Gluten and Cross-Reactivity | Allergy

Gluten and Cross-Reactivity

by Allergy Guy

If you are sensitive to gluten in any way (allergic, celiac, etc.), the you must eliminate gluten from your diet in order to improve your health.

Even if you do eliminate all gluten from your diet, you may still find that your level of improvement is not nearly as much as it should be.

The fact is that most people who discover one allergy, find out that they have other allergies and sensitivities as well.

Some of the common problem foods for the gluten sensitive are:

If you are on a gluten-free diet, and you still don’t feel at your best, try eliminating the foods listed above.

I suggest that you remove all of these types of foods, all at once. With luck, you will feel much better after a few days (although it could take several weeks before you notice any improvement).

At this point, you can re-introduce foods and see if you still feel OK.

Reintroduce the foods one at a time, waiting several days before you decide if that food is OK or not. Depending on your reaction, you may get a negative reaction almost right away, or it could take several days before you notice anything.

As you reintroduce foods, you will be able to make a list of those foods you can tolerate, and those you can not.

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1 Mary March 2, 2011 at 14:37

That is the smallest gluten cross-reactivity list I have ever seen. Cross reactive means the body THINKS a gluten-free food is GLUTEN.

The most common cross reactive foods for Celiac Disease and gluten sensitivity are as follow:

Caffeine was found to be the most cross-reactive food
Soy (about 60% of Celiacs are soy intolerant)
Nightshade vegetables (Tomatoes, Potatoes…)
ALL grains, including rice
Sesame seeds
And the list goes on…


2 joanne May 3, 2010 at 00:21

I was wondering, when I handle (touch with hands), normal foods, and gluten free foods, can the ingredients somehow absorb into the skin on the hands? Like you would be preparing dinner for several people and I would do the cooking for both individuals, as far as cooking with gluten free foods and normal foods. Would this be cross contamination for the foods? I would like to know how to handle this situation? I am asking because last night I made chicken and noodles the gluten free way and the normal way. Okay, later on that night, I have several reactions going on with me. This is all new to me, just want some information from someone who knows??


3 Allergy Guy May 3, 2010 at 10:08

I’m not aware that gluten can be absorbed through the skin.

You do have to be careful when preparing gluten-free and contaminated meals, that you don’t use the same utensils to stir both pots, that you don’t have crumbs or other gluten-containing foods on the counter that get picked up by the gluten-free ingredients during preparation, and that you don’t have gobs of gluten (e.g. crumbs, buts of sticky batter) stuck to your hands that may cross-contaminate the gluten-free meal.

Preparing both types of meal is a bit risky, it is easy to unthinkingly slip up and cross-contaminate.


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