Gluten Allergy and Arthritis Symptoms | Allergy

Gluten Allergy and Arthritis Symptoms

by Allergy Guy

Does gluten in your diet cause arthritis symptoms?  There is a connection.

There is a difference of course between arthritis-like symptoms, and actually having arthritis.

We also have to distinguish between having a gluten allergy, and celiac disease.

Gluten Allergy and Arthritis

If there is a direct connection between having a gluten allergy and arthritis, it is not a consistent one.  Read the next section on celiac disease to get the complete thought.  For now we’re focusing on an allergy, not other forms of gluten intolerance.

As with any allergy, a gluten allergy may have any number of symptoms, which are generally specific to the individual.

It is possible that you may have arthritis-like symptoms from eating gluten.

If this is the case, you will no doubt have a whole host of other symptoms.

If you suspect you have a gluten allergy, go on a gluten free diet and see if your problems clear up.

Some gluten allergy symptoms may clear up quite quickly, others may take longer.  With luck, arthritis symptoms will disappear with everything else.

It is possible to have a gluten allergy and completely unrelated arthritis.

Celiac Disease and Arthritis

Ignore everything you just read in the previous section if you have celiac disease.

Celiac disease is completely different.  It is associated with many autoimmune diseases, and rheumatoid  arthritis is one of them.

Going on a gluten free diet is essential if you have celiac disease because there are so many complications that may present in just about any organ in the body.

A gluten free diet should stop the advance of arthritis that is caused by gluten and celiac disease, but it will probably not reverse the damage already done.

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1 Andrea June 13, 2011 at 19:52

It might be nice if you would alert people to NOT start a gluten-free diet until after all testing is complete, as this could cause a false negative test result. Celiac Disease is a very complex disease to understand.
Unless you are very knowledgeable and can communicate accurately
about the disease, I suggest you not make such recommendations.
Anyone who thinks they have the disease, should see a qualified gastroenterologist and get the appropriate testing BEFORE going on a gluten-free diet.


2 Allergy Guy June 14, 2011 at 09:43

I agree with you, but only to a point.

Some people do not have health insurance, and getting tested is a big financial challenge for them. It might be better that they cut gluten until they can get tested, then discuss with their doctor that they are on a gluten free diet, how that will effect the test, and whether they should start eating gluten before the test etc.


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