Allergy — Gluten Allergy / Gluten Free Diet / Yeast Allergy / Asthma / + other Allergies — Page 2

Non-celiac gluten sensitivity, also NCGS , is medical jargon for gluten allergy or gluten sensitivity. It can be managed if you understand it, explained here.

Non-celiac gluten sensitivity is differentiated from celiac disease because the latter is specific to genetics that causes many or most with this genetic code to experience a range of serious symptoms when exposed to gluten. More specifically, GCGS is defined as [click to continue…]

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by Allergy Guy

Glutenated has two meanings, both of which are relevant if you have a gluten allergy or celiac disease.

Glutenated Person

If you are glutenated as a person, it means that you have gluten allergy or celiac disease and you have [click to continue…]

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Running a mixed kitchen, where gluten-free and gluten-containing meals are prepared in the same kitchen, is possible but risky. Here are some ideas to make it work.

If your gluten free diet is more of a life-style choice than a serious health concern, running a mixed kitchen makes sense. Probably you won’t be worried if the odd crumb works its way into your meal. If you have a gluten allergy or celiac disease, the odd crumb could ruin the next month so running a mixed kitchen is far from ideal. It is necessary in some situations so here are some ideas [click to continue…]

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A gluten free diet must eliminate cross-contamination. Watch out for gluten in kitchen equipment. This will tell you what to wash and what to replace.

If you have a gluten allergy or celiac disease, it is vital that you eliminate even small amounts of gluten from your diet to stay healthy. If you are more in it for the lifestyle, making your best-effort to eliminate most gluten from your diet most of the time, low-level cross-contamination [click to continue…]

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Mixed Kitchen

by Allergy Guy

A “mixed kitchen” has gluten-free alongside gluten-containing foods, or when  allergy-free foods are prepared together with allergy-containing foods. This is not an ideal situation, but it is possible.

Mixed kitchens are challenging if shared with someone who has a severe gluten allergy or celiac disease because [click to continue…]

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Latex allergy symptoms are reported by some OtterBox users, but latex is not used to make OtterBox. The cause and solution are explained here.

If you have a latex allergy and you are very sensitive, you may find that you get typical symptoms from handling an OtterBox. Most likely this will happen when it is new and then drop off over time.

The reason for this [click to continue…]

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If a single member of your family must eat gluten-free, should your whole family avoid gluten, or just the individual? This article looks at the pros and cons.

Starting and maintaining a gluten free lifestyle can be challenging for many, especially if  a strict and completely gluten-free diet is a must. Celiacs and those with a gluten allergy with intolerable symptoms are [click to continue…]

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by Allergy Guy

Rye is one of the primary gluten-containing grains to be avoided if you have celiac disease or a gluten allergy. This is a very healthy grain for those of you who can eat rye.

Like all true grains, rye is a type of grass and is closely related to wheat and barely[1]. Do not confuse rye with ryegrass, a type of grass used for lawns and feeding animals.

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Mustard Allergy

by Allergy Guy

Mustard allergy is considered one of the most common food allergies. Symptoms can range from mild to severe.

Mustard is a common spice used in European, Asian and African cooking[2]. It is also used as a vegetable in the form of mustard greens. Since the proteins found in seeds can be quite different from those found in the rest of the plant, it could be possible that some people are allergic to just the seed but not the leaves, however if you have severe symptoms it would be unwise to experiment and you would be best advised to avoid all forms of the plant. If your symptoms are mild, you might consider experimenting.

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Allergic reactions can build up with time, then reduce, only to build again with exposure. Take this story from one of our readers, Sara:

When I started having anaphylaxis they did allergy testing. They found I was allergic to all legumes especially soy. However, I had eaten soy in between reactions with no problem. I had one anaphylaxis reaction in 2008, and then the didn’t come back until 2009 and I was in the hospital randomly. Maybe 9 times that year and for the next five years. Finally I figured it out on my own. (Since all my allergists said I wouldn’t ever figure it out since it seemed so random) but my reactions were in fact to soy. I could eat it once and feel fine, Then if I ate it again I would get a stomach ache, if I continued to eat it I would eventually have anaphylaxis. Soy was in everything!!!! So it was easy to get exposed and not realize. It was a build up that caused it. The allergists said that couldn’t happen, but that was my case. [click to continue…]

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