Prolamin | Gluten | Gluten Allergy | Celiac Disease | Allergy


by Allergy Guy

Prolamin is a type of gluten protein fount in some types of grain, including wheat, barely, rye, corn and oats.  It is the primary trigger of celiac disease.

The other major gluten protein type is called glutenin.

Prolamines are used for plant energy storage in the seed.

Each plant species that contains prolamin has a different type.  Here are some examples of different prolamin proteins found in various plants:

Not all prolamins trigger celiac disease.  There is universal agreement that gliadin, hordein and secalin  (from wheat, barley and rye respectively) are major celiac triggers.  Avenin (from oats) is considered a trigger by some but not by others.  Oats are not particularly high in avenin compared to the amount of gliadin found in wheat.  I suggest avoiding oats if you are celiac, and using your own judgment based on how you feel if you have a gluten allergy.

The zein found in corn does not appear to trigger celiac disease.  However, some celiacs find that they feel better when they avoid corn.  It is possible that zein is the culprit, although this is speculation.

The kafirin found in sorghum appears safe.


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1 Andrea January 30, 2012 at 11:09

Perhaps, this is why. I may be looking in the wrong places for my carbs-


2 Andrea January 30, 2012 at 11:06

EDIT – even when I do make our own, coconut flour and almond flour do not enter the bloodstream as quickly as grains do. I’m still stumbling over that one, trying to come up with ways to elevate my energy levels.


3 Andrea November 12, 2011 at 13:06

Here’s a link if you’d like to partake –


4 Lisa January 29, 2012 at 18:12

Hi Andrea,

Thanks so much for the link, this has been very helpful. I have finally decided to eliminate corn and rice from my diet too at an attempt to feel back to normal… but now I am so puzzled as to how I can still get all my proper intake of carbs. I would truly appreciate any advice on the matter seeing as though I’m sure you’ve learned a great deal by now about how to avoid all glutens and still eat healthy. It would mean a lot to me! Thanks 🙂


5 Andrea January 30, 2012 at 01:58

Man, I am not sure that I have found the secret.

Pick up a cookbook on the Paleo-Diet.

I will make some coconut or, almond flour muffins or, cookies from time to time, if I start feeling like I’m really dragging, but it is a problem.

Before any type of workout, I have a smoothie out of equal parts almond milk, non-fat yogurt, low fat cottage cheese, and banana, berries, one envelope unflavored gelatin, and a tablespoon of olive oil. That gets me up and going pretty good. (I’m adding some dairy back it….)

I wish you success. I was so sick before I found Osborne.

Make sure you are on the lookout for corn syrup in everything. I found it hiding in my pickles the other day!

I have lost 40 pounds in 4 months since giving up all the corn and rice additives. I had a lot of inflammation that I thought was just me!

Over the holidays I made coconut crusts for all my pies – just line the pan with coconut flakes and a tad of melted butter so that it will hold itself together, put in the oven until lightly browned – about 15 min.s -before adding the filling and final baking. I was so thankful to find that recipe – thought I’d never have pie again!

I have started eating out a bit, also. Appleby’s, Chili’s, Red Robin and Outback do an excellent job by me, even with my added requirements. Carl’s Gluten-Sensitive Burgers? – bad news! I got a horrible reaction!

Good luck to you! Happy health – it’s worth the work!


6 Allergy Guy January 30, 2012 at 09:33

Are you saying you think you HAVE found the secret, or that you have NOT found the secret? Bit confused about your opening line.


7 Andrea January 30, 2012 at 10:57

Carbs are always a problem since we don’t get the huge influxes of simple carbs in our diets that others do unless, we take time to bake our own.

As far as eating sub-grains, including corn and rice, I have no doubt, I react to them openly, and my brain fog, ataxia, cleared almost immediately after I gave them up, along with the constant headache I’d been walking around with for over a year. There’s no doubt they were having an adverse effect upon me.

8 Andrea November 12, 2011 at 13:03

The problem with pseudo-grains is cross contamination in the mills – I believe. I recently made a glass (bean curd) noodle recipe and had three days of leftovers afterwards. I was fine the first two days, but on the third, I had a reaction. After contacting the company, I learned they also make a variety of rice noodles there so… I can only presume that the cause of my reaction was cross contamination with rice. Because I have been so sick and my recovery so slowed, I have sworn off anything that is run through the milling process or, otherwise falls under the heading of ‘processed.’ Similarly, I haven’t eaten out or, even touched anything that I didn’t personally prepare in the last year. I recognize that I am exceptionally sensitive however, I am yet to decide if that in of itself is a blessing or, a curse. Reason being that at least I know when my body is being damaged unlike so many other persons with celiac who don’t outwardly react and continue to eat all of the above. At any rate, I don’t have any magical grain replacement recipes due to the fact that I am unable to participate in such. I am on a strict paleo-diet – no soy, no processed sugars and only aged cheeses, ghee and greek yogurt for my dairy. And, I am, finally, up walking around.

Thank gosh for the work of Dr. Peter Osborne and the video he has posted on his Gluten Free Society website named, Gluten – What is it? I sincerely feel that he has (temporarily) saved my life….:o) If you’re not familiar, you should definitely take the time to watch it. It’s good stuff.


9 Allergy Guy November 13, 2011 at 23:20

Cross-contamination can definitely be a problem. Some brands, like Red Mill, have two types of the same product, one “gluten-free”, the other possibly cross-contaminated. There are so many allergies people have it would be hard to prevent all cross-contamination with anything.

You could make your own flour with a flour mill or in small batches with a coffee grinder.


10 Andrea November 11, 2011 at 09:10

Having been diagnosed in July 2010 after being sick for 18 years and severely sick for the last ten, I deleted all grains from my diet initially. Upon attempting to re-work substitute grains into my diet some months later, I immediately recognized that I reacted to all substitute grains just as I did wheat, barley and rye. Still very ill, I deleted corn and rice from my diet months later and soon found that I reacted to them, also – even when slight contamination was consumed. I found that I did not get significantly better until I diligently removed all corn and rice additives from my diet, also.


11 Allergy Guy November 12, 2011 at 12:11

That’s a drag, Andrea.

You may be OK with ‘pseudo-grains’, grain-like foods from broad-leafed plants such as buckwheat (nothing to do with wheat), quinoa, amaranth. Also, there are many tubers besides potatoes. You will have to be inventive in the kitchen to replace the food you’re used to with new yummy foods you can eat, but you will work it out over time. Feel free to share recipes!


12 Allergy Guy January 30, 2012 at 17:32

Here are a couple of points Andrea.

First, there is a whole range of tubers, such as potatoes, sweet potatoes, taro root, cassava etc to get simple carbs from.

But the second point is that huge influxes of simple carbs are best avoided. They cause fluctuations in sugar levels, leading to a rise in energy (possibly too much, with the excess being converted into fat) followed by too little.

Complex carbs are much better. You are forced to eat more healthily by having to avoid baked goods. Except now there is lots of gluten-free prepared foods available, meaning celiacs can eat processed crap just like everyone else. This is hardly a contribution to celiac/gluten allergy health!


13 Andrea January 30, 2012 at 19:34

Right about the baked goods. I only do them when I really crave something! The list of carb veggies and fruits that I provided about seems about right. Thanks for your input.


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