Shallots | Gluten Free Diet | List of Gluten Free Foods | Gluten Allergy | Allergy

Gluten Free Foods – Vegetables – Shallots

by Allergy Guy

Shallots greatly enhance the flavor of a gluten free meal.  They provide strong flavors that make gluten free food anything but bland.

A shallot is more or less a smaller, drier version of an onion.  There are quite a few species of shallot.

Buy only when firm and if not sprouting.  If you store them in a cool dry place, they should keep for months.

You can roast them whole, which makes a nice side dish for a gluten free meal.  They are also great pickled or raw.

Banana Shallots

Vaguely shaped like bananas, these are the largest type of shallot.  They are milder than most other types.

Pink Shallots

These shallots have a very strong flavor.  Recognize them by the reddish colour of their skin.  They are good raw and cooked.

Brown / English / Dutch Shallots

Small and brown, these are what most people think of as shallots.

Asian / Thai Red Shallots

Small and round, these shallots are red.  They are used in South-East Asian cooking.  They are very strong tasting.  They are often crushed and used as an ingredient in pastes.  They are also excellent as a garnish when fried to a crisp.

Chinese Shallots

Although called shallots, they are not really a type of shallot, although they are related.  They are especially good for pickling.

Do you use shallots as part of your gluten-free diet?

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