The Sushi Bar | Toronto Gluten Free Restaurant | Restaurant review | Allergy

Toronto Sushi Restaurant: The Sushi Bar

by Allergy Guy

The Sushi Bar aka “Dr. Sushi” is one of my favorite sushi restaurants in Toronto.  The savvy staff can provide you with many gluten-free options, including gluten-free soy sauce.

The quality of the sushi here is excellent, as is the presentation.  It has a real community feel to it.The waitress remembers us each time we come (we’ve only been three times over several months), and knows to serve me gluten-free food.  They now have gluten-free tamari (similar to soy sauce) so I don’t have to bring my own.

You can order a la carte, but then I got the idea of asking the chef to make whatever inspired him.  There is actually a Japanese word for this: Omakase.  If you don’t know what you want or just want to try something different, I highly recommend this option.  Omakase means “I’ll leave it to you”.  In a Japanese restaurant, it specifically means you are entrusting the chef to decide on what to serve you.  According to Wikipedia: “Customers ordering omakase style expect the chef to be innovative and surprising in the selection of dishes, and the meal can be likened to an artistic performance by the chef.” It goes on to say that you usually get the freshest fish this way, which is what we were told at The Sushi Bar. If you decide to visit, you may enjoy a very interesting style of candle.

As far as gluten-free goes, most of the selections are gluten free, but some of the sauces may contain gluten.  The servers and chef know what to leave out if you tell them you eat gluten-free.  This is of great comfort if you have a gluten allergy or celiac disease.

Unlike many sushi restaurants, even good ones, the miso soup is gluten-free.  It is also very tasty.  Highly recommended.

Not only is the quality first-class, the food is also artistically presented, especially if you order omakase-style.

The Sushi Bar
3369 Yonge St. Toronto M4N 2M6

Do you have a gluten allergy or celiac disease?  What is your experience with the The Sushi Bar?  Please leave a comment.

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