Allergy — Gluten Allergy / Gluten Free Diet / Yeast Allergy / Asthma / + other Allergies — Page 3

Saccharomyces Cerevisiae

by Allergy Guy

Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a yeast species, used for fermentation of wine and beer, and for bread making. There are over 1,500 species of yeast but Saccharomyces cerevisiae is the best known due to its long history (probably reaching back through prehistory) as the primary yeast used to ferment beer and wine, and leaven bread.

Like all yeast, it is a type of fungus. Most yeasts exist in a single cell form, while some, such as candida albicans can form strings of yeast cells, however Saccharomyces cerevisiae does not take this form.

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by Allergy Guy

Grain is the edible seed portion of a wide range of plants, including anything from  wheat and rice, to peas and beans. Most are gluten free but some are not.

There are two main types of grain: cereals, and legumes. Cereals include gluten containing foods such as wheat, rye, oats and barley. Other cereals suitable for those on a gluten free diet include rice, corn and millet. [click to continue…]

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Candida Albicans

by Allergy Guy

Candida albicans is the type of yeast responsible for yeast infections in humans. It is different from baker’s or brewer’s yeast which is used to make food.

Candida albicans is not harmful in small amounts, and is normally found in healthy people, particularly in the mouth and gut. The problem is when there is too much of it, known as “yeast overgrowth”. Other than that, it is not particularly harmful, but it isn’t helpful either. [click to continue…]

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What Is Yeast?

by Allergy Guy

What is yeast? With so much talk about yeast allergy, yeast infection and yeast-free diet, it is important to understand what yeast is.

There are some common misconceptions about yeast. If you already know what it is not, skip past the teasers to the heading What is Yeast. [click to continue…]

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by Allergy Guy

Millet is range of gluten free grains. It can be included in a gluten free diet although it is less popular than other alternatives such as rice.

There are many varieties of millet. The type most found in North American food stores is Proso millet. There are many other varieties of millet, mostly grown in Africa, China and India, including finger, pearl, foxtail and Job’s tears millets. Some people use the word millet to mean anything that is not one of the main cereal crops of wheat, barely, rye, oats, rice, but this is not the general use of the word.

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Gluten free diet can cause weight gain, but only if done improperly. This article looks at why, and what to do about it.

A gluten-free diet does not automatically mean a healthy diet, unfortunately. As time goes on, your unhealthy gluten free options become more, not less. However, you still have plenty of healthy options to choose from. Healthy choices are obviously better for you and help you to maintain a healthy weight, where as many unhealthy choices can lead to weight gain.

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Celiac disease can cause weight gain, according to some sources. Weight loss is the more common association, but here is why celiac could lead to obesity.

Many who feel they are experts with celiac disease believe that weight loss is a primary cause of celiac disease. This is definitely true: the damage caused in the intestine by gluten in celiac patients can lead to mal-absorption and therefore weight loss.

Celiac disease is a complex disease however; being overly simplistic about it is always a danger.

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Quinoa Allergy

by Allergy Guy

Quinoa allergy has been reported by many on this site. This article discusses quinoa allergy and alternative causes.

Most people who report a quinoa allergy report similar symptoms: cramps, intense stomach pains, gastrointestinal problems and the like.

While such symptoms could be caused by allergies, I would expect such allergic reactions to be rare. Also, there is a remarkable consistency in the symptoms, which is rare for a food allergy since allergy symptoms typically vary from person to person rather than from food to food. [click to continue…]

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Many people seem to get sick when eating quinoa. Mycotoxin may be the missing link. This website has seen many comments about allergy to quinoa for example, yet I highly doubt that what they are experiencing is a quinoa allergy, as much as quinoa may be making them sick.

Katherine Kohl left the following comment, which looks interesting and is well worth further investigation. Unfortunately she is not specific about the specific types of mycotoxin. [click to continue…]

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Gluten free breakfast in Moncton, New Brunswick was hard for me to track down, but a random suggestion of a breakfast joint by hotel staff led me to a restaurant which, luckily, includes gluten-free toast on the menu.
The Garden Breeze restaurant is located at 500‎ Kennedy St., Dieppe (central Moncton) and you can call them at 855-0564. I had bacon and toast, and it was as good as any similar breakfast. I did not ask about cross contamination of the toaster, choosing to take the risk. I was offered a second teat with fresh tea bag, and was not charged for the second tea, a nice touch.
If you stay at Coastal Inns, breakfast at Garden Breeze is included. I stayed at Comfort Inn which does not have a full gluten free breakfast.

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