Gluten Allergy | Glaiadin | Deamidated Gliadin | Allergy


by Allergy Guy

Glaiadin is one of the proteins that constitute gluten. It is also considered the primary culprit in triggering celiac disease, and certain other health problems.

The other protein that makes up gluten, glutenin, is generally not considered a celiac disease trigger, although it may play a part.  Further research is required in this area of gluten and the negative aspects of health.

Glaiadin, a type of prolamin, is found in cereals in the grass genus Triticum, especially wheat.

In other words, it is part of what makes up gluten found in wheat, but in other related grains also.  Not only is it part of gluten, more specifically, it is the nasty part of gluten and can trigger several different diseases, as explained later in this article.

Glaiadin Types

There are several types of gliadin, classified according to solubility in different solutions.  They also differ in how they trigger certain diseases.

  • α-/β-gliadins
  • γ-gliadins
  • ω-gliadins

All of the above types can trigger celiac disease.

ω-gliadins can cause Baker’s asthma, WD urticaria and wheat-dependent  exercise-induced anaphylaxis.

Deamidated Gliadin

This is a form of gliadin treated with an acid or an enzyme.  Normally, gliadins are not soluble in water.  Modern food processing being what it is, some manufacturers want it to disolve in water anyhow, and deamidated gliadin allows this.  This could trigger gluten allergy symptoms.


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