn to read your food labels! Look for the GLUTEN FREE on the label for products that are ok or if you see “may contain traces of wheat) stay away from those.
It took me about 3 full weeks of strict gluten free eating for all my blisters to go away, I still occasionally get one and that is when I know I messed up but its no where near as bad as it was.
Many restaurants now have gluten free menus, just ask!


3 Karen Blue August 14, 2007 at 02:23

Eatting wheat or gluten free, dinning out

List of Restaurants that have wheat or gluten free menus, suggest your favorite to this growing list.


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