Wheat Allergy | Wheat Free | Gluten Free Diet | Allergy

Wheat Allergy

by Allergy Guy

Wheat allergy problems seem to be getting more common. This is not to be confused with a gluten allergy or celiac. If you have a wheat allergy, you may be OK with rye and barley. If you are allergic to gluten or have celiac, then you must avoid rye, barley and probably oats as well (highly advisable).

This section contains information about wheat allergies. See the table of contents below for specific articles about a variety of related topics.

An allergy or intolerance to wheat is more common than most people realize. Many people find it quite hard to digest.

There are several different problems that people can have with wheat, including:

  • An allergy to wheat (wheat allergy or wheat intolerance)
  • Difficulty digesting wheat
  • Celiac disease

A true allergy (type I intolerance to wheat may be relatively rare. However, many people complain of having various undesirable symptoms when they ingest wheat. Either way, it is well worth avoiding if you have this problem.

In a class by itself, celiac disease is a reaction to gluten that causes damage to the intestine, and numerous complications as a result.

The sections below go into much more detail about specific aspects of a wheat allergy.

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1 Ashley May 24, 2012 at 01:42

Im allergic to wheat and accidently had a lot of wheat today because the salad dressing i had didnt say it had wheat in it but it did because im sick as a dog. Is there ways to make the sick feeling go away faster (besides getting sick)? Such as maybe water makes it go through you faster or something


2 Allergy Guy May 24, 2012 at 16:56

I’ve often asked myself the same thing! Benadryl or equivalent may help, you’ll have to try it and see if it works for you. I wonder if anyone else has any ideas?


3 Mark May 24, 2012 at 18:07

I’d recommend you try making a fruit and vegetable juice with one apple, a carrot, a cup of cabbage, and a maybe a bit of something darker green and leafy/parsley (unless one of those cause a problem). Just gulp it if it doesn’t taste appealing. Sounds dumb, but there might be something in the mix of nutrients that switches off the inflammation. It works really well for me.
Alternatively eat half a raw carrot and half a cup of raw cabbage (the white bit is best – leave the green external leaves). You will need to take your time and chew it until you feel you can swallow it. The first few mouthfuls are hard, then it gets easy. I don’t know why it works but it does for me.


4 Jon March 20, 2012 at 07:45

I seem to be wheat intollerant and have cut it out of my diet. I do eat spelt an ancient grain, and make bread from it, quick flat breads to normal seady loaves and feel fine on it, in moderation. I tend to break it up with pumpernickle. I feel ten years younger and alot slimer.

My question is can the intollerence disappear?


5 Allergy Guy March 26, 2012 at 16:35

Intolerances have been known to disappear, depending on what type. If you re-introduce a previously problematic food into your diet and you are OK with it, then don’t over-do it and you have a good chance of being OK. But don’t assume you will loose your allergies/intolerances.

Certain things never go away, like celiac disease for example.


6 Kim February 22, 2012 at 20:03

4 months…still wheat-free. No interest in ever going back. Feeling great and HEALTHY! Trying to get everyone I know to read Wheat Belly and see the adverse effects today’s wheat has on our bodies.


7 Allergy Guy February 23, 2012 at 13:12

Glad you found the secret to your health! Personally, I think wheat is evil.


8 Tim November 18, 2011 at 08:26


About 7 months ago I started getting sinus issues after eating sandwiches, and other bread related foods.

I am 41 years old and never had these issues before. Can you get a wheat allergy later in life like I am experiencing?


9 Allergy Guy November 18, 2011 at 16:30

Yes you can, it could hit at any time.

The other possibility is celiac disease, in which case you’re born with the genes, but symptoms may not be noticeable until later in life.


10 Kim October 18, 2011 at 20:16

Hey there – I recently read the book Wheat Belly and decided to go wheat free (not because of an allergy). Lost 4 pounds in one week and am NEVER hungry – no sugar highs and lows – no more 3pm slump – etc. And the variety of foods I am eating are wonderful – the only thing I have substituted for wheat is rice wraps for some lunches. My question is this:

I had NO withdrawal symptoms – no fatigue, headaches, etc. for two weeks – but in the last 3 days (2 full weeks after deleting the wheat) I have had a headache and feel quite tired – can this be delayed withdrawal symptoms?


11 Allergy Guy October 18, 2011 at 22:58

Hi Kim,

I can’t answer your question with certainty, but I suspect the answer might be yes.

In my case, when I first cut out wheat, it had no effect what so ever, until two or three weeks later. Then it was quite sudden and dramatic, like the fog lifting. It took me fully two years to kick. Looking back, it really was like an addiction, but 20 years ago, I didn’t know about that.

So it does seem possible that you are having withdrawal symptoms.

Of course there are many other possible causes, including low water intake, caffeine withdrawal, a reaction to a substitute food, the flu, etc.

Still, it is interesting that you may have withdrawal symptoms, and therefor actually have an allergy to wheat, even if it is a mild one. Stick with the diet, I say!

Good luck!


12 Kim November 18, 2011 at 19:34

Thanks! It’s been over a month of no wheat and I am feeling great – lost a few pounds – and have NO desire to eat anything made with wheat or flour….my friends and family think I am crazy – but I see it as choosing a healthier lifestyle and enjoying so many other foods – and more of them – the good ones – fruits and veggies and lots more protein. I have always been a HUGE fan of stuffing – so we’ll see how I feel Thanksgiving – if I feel deprived at all… I will say since I’ve deleted all the wheat I have had not one “stomach” issue – and my symptoms of irritable bowel are gone! No reason to go back….ever!


13 Allergy Guy November 18, 2011 at 20:14

That’s great news, Kim, very glad to hear it!

I’m sure there is a gluten-free stuffing recipe somewhere on this website. You can use brown rice or amaranth instead of breadcrumbs, although I’m not sure if you can do a direct replacement in the recipe you already use.

By the way, if your family doesn’t understand the health benefits you enjoy by cutting wheat, then they are crazy. Maybe not crazy but certainly wrong. Glad you have the strength to keep it up!


14 Kim November 18, 2011 at 20:24

Thanks – sure there is – I’m trying to not substitute other things for the wheat I deleted…. (only on a rare occasion). I did try rice pasta and it was actually quite good. My immediately family supports me (I’ve even slightly converted my husband) it’s the others…they just can’t possibly imagine how I am surviving….. crazy how people think. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

15 Jenny August 28, 2011 at 22:18

I have been on a gluten free diet for about 7 months. I am also a host of other things free. I had a blood test from a holistic dr that came back that Im allergic to a whole host of things. Wheat being the worst. She did not test me for Gluten. I am a bit worried that I could have Celiac and dont know how to decide if thats something I need to test for. I have read that you have to eat gluten again for at least 4 weeks for the tests to be accurate and im not sure I could handle that. I was in a lot of pain before. Any advice would be appreciated.


16 Allergy Guy August 29, 2011 at 19:11

If you’re sure gluten makes you sick and you plan to avoid all of it at all costs, then a celiac test will not necessarily change your behavior.


17 FountainHills February 11, 2011 at 12:55

I’ve worked out today that I appear to be intolerant to Bran. Not being graphic but it has a laxative effect on me! All I ate was a hot crossed bun yesterday and it was the worse it’s been. I’ve already changed from brown/wholemeal bread to white and felt 100% better and the effects of Sultana Bran are horrendous as are some other cereals.

I can eat white bread and pasta etc which is why I’ve whittled it down to Bran. My question is what ingredients do I need to look for when shopping now and is there anything that I should definitely avoid if I’m out for a meal?


18 Katharine November 27, 2010 at 08:28

I have not read about this effect before, but after cutting out gluten and then adding it back in, I noticed that my chin breaks out in zits after 2 hours. My experience with doctors was the same as most other peoples…I had a whole host of tests done, and the told me that nothing was wrong. Then the anesthisiaologist before my colonoscopy (at 22 years old) mentioned I should try cutting out lactose and gluten. Turns out I am allergic to both…but not according to my doctors. My other symptoms were abdominal soreness, distended stomach, bloating, feeling tired all the time and feeling like I had fog in my brain constantly. I am still disenchanted with doctors because of my unnecessary medical bills and their overall lack of help.


19 Allergy Guy November 28, 2010 at 14:08

Glad you figured it out in the end, Katharine.

Doctors are still useful for some problems, especially if you suffer from a deficiency in a patented medicine. For food allergy problems, many doctors are not so helpful, as you’ve noticed; but some more enlightened doctors are.

On average, I agree with your assessment.


20 Dende September 12, 2010 at 18:43

I have two questions, please. 🙂

1. How can I tell if I have celiacs, or just a wheat allergy?

Is there any real way to tell if I have celiacs disease, or just a wheat allergy?
I had a blood test that came up negative for celiacs, but I know that’s not reliable (especially since I had been totally gluten free when I had the test done, and I heard you need to eat a lot of gluten before it, or it’ll register nothing anyway…).

I also heard there’s another *horrible* test that can be taken which is pretty much infallible, but I don’t think I want to go through it.

I know that I feel a lot better when I am wheat/gluten free, and I have been for about a year now.
But I don’t actually know if gluten is the problem, or just wheat (if I could eat barley, that would make things so much easier!). 🙂

I know some people might just say “experiment and see what happens” but I really don’t want to risk that. I lived with *horrible* mental problems (which I consider worse than the stomach problems) and I really don’t want to risk those coming back. The anxiety/depression was really bad, and I feel like I was practically schitzo, and I really don’t want to risk that coming back even for a day.

At any rate, I just find it really difficult and expensive to follow a full gluten-free diet, and I’d like to be able to tell if it might just be wheat that’s the problem, and not gluten specifically.
Know what I mean? ^_^;

2. Can gluten sensitivity get *worse* after being gluten free?

I read here about the withdrawl symptoms of getting off gluten, but that’s not what I’m referring to!
I stopped eating bread and pasta about 3 years ago, and I’ve been completely gluten free for about a year, but now it seems when I do accidentally have a bit of gluten, my stomach pains are much, much worse than they used to be when I ate wheat all the time.
Is it just me being weird, or can reactions to gluten get worse after you stop eating it?



21 Allergy Guy September 14, 2010 at 13:26

Two very good questions, Dende!

There are three tests that I know of: a biopsy, a blood test, and a stool test. I’m told the stool test is the most accurate. What I don’t know is whether it depends on the ingestion of gluten to be accurate.

This site does need more information on testing for celiac. It is a major amount of work to find accurate information and verify it, but I hope to obtain that some time soon.

If consuming gluten is necessary for the tests to be accurate, and you feel that wheat is a problem but not barely or rye, you could eat one of those two other grains before the test. Check with the testing company first to find out about that. There is debate about oat gluten. I suggest that celiacs avoid it, but I would not recommend consuming it to make the tests more accurate at this time.

I get what you’re saying about the mental problems. I can’t live with those either and that’s why I avoid gluten like the plague!

As for your second question, I can’t really give you an answer for that. I would think it depends on the individual.

I would say that you are NOT being weird.

You know that these foods have a negative effect on you, so avoid them.

As for the expense, it is more expensive to eat gluten and have brain fog and therefor lower-paid jobs, than it is to eat gluten-free food! It may take some time for your income to catch up, but do focus on the fact that you are now more clear-headed, so what can you do to improve your career prospects?

Best of luck!


22 Hope August 1, 2010 at 20:13

My 4 1/2 year old son’s traditional allergy test said that he is borderline allergic to wheat, corn and soy. I also suspect that he is sensitive to food dyes and other additives. We have been seeing increased issues with aggression. I am firmly convinced that his diet is greatly impacting his negative behavior. I am eager and willing to do an elminate diet, but am finding it difficult to navigate this on my own. I’d really like some professional help. If you can recommend a holistic doctor or nutritonist in the central NJ area that speacializes in this in area, I’d be forever greatly!!!



23 Sue April 24, 2010 at 15:20

I was the only person in my family that had a weight problem most of her adult life. I weighed app., 225-250 for many years. I felt like I would gain weight just walking past a bakery. For years as a child I remember CRAVING white bread and butter!
Being a nurse I suspected wheat problems. I have four cousins that have celiac.
No doctor would help me-not even the allergist. I had one allergist yell at me and say I have no allergies,I don’t belong in his office. They tested me for many things and said that I had no allergies. There was one time that I made home made soup with barley and wheezed from it before I was tested. there was one time I ate summer squash and sweet potatoes and was wheezing from it. Was tested for those and did come up positive.
This last time I came home from testing and found on the internet that taking Zantac can cover up the testing.
I finally found an elimination diet on the internet and dropped 70 lbs in two months!! the doctor finally said that I had to quit losing. I finally got SKINNY!! When I tried to eat wheat again-I had wheezing and chest pain-then the gastroenterologist said to stay away from wheat-it could be life threatening!! The doctors also say that I am not allergic to eggs. I go into a full blown asthma attack from it ( just a little bit of egg cooked alone does it).
The last allergist said that I had a wheat intolerance not allergy-I don’t get get stomach problems with it-just wheezing and chest pains.
I am quite fed up with American medicine!!



24 Allergy Guy April 24, 2010 at 18:37

Hi Sue,

Sounds like you figured it out, with no help from any number of doctors!

There are some off-beat doctors who are helpful – if you can find one, and many of the younger doctors are at least less arrogant than the old crusty lot … I agree with that over-all Western medicine is brain-damaged.

Thanks for sharing your story, I’m sure it will help others.

By the way, you mentioned being tested for allergies – have you been tested for celiac disease?


25 Sue April 30, 2010 at 16:00

Yes, I was tested for celiac-they said that I was negative.
However, I did find find out that those tests are not always dependable!

I am going back to the same allergy doctor in June and I will find out again what she has to say! If I am not happy-I will go to a new one.
I am suffering again. Feeling like my head is going to pop open from fluid in the ears, burning, itching and popping in the ears.
I am hoping to get some answers this time!!

Sue Thank you so much for writing!


26 Sheryl June 12, 2010 at 17:31

Hi Sue,

I belive that I have an intolernce for wheat and maybe gluten as well.

You mentioned in your post that you found an elimination diet on the Net. Would you mind sharing the site with me?

I would really appreciate it.



27 John March 23, 2010 at 17:11


I seem to have gotten a new allergy; i started noticing it over a month ago. I started getting sick an hour or two after i ate and i got diarrea (sp?) all the time. I started watching what I ate, eating salads everyday for a week till I felt better. I ate a cheeseburger and bam, feel like shit again. Some time past, and instead of just feeling like shit, I started breaking out in hives any time I eat bread products. I ended up going to the doctor and having a bunch of tests done. Everything came back normal including the test for Celiacs disease. I tell my doctor I think it’s wheat and he tells me that he thinks it’s this or that. Acid reflux? Your joking right? I never get heart burn, and how could that lead to hives? I ate a burger today, i broke out in hives. I tried a gluten free diet for a few days, I still wake up every morning with nausea. It’s like I got a hang over that won’t go away. I eat bread and I feel like shit. I eat a tortilla, I feel like shit. I drink Jameson whiskey, and I feel like shit. Now, how do i figure out if it’s wheat or yeast? Or does the gluten free diet take a while for the body to feel better? I’m so confused.


28 admin March 23, 2010 at 17:45

You’re probably closer than you realize

Hi John,

I feel for you. I used to be like that all the time, but I didn’t even have any idea that it might be related to food.

At least you have some clues to go on.

For a start, check out info on this site about top allergy foods with delayed reactions. The delayed reaction part is important.

If fact, consider yourself lucky that you get a reaction right after eating. That makes it easier to sort out the problem.

On the other hand, don’t be fooled by it, the problem could be caused by something you ate yesterday.

For help with all this, read Self-Testing for Allergies.

It can take weeks for the effects of gluten (or other food allergens) to clear your system, so cutting out foods for one day is unlikely to help solve the problem in most cases.

Hope the above is helpful.


29 missgrey March 11, 2010 at 17:52

“Bran” Allergy???

I had a blood test done for food allergies, and the results show that I am not allergic to Oats or Wheat, but that I AM allergic to their “Bran Mix”…meaning Oat Bran and Wheat Bran. This has left me rather confused (& frustrated). Is there anyone who could help clarify what these results might mean? Thank you.


30 admin March 11, 2010 at 20:33

Bran allergy

Hi missgrey,

As I’m sure you know, bran is part of the grain.

That would make you allergic to whole-grain oats and wheat.

Depending on how sensitive you are, refined wheat flour will likely have some bran in it.

The fact is that these tests are not all that accurate. Use them as a guide, but you have to do your own eliminate test.

Cut out all wheat and oats and see if you feel better. If so, you can try some food that has refined wheat but no bran.

Keep in mind that highly refined foods really aren’t healthy, so if you do find that you can eat wheat but not wheat bran, I suggest you minimize your exposure to wheat-based foods.

In the end though, it’s your decision, based on the negative effects of these foods vs. the hassle of avoiding them.


31 dewchild January 30, 2010 at 10:56

Gluten Free is making him worse?

My 5YO son has SPD and probably ADHD as well. We have taken him off of gluten to see if that is a factor in some of his issues. (Dark circles, aggression, poor immunity ect). We are still on dairy. We have been off of Gluten for 1 month and it seems like his behavior has actually gotten worse! It takes three months to see the effects of the GF diet in children that have these types of issues, (so I’ve read) so I don’t want to go back to wheat yet, when we’ve come so far. He gets a multi to fill in any gaps in diet and eats fairly healthy foods, (lots of fruits and veggies). Any idea why his behavior might be worse? Has anyone else experienced this? Thanks.


32 admin January 30, 2010 at 16:03


If your son is celiac, and his gut is healing, this may release trapped toxins and parasites into his system. This may explain a temporary worstening of symptoms.

Also, a gluten allergy ends up being a kind of addiction, so he may be suffering withdrawal symptoms.

You are right to stay the course. Keep him off gluten for several months before evaluating if a gluten free diet is helpful or not.

You might consider taking him of dairy as well. Many people with a gluten intolerance also have a problem with milk and dairy.


33 Diane October 15, 2012 at 08:25

The fruit is full of sugar, even if it’s fructose.


34 Guest June 17, 2009 at 19:08

Wheat may only be ONE of your food allergies….

I have been battling the bloated stomach, irritable moods, concentration issues, permanent fatigue and hives for the past three years! At first I ignored it and told myself it would go away. And it did. Exercise helped and avoiding certain foods also helped. However when it came back, it came back worse and worse each time. Finally it was my life….uncomfortable 24/7. My doctor advised me to “eat more fiber and drink more water” year after year. This was not my problem. I organized a meeting, on my own, with an allergist. He discovered I am allergic to a variety of foods, wheat only being ONE of my list of food allergies. Nightshades, mustard, mold, corn, wheat, oats, rye and barley. The list does go on…this is just a simplified one.
What I am trying to tell you is that I highly recommend seeking assistance from a food allergist if you are suffering from any discomfort. I believe that in today’s world we are not even aware of what is in our food – which is so scary!
I have started a “fresh” new diet….basically I am limited to fresh ingredients until I am back to myself. It is dangerous to not know what is wrong with you. If I continued not knowing I could have been doing a lot of damage to my body. Good luck and seek help!


35 admin June 18, 2009 at 11:04

Multiple allergies

Thanks for your comments.

You are right – most people with an allergy, are allergic to more than one thing.

On the other hand, celiacs do not have an allergy, and wheat (more specifically gluten, also found in barley, rye and oats) may be the only thing they must avoid.


36 Sue June 2, 2011 at 21:45

I just read your entry when researching wheat allergies online. The same thing happened to me. I used to have an iron stomach-I could eat anything and feel fine. A few years ago I started having all sorts of symptoms. Even after having a blood test my MD that came up positive for wheat, corn, soy, nut and pork (who knew you could be allergic to that) he said that I can still eat it all, but to just get more sleep and take all of the pills he gave me-basically narcotics to sooth my stomach. It seemed so strange. I went to a nutritionist and did an elimination diet testing all of these allergies and learning hwo to eat healthy alternatives. IT wasn’t easy. But when I stay on track I feel like normal again PLUS I’ve been able to loose weight and I no longer get bloated (which always makes you feel like a whale). My gut just thinks that eating processed foods and not enough variety of grains/vegies/fruits eventually takes it’s toll on your body and forces us to stop and think before we eat. Anyway, I still cheat from time to time and then PAY for it with all of the nasty symptoms: fatique, bloating, lethargy, stomach aches, digestive problems. It’s been a blessing in disguise I guess becuase I’m much healthier now! Good luck-you’re not alone.


37 Allergy Guy June 2, 2011 at 22:43

I am SHOCKED that a doctor would find a patient allergic to some foods, then say “go ahead and eat them, just take these pills too.” That is criminal negligence if you ask me, not to mention incompetent. Makes by blood boil, actually.

Glad you were able to sort things out in the end. I always feel better when I hear stories like yours (the second part, not the first part).


38 Guest June 8, 2009 at 15:12

wheat alllergies

I have a problem with a year round runny nose and sores in my nose about every 2 weeks, which clear up in about a week. I itch under my nose and the skin peels off. My hands and feet peel layers of skin, but do not itch. I get hives occasionally for no particular reason. I have gas after meals. I have cut out any type of grain for about 2 weeks now and have not had the gas. It is too early to tell if it will help any other symptom. I find it hard to lose weight. Could this be a sign of wheat or gluten allergies?


39 admin June 8, 2009 at 23:06

Signs of wheat and gluten allergies

It is hard to say if you might have a wheat/gluten allergy or not, based on the information you have provided.

Gas can be caused by many things, including not drinking enough water. Reducing grain intake may help, even if the main problem is lack of water.

The hives, runny nose and itchy skin are possible allergy symptoms.

First of all, you will have to stay on your diet for longer to see if it really provides you with improvement.

Secondly, you must not cheat on your diet, or you will never really find out for sure if cutting out certain foods are beneficial or not. Even the smallest amount of food you are allergic to can cause symptoms.

You may also find that you are allergic or sensitive not to wheat or gluten, but one of the other grains you are eliminating from your diet.

It is a good idea to start off with a more restrictive diet, as you are doing, then slowly introduce foods to find out what the problem is.

Good luck, hope you find your other symptoms disappear and that you are able to loose weight.


40 Tiffany March 31, 2010 at 15:25

Maybe a citrus or other allergy

My brother gets the peeling feet and hands reaction. He has narrowed it down to fruits, mostly citrus (oranges, pineapple, even bananas) and carrots, sometimes avocado, and a few other off beat things. He found out by the initial itchy mouth or canker sore, followed by peeling feet a few days later. He now avoids several foods, that I am still learning which ones. When I talk to him again I’ll find out and post the list. Try eliminating acidic fruits and vegetables and see if the peeling goes away.

good luck!


41 admin March 31, 2010 at 17:56


Thanks Tiffany.

Looking forward to the list.

Of course this list will likely be different for different people, but still could be a good starting point for others.


42 Diane October 15, 2012 at 08:22

Hi, I have had weight problems all my life, but no longer. Read Gary Taubes’ book, Why we get fat and what to do about it. I’ve lost 30 pounds since mid-june and have also discovered a gluten allergy I didn’t realise I had. I have the blood and blood pressure of a teenager (although, thankfully, not the hormones – I’m fifty). My cholesterol is fantastic and I have almost no triglycerides. Read it with an open mind. You won’t need good luck, it’s easy to stick to it.


43 Sherrian May 21, 2009 at 19:17

confirmed allergy to a mold that grows on young wheat plants

I believe this mold effects wheat end products. Similiar to the peanut allergy, but for me not that severe. I try to cut back on consumption of wheat, but when ever I eat it I get extremly lethargic and sleepy. Energy drinks that usally work don’t if I try to stay awake after eating certain wheat items. By certain items I mean flour based gravy is bad. Am I on the right track elimanating wheat from my diet?
My allergy testing also confirmed an allergy to Johnson grass.


44 admin May 21, 2009 at 20:19

Wheat or mold?

From what you have said, it is hard to say conclusively what is affecting you.

I don’t think there is a difference between wheat in gravy, wheat in soup, wheat in bread or wheat in cookies.

But who knows? In today’s world of hyper-processed food, maybe they use lower-quality wheat for gravy than other products.

If you can eat bread but not gravy, then I’d look at the other ingredients in gravy.

I would assume that the mold that can grow on wheat would be evenly distributed in the wheat supply, assuming the mold was on the kernels, and assuming that it was still harvested and processed despite mold damage.


45 Mark Boulton March 31, 2012 at 03:15

Wit-bier/wheat beer knocks my socks off, but wheat cereal and bread appears to be fine. I thought it was that the wheat was transformed in some way in the fermentation. But then I find lumps of wheat in soup do the same thing as witbier (and packet gravy is bad too). It may be that wheat is always contributing to my baseline allergies, but can be activated in some way to have a more powerful effect, maybe in tandem with MSG or alcohol.


46 Hopefull May 14, 2009 at 12:36

Going Wheat Free

I am an adult and took myself off wheat and any gluten products do to major sinus trouble year round. It took many years to discover this problem on my own. Doctors and allergists were of no help. I had allergy testing done by a well known and supposedly excellent allergist and I came up as having no allergies to anything with the skin test. Their treatment was medication. I gues for a lifetime? I finally noticed the wheat thing. Once off wheat any allergy symptoms(post nasal drip, stuffy nose, eye rubbing, cough, ear ringing, constant sinus colds…) all left and very quickly too. Now if I eat wheat the reactions are almost immediate. I can tell when I have ingested some hidden wheat. Life is so much better now.
I am now taking my son who is ADHD off wheat because I have seen on the internet that there is a connection between the symptoms of ADHD and wheat sensitivities. He responded well to it and was more calm but still boucy and busy. Good luck to anyone who is in search of answers.


47 Guest July 26, 2009 at 06:48

I am interested in going

I am interested in going wheat free due to constant stuffy nose, ear fullness, headaches, post nasal drip, feeling off balance etc… What have you substituted for bread? I have found other breads but all contain a small % of wheat flour.


48 admin July 26, 2009 at 11:48

Wheat free Bread substitutes

You have a few options.

1) Don’t have bread. This is what I did for decades. You can pack rice-based lunches in a plastic container.

2) Rice cakes. Not very substantial, but at least you can put the same sorts of things that you can put on bread.

3) Gluten-free bread. Expensive, but increasingly available. Try shopping in health food stores as these breads haven’t hit the big supermarket shelves yet in most places.


49 deborah mcgahan August 26, 2009 at 14:25


iv just had a food allergy test and discovered im wheat no more….im distraught:-( just been to tescos wheat free isle and the choice/taste and price is criminal…. any suggestions of a nice bread would be appreciated thank you. deborah.


50 admin August 26, 2009 at 17:24

Good Bread


I know exactly what you mean!

I lived without bread for … 20 years or so.

Recently I discovered fantastic bread in health food stores.

So you shop at Tescos – I take it you live in the UK then?

I can’t help you with brands, since I live in Canada. I’ll see what I can find out for you though.

Mean while, see what your local health food store has.

And come back here again. I’ll see if I can get info on good bread in different countries.

Another thing to come back for – when I get a chance I’ll put together something about wheat-free/$gluten-free$ bread making with a bread machine.

51 Guest October 5, 2009 at 19:37

I MISS Bread Response

Buy a bread maker for about $60.00 then buy guten free bread mix and make your own bread. The mix is about $5.00 and makes 2lb loaf. It is better than what I was able to buy in the store. You will make your money back after awhile. I buy gutten free bread mix at Walmart.

52 Guest April 2, 2010 at 19:07

Have you tried cooking using rice flour? There are recipes for bread made out of rice; you just have to look for them. Try this link as an example: http://mudspice.wordpress.com/2007/10/06/rice-flour-bread-for-bread-machine-gluten-free-egg-free-dairy-free/

53 Veronica September 28, 2011 at 18:03

Another alternative is Ezekial bread. It is flour free and made from sprouted grains…how they do this…I have no idea but it is just like eating bread. You have to toast it for flaver otherwise the flavor is not so great, but makes a great substitute.


54 stuffed up August 16, 2009 at 15:32

hi hopeful. i am stuffed up

hi hopeful. i am stuffed up constantly…i am starting acupuncture treatments but went for NAET consult and they told me i had a wheat llergy (after a very prominent allergist said he did not see anything in my skin tests). i am wondering how long it took you to see the results from going off the wheat. i have been wheat free for one week so far and i still do not see the stuffiness subsiding…


55 admin August 16, 2009 at 16:08

It can take a while

Hi Stuffed Up,

It can take weeks for wheat byproducts to flush out of your system.

If you don’t notice an improvement after six to eight weeks, you can probably rule out wheat as the cause.

Do be sure that you are cutting out all wheat from your diet. This can be deceptively harder than you think, because wheat is in so many different food products.


56 Guest November 4, 2009 at 22:31

Try going off all forms of

Try going off all forms of dairy, including cheese, milk, yogurt, and anything with whey, casein, or milk protein.


57 christal February 22, 2012 at 01:36

Wow!! Thank you! You just described me exactly! Now I need to figure out how to eat wheat and gluten free….


58 Allergy Guy February 22, 2012 at 11:43

You’ll find lots of information on this website to help you, and of course there’s plenty of other websites loaded with info on eating gluten free!


59 Faith January 9, 2009 at 15:27


Our 5 year-old appeared to manifest signs of ADHD. After digging online, we removed pasta from his diet (favorite food 24/7). We bought whole-wheat pasta which he gobbled right down, refusing to eat anything else. Within 15 minutes, hives and splotchy areas appeared on his face, neck, torso. Benadryl cleared him right up. Figuring a wheat allergy, we removed wheat from his diet, substituting gluten free.
A large difference in his behavior is apparent – calmer (not less active), more empathetic, less aggressive, under-eye circles less pronounced, etc. Pediatrician ran blood-serum allergy tests, all saying NO wheat allergies. We’re confused because we know what his skin reaction was and his behavior changes are noticeable, even in school. Any advice/comments?



60 admin January 10, 2009 at 09:58

You are on to something

Ignore the official test, Faith.

These tests are not 100% accurate. Some doctor’s don’t seem to understand this, including yours.

You’ve seen the difference in your child with and without wheat. That is the acid test, and the only test that counts.

Keep your child off gluten. If you are feeling adventurous, you could try him on wheat in a few months, but really, I would suggest you keep it right out of his diet for a few years before trying wheat again.

My personal experience is that the official gluten and wheat allergy tests came up negative for me, but after cutting out wheat, feeling better, eating it again, feeling wretched, cutting it out, feeling good again, eating it again …. I know that wheat is a problem for me. That’s what counts.

Go with what you can see. Authority figures are often wrong.

I hope that helps.


61 Anonymous January 13, 2009 at 13:26


We have not had our 6 year old child tested by a “Real Doctor” but rather by a Holistic Doctor. We got his name from a friend who son did not test positive to any food allergies but was having health issues, rashes and knuckle swelling. Since they changed his diet his health improved immensely.

Our son had terrible acid reflux and had been on prescription meds for it most of his life. Even with the meds he threw up at least 2 times a week and never ate much because a full tummy makes acid reflux worse. Like your child he lived on grilled cheese and mac and cheese. While a very compassionate, athletic and social child he had problems learning in school and could not concentrate. He also seemed to go to fight or flight response under any stress even low levels and showed signs of ADHD.

After removing wheat, gluten and a whole host of other things. A large difference in his behavior is apparent – calmer (not less active), more empathetic, less fight or flight response, and no throwing up. He was way behind in first grade and is now at grade level for math and catching up in reading and writing. He has not been on acid reflux meds since starting his new diet.

Our holistic doctor has been adding foods back in and our son seems to being fine. Our doctor likes to clean the body out over a three month time period and then add foods back in, he feels our son will never be able to eat wheat or corn syrup.

Call the guy a quack if you want, he waves his hands over the kid and puts food up next to his lips and test his strength to see how he reacts. But the proof is in the pudding or son is no longer on meds for acid reflux and his attention span and ability to concentrate are much better. Granted the kid lived on crap before my wife’s revelation on changing his diet. Maybe it would have changed if we just fed the kid healthy food but I don’t think so.

We also have boy/girl twins almost three and the little boy could not poop without taking miralax every day and occasionally something stronger. His tummy hurt badly a couple of times a month since he often went two or three days without pooping. He also constantly needed things. He would become fixated on a toy or item. Always asking for a specific toy or a band aids or cookie not to eat or put on but just to carry around. He constantly needs to know gave us what and to make sure everything was in its place (I may be over the top a little bit he is a normal kid but I hope you get the drift.). The twins have always been great eaters and ate healthy foods unlike our oldest.

Took the boy twin to the same holistic doctor and after a week of no gluten and other foods he is pooping every day without the mirialax. His “Rain Man” episodes have also decreased.

While life is more work on this diet since my wife put everyone on it as not to isolate the two boys eventually we will be able to add most of the foods back in and living without wheat is easier than you think.

At some point I would like to have the kids test by a “Real Doctor” but the wife is resistant. The kids all seem to be doing better so why fight it.

Our holistic doctor does have a MD degree so I guess he is a real doctor. But insurance does not cover $75 visits for hand waiving. But it is worth every penny since now I am not seeing my oldest have that flight response under pressure and not hearing my youngest cry because his poopy hurts coming out.

Good luck and do what you think is best for your child.


62 admin January 13, 2009 at 16:12

Inspiring story

Thank-you for your inspiring story.

Wheat must be responsible for an incredible amount of unnecessary and harmful medication consumption, especially by children.

I’m really glad to hear that you have improved your children’s lives so much by eliminating wheat.

Do the rest of you notice a difference in your own health, however subtle, on the wheat-free diet? Of course, if you eat wheat when not at home or sharing a meal with your wheat-free children, then you’ll never know for sure.

I tend to agree with your wife: looks like you found the problem. What did main-stream doctor’s do for your son? Put him on harmful and ineffective medications. The best a main-stream doctor can do for you at this point is agree that you are doing the right thing.

Some doctors may try to discourage you from following a wheat-free diet. Now that would be a true quack.

Don’t get me wrong, main-stream doctors have their place and their areas of expertise. It’s just too bad that they see diseases as a deficiency in a patented medicine much of the time, rather than getting at the root cause.


63 Valerie Carney October 29, 2010 at 00:00

OMG! You just described my family. I was checking out the connection between ADHD and wheat because I was describing my son’s behavior and less than stellar performance in school. The only difference is my son is 8 and the twins are 6. We have boy/girl twins and the boy twin also suffers terribly from constipation. Not so much the “rain man” episodes but he definitely has never been regular. He is at the point now that he is scared to go because it hurts coming out. He can go even up to a week….we have had to give him enemas to help. I am scared to go wheat free because I can’t imagine what I will pack in their lunch boxes but I am going to try. Thanks for sharing your story.


64 Allergy Guy November 1, 2010 at 17:54

I can understand your worries about packing a wheat-free lunch, Valerie.

I think the bigger worry is what will happen if you don’t pack a wheat-free lunch.

Do your best. You’ll get better at it over time. It is a hassle, but well worth the effort, believe me!


65 Damedna March 18, 2010 at 15:02

Faith, Wheat/ Gluten allergy

Go with your gut. After a skin prick test my allergist announced that I was allergy free!
Ipulled up my sweater and he took a step back and diagnosed a severe allergic reaction, erticaria.Still no reaction on my arm tho’ my trunk was mighty itchy and swollen.
The quack sent me away with five printed pages of foods I should avoid.Very best wishes to your son and good fortune to you.


66 Rosie November 2, 2008 at 08:03

wheat and gluten

I have just had an allergy test, which shows I am allergic to wheat. Does this mean I am also allergic to gluten?


67 admin November 2, 2008 at 09:45

Wheat vs. gluten allergy

Not necessarily. Wheat consists of many proteins, of which gluten is only one. So you could be allergic to wheat and not gluten.

The only way to know for sure is to get tested specifically for gluten.

While you are at it, find out if you are celiac or not. This is not an allergy so allergy tests will not uncover this condition. It is serious though, so it is well worth looking in to.


68 admin April 14, 2010 at 23:20

There are lots of gluten free recipes on this site too!


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